If you had....


Dec 12, 2008
Got to fight Queen Brahne, what would you have imagined the fight to be like?

I would have loved to have Zidane stab her for the first strike, and all the air goes out of her and she deflates, flying away like a balloon. The party do their victory dances while she deflates. :lew:
This is just cruel. :wacky:

I'll just repeat what I said in the SB as well. I can imagine her sitting on her throne with her fan. When Zidane and company confronts her, she would remain sitting on her throne - her face would contort and turn purple - and solely attack by blasting a toxic Malboro-like gas at the party - giving them about a dozen status ailments.
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The battle would just be pathetic in my opinion. I bet before you could kill her a guard or some other idiotic minion of hers would come in and protect her while she fled with her tail between her fat legs.
I had pondered we'd have to fight her when first playing through it. Finding her on her back after being shot in the face by Bahamut was a little disappointing.

Giving it some thought now, I think she could have just summoned her Eidolons into the fray, or have artillery facing your party which fires on her command. Don't know how she'd stand against being attacked though. :hmmm:
I really think it'd be an unlosable fight, like with Sephiroth at the end of VII. Realistically, Eidolons or Beatrix would probably be there to protect her. I just think it would have been hilarious to fight her.
Lolz, indeed how cruel!!

Well Id say she would most probably use her fan as a weapon. Fanning herslef while she awaits to attack, throws the fan and spikes come out! Mwhahahahahaha! And maybe summons up afew guards to keep you busy whilst she heals herself.

i'd think she'd be a hard ass motherfucker tbh.

I bet she'd have high defense and really great magical powers. I bet she'd be a bitch and summon her eidolons and go postal on my ass. Maybe get some minons to fight me. Stupid guards >_>

as to where it would take place, no clue :wacky:

maybe she'll use her fan too damn stupid fan sending you flying. idunno, but i'm sure she'd be a mofo to kill.
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I doubt she'd do much in battle herself. She's a queen who would most likely was to sit in comfortable chair and order soldiers and monsters to do the fighting for her.

If there was a battle with her she would most likely summon monsters and soldiers to her aid mid-battle, and she'd just be sat there watching, laughing, dancing, grinning, fanning her face and yelling "wahhhh!" when the player breaks through the soldiers or monsters and strikes her.

I can't see her willing / capable of putting in the effort to fight well in a battle.
Seriously. When you get close to defeating her, just like Beatrix, she'd do some stupid ass thing to prevent you from finishing her off. Shes just like they say she is in the beggining if you say "Kidnap Queen Brahne" I alwasy choose that option until Baku gets PO'd
Hah! I actually made her in Soul Calibur III. She was the fat guy model with Paul Phoenix' hair and the fan style. I remember making two Freyas (Lance and Sueng Mina) the five Cleyran dancers and then Brahne, Beatrix, and Kuja for them to fight.

Good times.
I imagine it'd be something like fighting Baku. Her attacks sluggish but powerful as she waves her fan vigorously from her throne. It'd be kind of cool though, because I can imagine her shooting out minions and such at you. What would her specials be like?
i;d think she'd be normal until you're about to kill her, then she'll trance, and her special move would be swallow or eat!! XD XD
Have youse guys ever fought a morbidly obese person?

They dont have much stamina and get flushed easily so unless they have ton of HP and you dont mind taking a break every 3 minutes go go ahead and fight the next obese person you see! lol

I think one of her abilities would be like the stomach move from those worm things under Dr Tots tower....just with more of it and a lot more jiggling.....shudder.....cringe...... and strangely enough.....drool.....aswell.
Finding her on her back after being shot in the face by Bahamut was a little disappointing.

Yeah, she made me think of a beached whale in that scene.

I also thought you would have to fight her at some point, I expected her to fight using magic as her power, maybe summoning from the Eidolons she extracted.

At first I thought she would be the final boss :x3:
ill probably try and get her on my team! Brahne rules!!!! and of course her and quina would probably become best friends :P
The elephant lady fight? LOL I couldn't imagine her fat ass being able to do anything meaningful in a fight. That's what Beatrix and the two ass clowns were for.
I've thought about this before, actually.
I imagined her sitting in a chair for the battle, holding her fan. Obviously she would summon things, and that would be awful, but Brahne was a punkbitch, so I'm pretty sure the Eidolons would have been weaker. They'd have to be, or she'd pwn you right away.
What I thought about most is the items you'd be able to steal from her. They'd be epic.
Zidane would of just knocked her out silly............But even if he did the relationship with Garnet/Dagger would be off.

So really,I'm glad we didn't have to fight Queen Brahne.............

Only for Zidane and Garnet's sake.........But if she wasn't Garnet's mother then she does suit the type of female villain.........only fat!:yaoi: