If there was another playable character, who would you prefer it to have been?

I think Kefka would be a good playable character.
Being batshit insane and killing everyone would be fun. Destroying towns with the 'light of judgement' would also be fun, and killing all those evil espers.
In FFIX I think Beatrix should have become a member of the party. It wouldn't have changed the storyline really, and she would have been a big help.

Also, I would have loved to have Mrjn join the party in FFXII. The viera were my favorite race in the game, so it would have just been totally awesome to have two of them in the group ^^
I think in FFVII that they shouldn't have killed off Jessie, so that she could've joined the team. Biggs & Wedge I think were dispensable (I thought they were awesome, it's nothing personal), because they're trademark characters. They've also never been permanent parts of the team. If Jessie had lived though, since she isn't a trademark name, she so should've been playable. She could've been an alternative love interest to Tifa and Aeris. I wasn't the only one that noticed her affection right? Also in FFVII, Reeve, it could have been an option to choose if Reeve replaces Cait Sith, coming in at whatever level he was at, or to have him continue helping as Cait Sith. I suppose it would interfere a bit with the story though.

In FFVIII it would have been awesome to have Xu as a playable character, and there was no reason why not. Also, if Nida could have joined, that'd be spectacular. Since the Garden didn't move when the party wasn't in it, there was no reason he couldn't have tagged along. Clearly he had battle prowess if he was one of the four who passed (and the only of the four who didn't join the party). He'd have been better than Selphie no matter, so I don't see why not. Nida was the shiiit.
I hope that Beatrix could have been playable for longer. (If possible, permanent.)
She could've had a much bigger role for FF9. Not just a bodyguard for the throne, but a heroine.

I actually still anticipate the part in that game when she joins the team. <_<
I think Shuyin and Lenne would be fun too play with, she being a summoner and all in that songstress outfit would be great, wonder what kind of aeons she would have?
Also I would really love to play with more summons, FFX did a great job in that but I want more of them to be playable
Been thinking again.
I really would have liked
Golbez as a playable character for a short while after he became good, or should I say, no longer possessed by the evil forces of Zemus.
beatrix is my choice, she was so cool(one of my favorite characters from IX)
I was pissed that she didn't become a permanent member, I love her(actually I hacked the game with a gameshark to have her but, the game didn't work very well,lots of bugs)
Edea would be a second choice.