If you could Live in....

World:FF X
What would you do there?: play blitz ball and become a guardian.
Would i meet main character: No way!! I would search for the legendary Auron and have him train me.
Oggg if we could meet characters, I would go to FFVII and meet Red XIII and go on adventures with him. ^_^
I would go to ff12 world cause it seems more safe and easy to get gil to me cause if i kill the bunnys in giza plains they dont attack me and i sell the loot and make a living :)
I'd go live in FFVIII world...become a cool Sorceress and yes, I'd go meet Squall and do...something. Not kill him, of course!
I would love to live in the VIII world and attend to BALAMB GARDEN that is sooo cool!!
then again I would like to live in the IX world and spend my days in the pub in Lindblum, yea thats great too

but what I want the most is to live in SPIRA in a small village like besaid and chillin' and relaxin' ...ahhhh