If you could live anywhere...

I'd live in Lindblum, bermecia, Terra(bran bal) or Daguerreo all the good fun places
Treno. So much activity at night, just an overall awesome looking suburban area that's booming. Sorta like a small Vegas, but still, has a lot to offer for activities.
I'd probably go with either Daguerreo, or Alexandria.... they're both in beautiful locations! Then again, I guess it might get a little boring in Daguerreo - it is a bit out of the way after all....
Admitted, it would be really neat to visit Terra...but everyone there is so boring. O_O
The Black Mage Village seems pretty peaceful but I'd have to go with Daguerreo. :D
The world of FF9 is probably one of my favorite worlds in all the FF series. Therefor, I would not be able to pick a single town or village to settle in. Instead, I would be a wanderer (kinda like Fratley). That way I could see all the wonderful places of FF9.
Treno! Or Black Mage Village... Or Daguerreo...

Treno, cuz its tight.

BMV Cuz the black mages seem like really nice people, and I'd like to get to know them. And learn how to cast fire. Haha.

Daguerreo cuz Its just really pretty, and lots of smart people. I could learn everything I need to know about everything.
You're right, memoria would be really fun...just...if only it was populated. LOL.

Crystal world?!
For snerious? o_O
well its pretty ^_^
all those crystals (and crystal monsters as well)
What is with you and living with monsters? :blink:

Man you must be begging for the afterlife to come. LOL.
but the monsters are pretty
and come on you just gotta love those crystal tiamats in the in crystal world ^_^
oeilvert wouldnt be too bad cause it has ark there ^_^
Oh I LOVED Oeilvert!
It has the best music, and it's full of all kinds of great goodies!
And the best place to level up as well!
yeah! the moogle there was sellin alot of good gems ^_^
i love things that are shiny like crystal , the pumice piece and diamond ^_^
although it did have alot of monsters