if i/you left, would you care?

If you left, to be honest I probably wouldn't care seeing as we don't do 1 on 1 talking on here as such. Infact there nobodie on here I would miss apart from possibly Rhea and a few others but even then its not a big deal. Infact I wouldnt even notice you gone unless you did one of thos attention whoring 'goodbye' threads.

If I left I wouldn't give two shits seeing as I left for a reason, be it my own or forcebly banned. Im not a type of poster to go ''omgz ive had such great time on here but i think i should leave for the best'' or some shizzle like that. I don't expect anyone to miss me for pretty much the same reasons I wouldn't miss them.

Then again, I probably would miss some of the 'FFVII remake anal lovers'. My week just ain't complete if I don't see a thread or post about it and then flame them to oblivion :P
i wonder if anyone would miss me hmmmm
i would miss my rpg buddies and high posting members ^_^
I'd miss you, Dark...even though you're on my MSN list. :P You make some pretty damn good posts here, and it would suck if you leave. Let's see...oh! I'd especially miss training with you on RPG Inferno, lol! Really, who would train me if you're gone, huh? -Grins- Kidding.

Anyway, same goes for everyone. I'd miss those whom I interact with here, newbie or not.
Well, Dark fantasy, you have gave your opinion on many boards, so I think a lot of people will miss you. Omnislasher, as the leader of the One-Winged Angels, at least all of us fellow angels will miss you. As for me, I only know two people very well, Bustersword07 and Al_Bhed_Expert, so those two would probably miss me, just a little bit. Besides, I'm the one who got them onto this forum in the first place!
I'd miss you if you left, but only because I like to laugh at some of your posts.

I don't really know anyone on here well at all, despite the longevity of my presence on the forum. I just don't interact with you fellows enough/at all. Even though, you know, I should 'n' stuffs.

But if I left, it'd probably be for a good reason. So no, I don't think I'd care. Unless I got to know people more, so perhaps then I'd be somewhat bothered.
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is that so, well i think there would be some people that would miss you moon child you do post alot you know
Probably right actually, if I stoped posting here the Mods will get bored for not having any of my posts to delete, give me infractions, or generaly tell me to calm the fuck down with my language and abusiveness to other members on a regular basis.

And it seems im one of the very few who actually look into the stories of FF's, especially VII, in detail and dig up the facts for it so that less capable people can read and gain knowlage from my posts away from others who....just make that shit up I guess :P

Pfft Zack's the guy in the Slums my arse :rolleyes: haha