IGNs Top Ten FF7 Characters

I actually don't take that list seriously since Cait Sith on it and Red XIII, Vincent should be at least there and Rufus ShinRa < those two have many fans too.
I would've placed Red XIII higher, personally.

Thought he was a pretty cool character, though you don't see much of him in AC and he only has one line throughout the movie lol. But game wise Ihe was one of my party regulars, really did think he was cool.

My list would've gone:
10. Rufus
9. Cid
8. Reno
7. Tifa
6. Barrett
5. Aeris
4. Red XIII
3. Vincent
2. Cloud
1. Sephiroth
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Cait Sith made the list, but Vincent didn't?! :gasp: wtf?

My list would have looked something like this:
10. Barret
9. Reno
8. Cid
7. Red XIII
6. Vincent
5. Zack
4. Tifa
3. Aerith
2. Cloud
1. Sephiroth

Reno is a cool character, but I don't think he deserved the 5th spot on IGN's list. Zack is much more popular than him. Even he can't beat the two best girls in FF though! ^^
Eh I've now seen, read, and played almost everything FFVII and my list would have to go as follows:

7.Red XIII

Following closely after would be Rufus Shinra. Those are just my views on the characters, and the reason Zack is before Cloud, is simply because,
Without Zack, there would be no Cloud. He gave everything he had, on more than one occasion, to save his life.
Though if you strictly want popularity then switch the two.
Hey, with everyone bitchin' about this list (myself included) why don't we have a FFF's Top Ten FFVII character list? it wouldn't be hard to do at all, and we'd have an accurate list, as well as something that could lead to many interesting prospects. if anyone agrees with me, PM me cause I got some ideas I'm quite fond of.
Is it from the whole franchise in general or just the game...?

If it was just the game I wouldn't even see why Zack was on the list but meh, whatever, he's a good character :wacher: (I don't think I could decide between wacky & monster there xD)

I'm shocked Vincent isn't on the list, expecially as Yuffie made it (yes I do actually like Yuffie but I have encountered alot more Vincent fangirls than I have Yuffie fans...in general...)

I can't believe Cait Sith made it over the slum drunk actually....

Im not suprised about Sephy vbeing number 1 although I would have expected Cloud to be either 1 or 2

Oh well :neomon:

you all forget red xiii isnt really his name its nanaki

just thought you might like to know this


Is it really?

Wow...what an insightful peice of information

Hands up everyone else that didn't know :gasp:
Cid is #1.

Face it.

Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your posts in future. Say 'why' you think Cid is the best character. Thank you.
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where's vincent he is way better than cait sith in every way (useless white thing), and i expected red XIII to be a lot higher than he is, the list lies stupid IGN
I think the actual countdown was fine and I was happy for Tifa's place
But I'm actually getting tired of seeing Sephiroth everywhere =/
Know what I mean? Like they're starting to over rate him, I mean yeah he's brilliant but enough =/
But then again, that's on the fans' opinion, they want more Sephy I suppose
Still kinda shocked that Vin wasn't in there, I really would think that he'd be in there