if no more final fantasy, what to play/cult


ShinRa Guard
Mar 5, 2011
i realise that final fantasy my live longer then my 80-100 years (lol aim high) yet what would come to replace it for the fans? i have to say golden sun is one, though its at its end i dout, the ds release was awesome
To be honest, I used to think that I was a big fan of JRPGs.

After playing many non-FF games though I've discovered that I'm just a fan of the FF series.

I've played Lost Odyssey, Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery, Enchanted Arms and Star Ocean, and whilst I've enjoyed some of them, ultimately I always feel disappointed when I realise that it's just not a FF game.

If they never made any more FF games then I suspect that I'd just end up playing VI-X ad infinitum.
I'll move on to the fighting games I guess. Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken etc. Not much other JRPGS rival Final Fantasy expect maybe the Tales series, and sometimes Europe doesn't get the games, same with the Persona series. Which kinda sucks, if you ask me. Where's the love for Europe ? :sad3:
That's a good question. I don't think we'll convert to anything as a collective, but I'll probably go back to Pokemon or play Mother/Xenogears/Persona/Chrono Trigger which I've been planning on playing after I'm done with every FF. o_o

There's nothing that can replace FF for probably anyone here, and that's why we're here, because this series is special to all of us. Perhaps in different ways, but special none the less, and no other series can take the memories of these games away or replace them.

But that's just me rambling.
I have thought about this before. The game will end up stopping in progress - whether if I'm still alive or not, I haven't been paying much attention to Square's news lately. Of course, my FF games are several of my prized possessions - I probably wouldn't let anyone have them once I'm dead and gone :wacky: - but I have my other tastes in video games that I like as well. I would more than likely play the Lunar series more often since that's another game that I've been playing since childhood, as well as Kingdom Hearts since its the second game that I play the most next to FF. There's an endless selection of game series I could play if I wanted to . :hmmm:
i guess back to pokemon for me?? lol

Mod Edit: Try and expand on this post a little bit more if that's alright as we generally discourage short little one-liners in a post count section. =]
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I would probably play the Final Fantasy series over and over until something decent came out in its place. Admittedly, nothing will ever be as good as Final Fantasy in my opinion due to it linking to my childhood. It was something I grew up with so the whole thought of it coming to an end for me is something I have trouble imagining. :hmmm:

I've often played games like Star Ocean and Kingdom Hearts among other series but Final Fantasy is a big part of my gaming time/life. As people have already mentioned, Pokemon is always an option but the games have went downhill for me. I'd rather read the manga and collect the merchandise. I guess I would have to put myself out there and start to look for another obsession.
No more Final Fantasy? Don't make me laugh. If they take Final Fantasy away, then I'm going to start playing Final Fantasy in the streets. Galbadian soldiers running down the stairs, Sephiroth smashing up the place, me summoning Shiva in the midst of a busy shopping centre, brimstone and fire - ME GETTING REALLY ANGRY AND UNLEASHING A LIMIT BREAK ON A SHOCKED OLD LADY WHO IS WALKING PAST WITH HER SHOPPING - followed by an epic battle which involves a strawberry cheesecake and a dead Yu Yevon ('cause you don't really need much more than a cheesecake to beat that fugly mother fugly). Yes, coalition government beware. The Chivalry Augustus is about to unleash two teaspoons of IMAGINATION. And a little bag of cannabis maybe.
There would be plenty of games that would replace Final Fantasy, it's not exactly dominant in the west anymore. Uncharted, Dragon Age, Fallout, Bioshock CoD, Mass Effect, the multiple other AAA titles going. Finding a replacement for Final Fantasy really wouldn't be difficult imo especially since Square-Enix takes an age to release a title for the main series.
There are plenty of JRPG alternatives anyway for Final Fantasy, from Dragon Quest to whatever Tri-Ace is making these days. In fact with companies like Tri-Ace and Atlus, they're creating projects that are substantially more interesting and even innovative than a lot of what I've seen from Final Fantasy lately. As Ryan above has already said, the time frame between FF releases nowadays is getting absurdly long due to the nature of developing for HD consoles, so it isn't exactly too difficult to contemplate a long length of time without FF at all. You'll easily have something else to play even if you choose to stick to the JRPG genre mostly as there isn't exactly a shortage of them on the market at the present time.
To be honest if I've ever looked for something different to FF it's always been in another genre or a different kind of rpg. You won't really get a like for like replacement of FF unless it's something remarkably similar like Dragon Quest of Chrono Trigger. The Zelda series has been an adequate replacement over the years for me but that's not quite the same game it's more of an adventure game. But yeah if it's not FF I'm not the kind to force the issue I'll just play a racing/shooter/etc game.