If life were more like Final Fantasy...

You could go for days with out eating or sleep, and still be able to take down monsters on a regular basis
Jumping is against the law, unless in a cutscene or you have it as a battle ability.
You'd learn to realise that most people are happy with spending their entire lives in a single room and possition.
When the time comes, a hero would always come out of nowhere and liberate the oppressed and destroy the enemy tyrant without even asking for sexual favors.
Everytime you moved around there would be music, depending on your situation/the heightened state of the possible end of the world.
If you see an animal while walking about outside you KILL IT!!! :woot:
You don't need a licence to buy weapons as dangerous as spears or instant deathbringing swords- anyone can buy them even if you are a teenager. The shopkeeper will instantly take your word that you will only use these weapons to cause monsters to disintegrate to Pyreflies or black smoke or whatever- and not to go around dismembering civilians in a town or dislodging your party's limbs.