If you could shake the hand of any person in history, who would it be?

hmmm my top 5 would have to be

Nelson Mandella
Winston Churchill
Frank Sinatra
Sean Connery
King Henry VIII

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Jimi Hendrix
Abe Lincoln
Ben Franklin
Issac Newton
and Beethoven

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Boudicca! :awesome: She stood up to the Roman Empire after they screwed her out of her territory (gee, what a surprise) because of their male-inheritance-only laws, and she gave her life trying to weaken their hold on the regions of Britain that they were usurping. I think it's particularly awesome that she was a chief because the ancient Romans were such hypocritical, misogynistic bastards that they probably peed their pants seeing a woman being well-respected enough by her male tribe members to be elected leader :8F: "Barbarians" my ass--the Romans were the true barbarians, treating women like subservient shit when other cultures allowed them to rule, vote, fight in wars, and marry who they wanted to :mokken:

...Sorry, I just have to rant about ancient Rome whenever I get the chance. :rage: Bastards.

I would have to say Isaac Newton. I personally admire his work and how much he contributed to the name of science. :D
Every one knows my answer. President Thomas Jefferson.

He wrote the rough draft to the DoI, obviously supported the revolution, but did not support the original constitution, demanded all countries or states live by the BoR, designed and oversaw the construction of Virginia University (At the time, the first university to not be based around or have a church), and designed and constructed his own house, the Monticello.

He was one of the first people to want to abolish slavery completely, and being disappointed when it was taken out of the DoI and not even considered in the Constitution, he managed to outlaw the importation of slaves to Virginia.

He spoke several languages, but was most fluent in French, and was one of the few people at the time who advocated the stopping of sending any supplies of any kind to Great Britain during the Napoleonic Wars, believing that we should completely sever any ties with GB, and hoping the French would bring them to their knees.

Among other things. :P
I am going to have to say David Gilmour. I know he is still alive, but no one has inspired me like that man has. I work in the music industry so one day I may even be able to meet him, although it is unlikely.

Other than that, I would just like to sit and have some coffee with Einstein. I would love to pick his brain, especially now with all the advances in science.
Some crazy old guy tried to get my mother to name me Boudicca when she was pregnant with me... he still calls me that too.. I could shake your hand :awesome:

For me I'd have to shake John Lennon's hand. He strove so hard for peace, and the US government tried to kick him out of the country for being "communist" He might've been a little drugged out most of the time, but his music was always beautiful to me. and I think if he had lived longer, he would probably still be campaigning for peace
Martin Luther King would be the first one.He was a brave man and he had a dream.I don't his whole speach moved me and him supporting his vision was just admirable even though it cost him his life.Most people today are chickens,you only see those types of people rarely.
Another one would be Leonardo Da Vinci.He seems a whole lot of interesting.