If you were a FF character, what gender would your character be?

If u were a FF character what gender would u be??

  • Female

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • Male

    Votes: 4 30.8%

  • Total voters


Mar 5, 2007
me?? Female becuzz i am! simple as that but, some ppl might be a girl and have a male character and a guy might want to have a girl character && most of the main character in FF games are guys and girls need to be a main character more often ^_^^_^
Eh, okay. I would be a female, simple because Im female and have no desire to be a male character. But of course we have no choice when it comes to console games. Even on online games Im female.
I'd stay with my current gender, thank you very much. That way, I can freely check out the hot FF guys and hopefully end up with them. ^_^ Like, Cloud, Seifer, and Squall, for instance. -Swoons-
I'd stay with my current gender, thank you very much. That way, I can freely check out the hot FF guys and hopefully end up with them. ^_^ Like, Cloud, Seifer, and Squall, for instance. -Swoons-
hehe.. lol yup!!! lol:P
i think even u should kno Rikku...... most ppl are gonna say there Gender becuzz thats what they just prefer:) **hint gurls are winning** lol:P
...strange question.
I'd stay male cause I have no qualms about being one.
And the only reason girls are winning is cause girls usually win.
Uh......huh.........anyway, I'll stick with being female, since I don't know how to be male xD
i chose the opposite sex, some had to be the first, ya know to try something new i guess, a lesbian though...lol:P
My character's gender would be male because I'm a male and it would feel weird to me if I had a character in a game......plus I think males are stronger not trying to be sexist some girls are amazingly strong>_<

Is this thread actually asking what i think it's asking?
I'd be a male, naturally, because I am in fact a male. To be more specific, I'd be Edgar Figaro, because I too am a consummate womanizer and crossbow enthusiast.