If you believe in FF then you must believe...


Chocobo Breeder
Jan 17, 2007
okay okay.. i'm a die hard fan of all final fantasy games. well, final fantasy games are basically based on mythology. most of us would wonder if this life could be true in the fantasy world. well, it does in other cultures like the summon Ifrit. He is based off Islamic culture. To them he was real. As for other things like odin, he was based off norse mythology with valkyries and stuff like that. So if you really wish that the fantasy world exist, it already exist. Religion and mythology are the biggest part of all role playing games. Sometimes when I think about it. I believe that mythology was or is real. So which do you believe in? the world you live in now or the world mythology (which is fantasy)?

i believe in mythology
Intresting subject, I'm not sure if it belongs in this section or what but nontheless, You know, I'm not to sure. I believe in the now, the things that go on in reality. Although, I meditate very often, and I come to realize that nothing is real, nothing is as it seems. How do you define real exactly? If your suggesting that all of these mythological Gods(summons if you will) are real, then no, I do not believe in that. I'm actually having quite a hard time answering this question, as I do not fully understand it, but no, I do not believe in mythology. To tell you the truth, I'm not too sure what exactly I believe in, but I'm still young and I have plenty of time to search for the true answers.

yeah.. i suppose most people would pick reality but don't you think that all of this could've happened before. if you think about it. all ff series are really a re enactment of the past stories except with all the technology of course. it's crazy haha but somehow and some way this all happened before hand.
In theory you shouldn't call it Mythology, because Mythology is a story of something that isn't real.

So by saying you believe in something that isn't real is a bit daft.

Y'see what I'm getting at?
okay okay.. i'm a die hard fan of all final fantasy games. well, final fantasy games are basically based on mythology. most of us would wonder if this life could be true in the fantasy world. well, it does in other cultures like the summon Ifrit. He is based off Islamic culture. To them he was real. As for other things like odin, he was based off norse mythology with valkyries and stuff like that. So if you really wish that the fantasy world exist, it already exist. Religion and mythology are the biggest part of all role playing games. Sometimes when I think about it. I believe that mythology was or is real. So which do you believe in? the world you live in now or the world mythology (which is fantasy)?

i believe in mythology
Hi sui-fei,

As humans, we practically live in a fantasy world of our own making anyway. Think of concepts such as truth, justice and freedom. Give me the Universe and filter it through the finest sieve in existence and then filter it through some more and show me one particle of truth, or justice and freedom. Yet we humans live as if these concepts were truly real.

We live in little worlds. We don't strictly, live on this ball of rock called Earth, because we live in a world that spins conveniently in the centre of our brains.

Some of the things you mentioned like Ifrit and Odin aren't strictly mythology. These were actual deities that were worshipped in religions. Sure, there's lots of stories in Holy Scriptures and so forth, but they are stories based on a spiritual faith and belief. Something like the Legend of King Arthur, for example, is a true mythology ... not based on religion or faith. Merlin is another example of a mythology.

Of course, one of the greatest aspects of Final Fantasy is that it 'borrows' mythologies, stories and legends from lots of different cultures and then mixes them all up in an entirely new world that, in a way, also enables us to reflect on our own world as well.

Interestingly, Final Fantasy has always, in my opinion, borrowed heavily from Shamanistic and Celtic beliefs. Look 'em up. ^_^

Intresting subject, I'm not sure if it belongs in this section or what but nontheless, You know, I'm not to sure. I believe in the now, the things that go on in reality. Although, I meditate very often, and I come to realize that nothing is real, nothing is as it seems. How do you define real exactly? If your suggesting that all of these mythological Gods(summons if you will) are real, then no, I do not believe in that. I'm actually having quite a hard time answering this question, as I do not fully understand it, but no, I do not believe in mythology. To tell you the truth, I'm not too sure what exactly I believe in, but I'm still young and I have plenty of time to search for the true answers.
Hi Link,

Interestingly, you started adopting a very Buddhist approach there, when you mentioned about what we humans call 'real' merely being an illusion. In short, a large chunk of Buddhism cites all suffering as being rooted in trying to crasp and hold on to a reality that is never fixed but is impermanent and is always changing. Enlightenment comes, then, when one finally perceives direct insight into reality.

Like you, I don't believe in mythologies, but I believe that other people believe. And whilst they may not be real, in a strict sense, they still enable us to learn and reflect back on our own lives ... perhaps.

P.S. Keep up with the meditation.
How can you not believe in mythology, sure it may not have happened but if the story is here how can you not believe it happened. And with all these stories it would have taken thousands of year to make them up. So some must have happened because humans haven't even been human for that long... I do believe in Mythology and I do also believe that some of the stories happened not the completely unreal ones though like Ragnarok in Norse Mythology... Anyways if you want detail someone just say something and I'll be back to finish my statement, for now I think this will do...
How can you not believe in mythology, sure it may not have happened but if the story is here how can you not believe it happened.
Because, sometimes, stories are just that ... stories.

And how, exactly, do you mean 'believe in them?' Do I believe that all mythologies are true and actually happened? No. Do I believe that mythologies are useful things to learn? Yes, certainly.

Sometimes, mythologies are written by people in order to express a concept, or show the world in a different light, sometimes even to explain the world around us. Mythologies, in this sense, are useful to learn. They are 'tools' to a higher sense of understanding. But believing that they are 'true' and 'factual' is to immerse oneself into a world of fantasy that isn't truly 'real'.
Hi sui-fei,

As humans, we practically live in a fantasy world of our own making anyway. Think of concepts such as truth, justice and freedom. Give me the Universe and filter it through the finest sieve in existence and then filter it through some more and show me one particle of truth, or justice and freedom. Yet we humans live as if these concepts were truly real.

We live in little worlds. We don't strictly, live on this ball of rock called Earth, because we live in a world that spins conveniently in the centre of our brains.

Some of the things you mentioned like Ifrit and Odin aren't strictly mythology. These were actual deities that were worshipped in religions. Sure, there's lots of stories in Holy Scriptures and so forth, but they are stories based on a spiritual faith and belief. Something like the Legend of King Arthur, for example, is a true mythology ... not based on religion or faith. Merlin is another example of a mythology.

Of course, one of the greatest aspects of Final Fantasy is that it 'borrows' mythologies, stories and legends from lots of different cultures and then mixes them all up in an entirely new world that, in a way, also enables us to reflect on our own world as well.

Interestingly, Final Fantasy has always, in my opinion, borrowed heavily from Shamanistic and Celtic beliefs. Look 'em up. ^_^

Hi Link,

Interestingly, you started adopting a very Buddhist approach there, when you mentioned about what we humans call 'real' merely being an illusion. In short, a large chunk of Buddhism cites all suffering as being rooted in trying to crasp and hold on to a reality that is never fixed but is impermanent and is always changing. Enlightenment comes, then, when one finally perceives direct insight into reality.

Like you, I don't believe in mythologies, but I believe that other people believe. And whilst they may not be real, in a strict sense, they still enable us to learn and reflect back on our own lives ... perhaps.

P.S. Keep up with the meditation.

Well, I am a Buddhist. Atleast somebody can tell...
okay okay.. i'm a die hard fan of all final fantasy games. well, final fantasy games are basically based on mythology. most of us would wonder if this life could be true in the fantasy world. well, it does in other cultures like the summon Ifrit. He is based off Islamic culture. To them he was real. As for other things like odin, he was based off norse mythology with valkyries and stuff like that. So if you really wish that the fantasy world exist, it already exist. Religion and mythology are the biggest part of all role playing games. Sometimes when I think about it. I believe that mythology was or is real. So which do you believe in? the world you live in now or the world mythology (which is fantasy)?

i believe in mythology
yes! great thread! which on forums is hard to find nowadays!
I really dunno the answer of this question!O_O

But... in my opinion.. something like these Gods really exsisted before!^^
I mean.. is all like: Fairies exisist? Dwarves.. unicorns...

I think that they were on the Earth few centuries ago!^^
I mean... How all the people of the whole world know what are fairies?^^
Surely, something like existed before!^^

So.. i believe in both of the worlds.^^
Mythologycal... and now.^^

Hmm, kinda hard to answer. I don't really believe in mythology...I'm more into reality. I guess you can say that I like the idea that there's fantasy stories being created, and I enjoy learning about them. But that's far as it goes for me though.

Mythology is exactly what the name suggests...the study of myth. I do believe in the study of myth yes, because people do it all the time. But I don't believe in the actual myth or that it has ever existed.
Mythology is called Mythology for a reason. For example, not all Nordic people believe that Odin is the God of all Gods, nor do they worship him. Mythologies in Norway are also known as folk tales. Meaning those people made up the stories of the Gods.
Because, sometimes, stories are just that ... stories.

And how, exactly, do you mean 'believe in them?' Do I believe that all mythologies are true and actually happened? No. Do I believe that mythologies are useful things to learn? Yes, certainly.

Sometimes, mythologies are written by people in order to express a concept, or show the world in a different light, sometimes even to explain the world around us. Mythologies, in this sense, are useful to learn. They are 'tools' to a higher sense of understanding. But believing that they are 'true' and 'factual' is to immerse oneself into a world of fantasy that isn't truly 'real'.
As I said later in my statement, Sure some of the stories may not be true, and maybe those completely outrageous ones are just there to explain stuff. But with all of the stuff flying around, some of it must have happened. If there was no truth to Mythology life would not be the same, if none of it had happened. I mean think about it. In Greek Mythology the Titan Prometheus who could tell the future, gave man fire. Zues punished him by binding him to a giant rock with chains he could not break then having an eagle eat his liver once a day (he was immortal so it grew back) There is no proof whatsoever that this never happened. Only stories. See where I'm going with this?