If you could shake the hand of any person in history, who would it be?

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Money for Nothing
Mar 4, 2007
This came up last night when i was talking with my mate he said winston churchill which i thought was a very good answer.
Me myself id shake the hand of Jim Morrison he was the lead singer of the 60s group the doors. Everything about this guy facinates me, his music, poetry and his general lifestyle i find so intriguing. So id shake his hand and say thanks for the music, without him a lot of bands i like probadly would never have formed.

How bout u folks?
The very first person to really fight for the conservation of Tigers and their natural habitats. The name escapes me, but people like that who fight against the large negativity of animal preservation are very courageous and amazing people to look up to.
If i could go back in time and shake anyone's hand, i'd want to shake the hand of Bill Shankly. The man had an aura about him that just made him great, and everything i've seen or heard about the man has been nothing but good things too. I'd really want to shake his hand because he was the man who made the football team i support what it is today.

It's a pretty irreverent choice when compared to philosophers or philanthropists and such, but meh, that's my choice.
If i could go back in history to shake anyones hand, it would have to be Samuel Du Champlain. He was the first person to interact with the natives, and actually start something which ended up to be Canada. I would love to meet him and talk to him about his encounters with the natives and how he got through everything. Him or Tecumseh. Would love to talk to him about how he won over Fort Detriot with Brock losing no men on either side..
Walt Disney himself. :wacky:

His legacy has lived on after his death, he provided the world with hours of entertainment and memories of immeasurable proportions and he was generally the person to make my childhood. xD A great icon, imo.

I don't agree with the whole kill the Jews thing, but on the whole his ideas were good. I don't see what was wrong with uniting all German people in one country and wanting to take back the land he had lost and making Germany great again etc. Plus he had the balls to go against France and Britain and show everyone we aren't as good as what we think...the Holocaust was just a stain on his profile. :(


"The holocaust was bad but lets just ignore that 'cause the IDEA behind it was right"??

NO THANKS. Hitler was very good with words, which is how he managed to convince the majority of an entire country that what he was doing was right. The entire world has learnt from that mistake. Don't be fooled by whatever it is that has convinced you that what you just said is right. "Uniting all German people?" Please - German as long as they conformed to his physical, religious and political standards.


I think I'd shake the hand of Shakespeare, Martin Luther King and Thomas More. Shakespeare because he is the grand-daddy of all literature, I and many others think he is an utter genius to this day, and his language (and command thereof) is just epic. Martin Luther King for obvious reasons - striving for equality and never giving up. And Thomas more for standing firm for his beliefs - he was a Christian, which I am not... really >_>... but I admire that he had such fervent belief in himself and his faith and he stood strong even in the face of the king for them, and in the end died for it without ever backing down.
If I could go back through time to shake anyone's hand it would definitely be General George Washington. Because without him USA would have never made it in a war against Great Britain. Not a great president but a great general. My whole way of life and thinking would be completely different if he had not commanded our Army. And plus the thought of having fish and chips instead of hotdog and french fries and driving on the left side of the road kinda freaks me out a bit. (No offense Brits)
Sir Thomas Cochrane.

If I could go back through time to shake anyone's hand it would definitely be General George Washington. Because without him USA would have never made it in a war against Great Britain. Not a great president but a great general. My whole way of life and thinking would be completely different if he had not commanded our Army. And plus the thought of having fish and chips instead of hotdog and french fries and driving on the left side of the road kinda freaks me out a bit. (No offense Brits)

Washington was an awful general.

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Firstly the guy was a military genius, in the Russian civil war the Red army slaughtered the white royalists including the british, the americans and the french. He basically raped all the world's superpowers.
Secondly he was a genius. He spoke six languages and along with Lenin, whose hand I'd also like to shake, he put created a brand of Euro-communism.
He also gets +rep for shooting the Tsar.
All in all a really cool guy.
hmm despite the fact that im not scottish, Id shake the hand of robert the bruce, he and his fellow scotsmen did a very brave thing standing up to the tyrancial rule of england and managed to not only gain scotland back as there own, but keep the traditions alive that the scotch people enjoy to this very day!
I would shake the hand of Zhuge Liang from the Three Kingdoms period. That man was such a brillant strategist of his time and he was also a great inventor as well. The Shu Kingdom won a lot of battles including the Battle of Red Cliff calling forth the southeastern wind to sweep Huang Gai's fire attack throughout Cao Cao's ships.
Jesus was the first and only name to spring to mind for me. Not that I'm particularly religious or anything, I just think it would be interesting to see what the real deal was with him. I wouldn't be surprised if I went back and found out that he was just some nutjob on drugs or something. I don't think I'd tell people if he was though, I wouldn't want to take people's faith away - not that most of them would believe me anyway even if I had a camcorder with me. If others want to find that out they should build their own time machine and find out for themselves. >_>
I would shake the hand of The Great Cid of spain who won a fight after death. In the battle of spain vs th musulmans he defended spain from many men. He told his batallion that since musulman are very superstitious if he was to be killed the batallion should fill his his body with arrows and send his body mounted on a horse towards the musulman army. Cid was felled and the batallion did as he said and the musulmans thought he was a demon and surrenderred. He has to be the best warrior in history and the only one who won a battle after death.
I would like to shake the hands of The King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson. No need to explain.

I also would like to shake the hands of Walt Disney and drink some coffee with him. Also with Ray Charles, 'coz he is a good artist. Also with Aristotle, Plato and Socrates, the three great Philosophers. I would like also to shake hands with Ninoy Aquino and Cory Aquino (they were Political Icons here).
I would probably shake the hand of Oskar Schindler - the German businessman who saved vast numbers of Jews from being killed in Auschwitz during the Second World War by employing them to work in his factories. I happened to be watching Schindler's List recently while my history class was covering the Nazi Germany part of the course.

I admire the man because of his resolve and his bravery. Though he was originally a member of the Nazi party, he was greatly affected by all the killings going on - and used bribery to get away with having Jews in his factories. After the war, he did weep during his farewells to the Jews he saved, lamenting about how he was unable to save many more lives.

If that isn't an example of a hero found in the most unlikeliest of places, I don't know what is.
K lol. Mine would be Elvis Presley, Freddie Mercury or Johnny Cash. I adore those 3 and their music has been with me since my childhood. Theres nothing more I would love then to shake the hands of these 3 incredible musicians and see them perform. I would be beyond happy.
Either Thomas Jefferson or Жосеф Сталин. Joseph Stalin.

TJ because he helped Washington both directly and indirectly against the British. He fully understood real liberty and had a great idea of how government should be, basing most of his ideals off of the British government. He held beliefs that he never wavered from under any circumstance and was all around a really strong person.

JS because he fully understood how governments work and how people act towards governments. He knew full well that Communism doesn't work on a national scale and manipulated the correct people in order to start the goal of making Communism on a global scale. And again, he held beliefs that never backed down from.
I would shake the hand of Zhuge Liang from the Three Kingdoms period. That man was such a brillant strategist of his time and he was also a great inventor as well. The Shu Kingdom won a lot of battles including the Battle of Red Cliff calling forth the southeastern wind to sweep Huang Gai's fire attack throughout Cao Cao's ships.

Can't blame you. I would shake Zhao Yun's hand or Ma Chao's hand.
I got plenty

Old dirty bastard
Notorious B.IG
Samuel Jackson
Ving Rhames
Barack Obama
Arnold Schwarzenegger

[Mod Edit: Could you state why you would like to meet these people. Simply stating who you would like to meet is not enough and is classed as spam. Posts like this in post count sections aren't allowed and may be deleted next time. Thanks. =)]
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