If you could raid any celebrity's wardrobe...

Hmm, it comes down to two people...

John Cena: No doubt he's got every T-shirt ever made for him. So I'd raid his wardrobe to complete my collection of Cena T-shirts. That would be pretty cool. I'd also take some of his jorts just because I want to.

Chris Jericho: That damn light up jacket gets me every single fricken time. You had best get to believing that if that jacket was sold to the public, that shizz would have been on my Christmas list. I would steal that jacket and run for the heavens. But while I'm running I'd turn it on and wear it myself while singing his theme song.

"Come on, you know I got you, yeah. Break the walls down!"

Ah yes. Jericho would be the one.
Chris Hemsworth :inlove:

Right now, it's only because he's such a cutie/hunk and having an article of his clothing would make me melt :tehe:

Idk if it's against the rules, but I would also raid Zachary Quinto's wardrobe... More so because if I was caught I would hope it would turn into something... :ohoho: