I'm back! I forgot this forum!


Just Some Guy
May 25, 2012
Hey fellow FF Members i am back! I first joined in 2012! and i got a random email from FF forums showing me the latest posts and i got surprised because i had forgoten all about this forum and I've been busy with other things over the years but it's great to be back! I will try my best to be active when i can and if any one remembers me please shout me out otherwise nice to meet you all 😀
hey there!! Welcome back :yay:
hope you enjoy your time around here :')
Welcome back!

There are a lot of new threads which would welcome your input if you ever fancy posting in them. More importantly, I hope you find this community to your liking again and get to know us and our quirks!
You definitely look familiar! We may have crossed paths a couple times...

Welcome back to FFF! Glad you found us again. =]
Welcome back!

There are a lot of new threads which would welcome your input if you ever fancy posting in them. More importantly, I hope you find this community to your liking again and get to know us and our quirks!
Thank you! I will have a look around and reply to posts that may be of interest. :)
Yeah, not so bad thanks. You? What've you been up to lately? :)
Been busy with life in general and also streaming occasionally on my Twitch! Mostly Mortal Kombat 11 as i'm a big fan of that game but also thinking about doing other games in the future including Final Fantasy, if you would like to watch and follow you can at twitch.tv/frankcrank
Let me know who you's are in chat if you decide to watch next time :)
Welcome back old friend! I see that you are a big fan of Mortal Kombat. I am also a big fan of the series myself. I grew up playing the game since I was a child and has become my favorite fighting game ever since. My favorite characters from the series are Kung Lao and Cyber Smoke. We are glad to have you back to the community. Hope that you stay active and spend time with us after all those years you been out.
Welcome back old friend! I see that you are a big fan of Mortal Kombat. I am also a big fan of the series myself. I grew up playing the game since I was a child and has become my favorite fighting game ever since. My favorite characters from the series are Kung Lao and Cyber Smoke. We are glad to have you back to the community. Hope that you stay active and spend time with us after all those years you been out.
Thanks pal and it's great to be back! I have also been a big fan of MK as a kid and we both have a lot in common with the games we grew up which is cool and those are some great characters your a big fan of! For me i have mained and liked Reptile since MK9 but i also really like the rest of the characters and it really is one of the best fighting games for me as well! I hope to see you around here :)