Serious I'm gonna lose her soon


Me Gusta
Apr 13, 2010
Canada, eh?
So my oldest, and possibly best friend I ever had is going to die soon. Rainbow, my cat, who has been with me for 17/18 years now, has finally reached her breaking point.

About two months ago, I noticed that she'd started to lose weight. And instantly I could tell, because she was one of those fat house cats. For a 17 year old cat, she was considerably healthy. She still had all of her teeth, she hadn't done blind, or deaf (well that one should maybe be under consideration consdering the sheer volume of her screeching at me :wacky: ), she was still in good shape other than being fat (the vet said, on their last visit).

So when she started losing weight, I figured something was up. I switched their food, because maybe they didn't like the newer brand of food I'd recently bought (for hairball control), but even still, she wouldn't eat. She wouldn't sit or stand when she drank water either, she would simply lay down in front of the bowl and stick her head in and drink.

Nowadays, I hardly ever see her moving. She sleeps in the same exact spot all day (except for when we're all sleeping, then she sleeps on my pillow and spoons my head). I don't ever see her leave this spot, under my book case, using a beanie baby for a pillow. But just now, I found her on my parents bathroom floor, just laying down, and calling loudly. She was low to the floor and seemed like she couldn't move. So I picked her up, carried her to the room and lay her in my lap.

We cuddled for a bit, but when she got up, I finally saw what was wrong. As she made her way to her spot underneath the book case, she stumbled. Her legs seemed to be working, but I could finally see now why she wouldn't move, and why she needed help from the bathroom. She was hurting, and she was afraid to move because she stumbled and fell over.

I went to my mum and consulted her. She said at this point, there wasn't anything we could do. This much was clear to me. But I'd thought about putting her down, ending her suffering. She said that she wasn't in pain though. She's simply just getting old. And that if I went to the Vet to have her put down, they would pull all sorts of tricks to try and get me to save her (which I know I would fall for >.<) and potentially paying hundreds of dollars for nothing.

She's a good cat, she's had a good life... she's been the best, longest lasting animal we've had in this household. And I'm glad that I could have had her. <3

I'm not quite sure why I'm posting this I guess... Maybe I just need some sort of advice? Condolensces that she's not suffering and that she is just old? I'm having a bit of an issue dealing with this and maybe someone who's gone through it before can help...

How sad, that she can no longer move around by herself.

Its an odd thing pets growing old we seem to wan to end there suffering if they are sick but what about when they are just getting old? I say let her be. Just because she is getting old you should not have her put to sleep.

Let her die with the respect you have for and at least that way your last memory of her wont be if her in a Vet, it will be at home where she lived with you and was comfortable.

She looks like a great cat:lew:
We had a cat that lived to 18 years. In her last year of life she went blind and became very slow to move. But she wasn't suffering and still loved to be petted. We just had to help her get up on to the couch and to find her food and water. She ended up dying in our hope in the room where we kept the cat's food and water.

As long as she is not in any pain or suffering, I say let her be. As long as you don't mind helping her out a bit I see no reason to put her to sleep. Just be prepared for the possiblity of walking in on her after she dies. And keep something to put her body in after it happends.

I think you might also be able to get her special food that will help her to eat and digest easier. Like soft food that she can easily swallow. If she has stopped eating only give her a litte at a time. And make sure she has water near by.
I remember when my first cat passed away, she was about the same age. I had had her since I was about 6, and it was pretty tough. She had sort of a gradual decline as well, like yours did. And, again like yours, she wasn't in any type of pain. It was just her time to go, and she eventually did one morning. She just laid down and didn't get back up. Unfortunately, we had to leave town that same morning, so we had to have a friend come by and take care of her. I felt bad for leaving her like that then, and it still bothers me to this day. But it was just really bad timing.

As far as advice, I highly doubt that a vet would prolong a cat's life for the sole sake of making a little bit of money off you. But at the same time, if you don't think she's in pain, and you can handle having to do some extra things for her, like carrying her around a bit like you have been, then I don't really see a pressing need to take her in anyway. Just let her live out her time. But if it gets to a point where you feel like she'd be better served being put down, that's when I would take her in. You're really not wrong, whichever you decide to do.
I'm not at all bothered to help her out for as long as I need to. But it just breaks my heart whenever I hear her meowing. It's definitely not as strong as it used to be (you could hear her clear across the house.. even if she was outside, what a screecher :wacky: ) but she just looked so helpless.

For the last two weeks or so, I've been preparing for 'the moment' when I find her. My mum keeps trying to tell me it could be any day now, and it very well will be. But anytime I don't see her in that spot (earlier she wasn't there, just hiding on the other side of the bed) my heart just stops and I go searching, knowing that.. 'oh my God, it could be now...'

Now with all the snow outside, I don't know where we'll bury her. We have a little pet cemetery (sounds horrible >.<) behind the garage, but I've always kinda thought her too good, she'd be too proud to want to be burried with all the others, especially some that she didn't like. Where now, I'm not sure...
It's sad. I hadn't lost a cat I'd had for such a long time, but I've lost a cat to old age, and I know they aren't suffering.

She's had this body for an eternity, and it's just getting weaker like ours do. She just needs to be more careful, to take more time to rest, and her passing'll be easy enough. She just needs to be loved and cared for, which isn't an issue from the looks of her pics. She's a happy little bugger. :wacky:

These are her final days, so just take care of her like you always have. She just needs those little moments of love and care to make these final moments an incredible thing. She's not suffering, she's not in pain. She's just getting old, and taking more care of herself. And when the time comes for her to go, be it through putting her down or naturally, she'll die happy and painlessly, because you've taken care of her and been her family for all this time. That#s all there is to it.
She really is weak and it breaks my heart. I woke up this morning and she wasn't in my room so I went looking, and she was behind the chair, laying underneath the Christmas tree. She was still breathing and everything, so I picked her up and brought her to my room so we could cuddle.

When I got up to go do something, she did as well, however she couldn't go far. She got off the bed but couldn't move and just laid down next to the bed.... she's still there, I think that this point... she's just waiting to go. =/
I'm sorry sweetie. I think a lot of us know what it's like to lose a pet. They're more than just that, though, which makes it even more difficult. I guess the least you can tell yourself is that she's had a long, good life. 17/18 years old for a cat is quite old. And as for all living things, we must die at some point. The best thing now is to just do what you're doing, keep cuddling and spending as much time together as you can because it's not going to last. It sucks, sure, but c'est la vie. Just makes sure you make some good memories before she goes. <3
I'm sorry to hear that Channy. My parents have never been into animals so I've never personally had a dog or a cat that I've loved to pieces and has been in the family for a long time, so I can only imagine. Someday, I will when I get my own place. I've felt for my friends though, because at least a couple of them have had animals that have been in their family for about as long as they have and it is so hard watching them get old and have health problems. You try and prepare yourself for it but you really cant, because they are your family. Animals are so special...they love you no matter what. Had a crap day? Your dog/cat can feel it and will sit by you or lay on you...their love is selfless and is always there...and they will give it until they die.

Just love her up and spoil her until she passes. Its all you can do.

Hang in there girl x :tighthug:
No progress yet.. I stayed home from work to be with her, even though I realized it's likely that she'll go in the night, or wait until tomorrow when I'm gone... she wants to go outside, she keeps calling at my pop to let her out (cause he always would) but I won't let her. ><

She just sorta... flops over and cries a little bit, like a fish. She hardly ever moves but when she does she keeps going behind the chair underneath the Christmas tree. :(
I am so sorry that this is happening to you. :( Losing an animal that you have gotten to know so well (especially as long you have know this cat which is especially cute :) ) is an extremely hard thing to deal with. When I was growing up we had a cat named Sparky, I loved that cat so much and when I was about 12 years old she started showing the same symptoms you described not moving, lack of eating, and hard to move herself. When we took her to the vet he told us that she had a hole in her heart and that there was nothing we could do but to put her down. Besides my grandpa's funeral I dont think I have ever cried so much. I loved that cat, and it still hurts to this day when I think about it. I wish you all the best in this trying time, and I want you to know that you are not alone in feeling the way that you feel. I could barely finish this paragraph without crying.
I don't really know what to say. I have a cat, and I know how it feels to lose one- and the process of losing one. It's a difficult time. I never really got over the loss of my dog, millie. I wish the best for you. All I have is: keep the precious memories closer.
Wow...I'm such a sucker for cats and honestly...this made me tear up. I'm so sorry to hear that and I hope that somehow she can hold on at least a little longer. *Hugs* She's lucky to have such a caring and loving owner though. :)
I can understand what you're going through 'cause I can see it happening to my dog soon :/. The signs are clearing showing for my dog as well. Not eating, loosing weight and, doesn't move much anymore. Also, is becoming distant and anti-social. I can see why its hard, once you have a pet for so long, they become apart of the family.

I mean, you tried switching your cat's food yet isn't eating :/. All you really can do is love your cat the best you can and, hold onto her for as long as you can. There's nothing worse then loosing someone dear and close to you and, it's gotta be painful. :/

I mean, i can understand why you wouldn't wanna put her down but, as cats get older (just like anyone else) it is much harder to get around :/ (her having trouble with her leg?)

Just cater to Rainbow and spend as much as time as you can. Are you planning on a proper burial for her?

I hope you and everyone else that loves Rainbow the best as well as she <3
and, when she does leave this earth, may she R.I.P. :)
Here's some older pictures when she was a chubbster, just to compare and show the indeed drastic changes in her weight.

I want to give her a proper burial. I know my mum's picking up a small box for her today, but I have no idea where. It's snowed so much so we can't bury her behind the garage where we've put all our other animals to rest. Somewhere in the side yard maybe.. but I'll have to dig through snow.. and then through dirt.. and then hope that it's deep enough that when a plough comes through it doesn't disturb the earth.

We lay on the floor, we sit on the couch but she keeps moving to the floor wherever we are.. she won't stay in my room she keeps going bacj to the living room so I let her lay there for now... I have a feeling that it may just be during the night unfortunately..

look at that pudgy little butter ball of fat <3

maybe you should take her to a vet to get her put down? Its hard but she's probably in pain :(
That's the strange thing. I opted out for the Vet option about a week ago to my mum and she said that it'd probably be best that she just go on her own merit. She doesn't seem to be in pain otherwise she'd be screaming non-stop (she IS a screecher).. but instead she lays there quietly, almost waiting.. accepting..

If she were in pain, we'd know. When I say screecher I don't understate. If you sat down next to her, she howled. If you looked at her wrong, she howled. So she only meows (albeit in a much quieter tone D= ) whenever she tries to move around. Other than that, she seems okay.
Chances are she'll go during the night. But you were there for her for her last moments, and that means something. She seems happy, and she's had a great long life.
She passed away this morning. My dad said he woke up and she was still breathing... he went and got coffee and then double checked her and she was gone.. At least I got to spend all of yesterday with her yet.. I dunno.. I still wanted to be with her when she went..
I know. There really isn't anything much to be said here.. but yaaaay I get to go to work and get a verbal whopping from my boss over.. something, I dunno. Hopefully she'll feel bad for me and just leave me alone.

~lesigh... I miss her already.