If Only...

FFVIII for me as well and all due to the characters. I think if I could have related to just ONE of them it would have bee tons more enjoyable. I would have applauded if Ultimecia won in the end and had all 6 main characters lined up and shot by a firing squad, but sadly, Ultimecia was defeated.

I had originally always bashed the plot about villain jumping from Seifer, to Edea, to Adel, then Ultimecia, but as I read up on the plot more and look back at the references made in-game, it seems to make more sense. Sure Adel could have been eliminated and saved soemtime, but that actually was one of my favorite FMV's from that game so i can't really complain there.

New characters though is the biggie for me here.
I would have enjoyed X more if we would have gotten an world map and a controllable air ship. I really didn't like how linear it was.

Oh yeah, and if the melondrama was cut down a bit. Maybe if some of the voice actors were better so I didn't have to cringe every time certain characters spoke.

I don't hate X or anything, it's just probably my least favorite of the series.

As for X2... It is unsavable...

Mine is VI...yeah...the plot is short,yes.
But the cast and systems is great. My friends think that,too.
FFVIII for many reasons.

Lack of backstory - LYKZOMGWEREALLORPHANSANDEDEALOOKEDAFTERUSANDNOWWEHAVENOMEMORIES!!! oh and I hate my dad - lets form a rebel group!!! yyay!!!


Battle system

the draw system should die - seriously its pointles annoying and infuritating, it also makes magic obsolete as you cant use it if you wish to keep your stats.

i could go on but meh im tired..and ill and ill probably repeat what others have said anyway :P
X as i already put in the rate x threa d because its just not good at all i didnt like anything except the true movies and oly cuz of graphics and not the plot
For me, it's X, for the simple reason that it was so pathetically easy and linear that a six year old could beat it without much trouble. That and I hated Tidus. Whiners with daddy issues piss me off.