if aeris didnt die...

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I also don't see how Aerith liking Cloud more automatically equates to them ending up together. If Cloud isn't interested, he simply is not interested.

well if you read what i said you would notice that i said I THINK that they would have, not that they would have. so i was stating my opinion, not trying to state a fact. also what leads you to detirmine that he WASN't interested?
Yeah, I kind of believe they may have ended up together because they seemed to have shared a special bond together. Tifa and Cloud did too but I see them more as friends than anything. I wish Aeris didn't die in the game because I thought she was an awesome character, it would have been really nice to see them get together. It was a shame. I was never meant to be. :P
well if you read what i said you would notice that i said I THINK that they would have, not that they would have. so i was stating my opinion, not trying to state a fact.

Even setting aside that you were not actually stating an opinion (prefacing statements with "I think" does not turn a statement into an opinion), even opinions are not sacrosanct if they stray from the realm of the wholly subjective, which your statement did.

also what leads you to detirmine that he WASN't interested?

Setting aside for the moment that you are asking me to prove a negative- while assuming the positive claim to be true without evidence, AKA reversing the burden of proof- an inherently fallacious demand, Cloud has never shown that he was interested in Aerith. He has never placed her on the pedastal that he repeatedly and explicitly places Tifa upon.
Now then, to place the burden of proof where it rightly belongs, what leads you to determine that he actually was interested in Aerith?

Yeah, I kind of believe they may have ended up together because they seemed to have shared a special bond together.

Yeah, but so do Wolverine and Jubilee. The question is whether the special bond was friendly, filial, or romantic. It does not appear to have been the latter.

Tifa and Cloud did too but I see them more as friends than anything.

I keep seeing people say this, but they never seem to explain why they see C and T as just friends. It just does not jive with what we see and the conventions of storytelling.

I wish Aeris didn't die in the game because I thought she was an awesome character, it would have been really nice to see them get together. It was a shame. I was never meant to be. :P

Nope. That it wasn't.
Well,if she didn't die,the game wouldn't have made any sense.To answer your question...yes! I think they would've definitely gotten togther if she would have never died! Sadly,though,she did. >_<

I would've felt really bad for Tifa,though.

yeah, i think cloud would have fallen for her, she was that sweet girl next door type, who wouldn't fall for her?(not counting the pervs that only like big boobs, lol) but to no avail, if she doesn't die, she doesn't cast holly, and without her spirit inside of sephy, his power wouldn't be limited and he would have mopped the floor with cloud ^_^
aeris in spirt saved the world really, cloud just helped >_>
Well,if she didn't die,the game wouldn't have made any sense.To answer your question...yes! I think they would've definitely gotten togther if she would have never died! Sadly,though,she did. >_<

I would've felt really bad for Tifa,though.

Could you explain why you think Cloud and Aerith would have gotten together? I'm curious.

yeah, i think cloud would have fallen for her, she was that sweet girl next door type, who wouldn't fall for her?(not counting the pervs that only like big boobs, lol)

Actually, Tifa is the girl next door type (in addition to being the literal girl next door), though it is kind of telling that you think that people like Tifa just because of her chest (speaking of chests, anyone seen Aerith's in the CC preview? They're giving her guns this time round)

but to no avail, if she doesn't die, she doesn't cast holly, and without her spirit inside of sephy, his power wouldn't be limited and he would have mopped the floor with cloud ^_^
aeris in spirt saved the world really, cloud just helped >_>

Wait, WHAT? Where did that come from? No, really. Aerith did not need to die for Holy to come forth, Aerith's spirit was never inside Sephiroth, she couldn't even approach the part of the lifestream he was hunkered down in, and the only interaction she had with Sephy was blocking his spirit energy from trying to infect Cloud after the former's defeat to the latter in the lifestream.
Not to belittle the lady, but she didn't do any of what you just said she did. Where did you get that all from?
I think it's good Aries died (even though she was a great character), because it added a huge amount of depth into the storyline. I mean, if Aries didn't die, Advent Children probably wouldn't have been made, because it wouldnt' serve a purpose and Crisis Core wouldn't be made , because people think 'Cloud' was the main character, which he was, but Aries had just as much importance in the storyline
Yep totally, it's what makes the game so special and unique.

I don't understand though, why do people insist on this question all the time? She's dead get over it, Cloud finally did :D. And I don't know if she'd end up with Cloud, cause the same things wouldn't have happened for sure... plus i like it this way too. Also I think he'd feel the same way if anyone from the group died, Tifa or Barret.
He would, as would I, in actual fact, I think Red dying would have had a more profound impression on me.

Pinky had to die, it was her fate. But she did go out in a blaze of glory. If I have to die, give me Masamune anyday.
I don't think Cloud would've reacted quite the same had, say, Yuffie died. I can see him reacting the same, if not worse, had Tifa died since he had the most history with her, though.
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