I'm so freaking embarrassed!!!!!

Ultima Snake

Blue Mage
Sep 2, 2010
Ipswich, United Kingdom
Hey people, a quick question for all of you. What was you most embarrassing and annoying moment in any of the 17 current final fantasy games? When i say 17 it covers all the games from Final Fantasy 1 to Final Fantasy 7: Crisis core. Hmmmm for me it had to be when i was leveling up on final fantasy 9, I was fighting grand dragons on the cliff near gizamaluke's grotto, i forgot to save after reaching level 78 from level 39 and i got my ass wooped because i ran out of potions and mp, so i had to start up again on level 39 :cry:. Don't be shy now :).
If I went back that many levels, I would literally stop playing.
I have stopped playing for a day when I died and went back 5 levels.
well i think in general final fantasy x-2 is pretty embarrassing...like the mini massage game you play...geez lol.
Embarrassing play moments? How about when I tried to play through 8 without a Memory Card because I was too cheap to buy one for my PS.

And then I did the same with X because I was all "Don't understand why they changed memory cards. They just want my money."

Thank goodness that both times I finally realized that it wasn't happening and that I would just have to shell out the money for a memory card.
Well my embarresment while playing FF are kind of a different reason to most people here...........

In my house I have a lot of guests and friends come in and they sometimes watch me playing Final Fantasy.............and while I'm just sitting there playing FFXIII (for example) they probably think I'm a bit too old to be playing games with certain people like Vannille.

YES,these are "kiddie" moments in FF games.............

I'm not really that against it or anything but when someone like Vanille says "hey,lets go over there and do something" it's kinda weired for you having the guest watch you play when she says something like that..........Because if I was in a simaler position (never played FF) I'd probably think this guy is wiered or this game sucks badd...........

But of course FF do need cheery characters..........main problems are I'd say would be the script and voice acting.
I was playing Final Fantasy XII back around when it was released, minding my own business, and generally reveling in how powerful my characters were and how I was indestructible. Then I happened upon the dragon in the forest where Fran is from. The dragon cast Oil on my entire party, then lit me up like a Christmas tree with some fire attacks. Game over.
Weeeeeell, it would have to be the time I went back to Zanarkand to get the Sun Crest. And the shitty, half assed guide failed to tell me that Dark Bahamut would be waiting for me in all his evil, petrifying glory. Of course, I was using an American guide, so maybe it was my fault... :hmmm: I hadn't saved for several hours and had been capturing monsters from Gagazet, the Calm Lands, and the Temple of the Stolen Fayth. :gonk:
well this is one for you, i was playing final fantasy tactics on the ps and i kept dying on the first mission when you get delita on your side. it wasnt until 7 years later when i got it on the psp did i find out you had more units to place on the battlefield... i found out by dropping it and hitting the shoulder button as i picked it up *cringe*
FFX, training up in the Omega Ruins- I was wandering around, had moved each character between 10 and 15 sphere grid places, learning some really important stuff. Forgot to equip stoneproof, and those big tombstone things breathed on me and all 3 became stone. I died.
Embarrassing play moments? How about when I tried to play through 8 without a Memory Card because I was too cheap to buy one for my PS.

And then I did the same with X because I was all "Don't understand why they changed memory cards. They just want my money."

Thank goodness that both times I finally realized that it wasn't happening and that I would just have to shell out the money for a memory card.

HAHAHAA I had the same issue man..I had no money for a ps memory card, so I had to play the first few days with my ps on 24-7..but I reckoned it was bad for my ps so I decided to shut it down, then I got my ps card and I was back on track..

I remember even playing DBZ finalbout without memorycard lmao..electricity bills rising and rising...
I have to add this because this just happened to me yesterday when I was playing VII....I was wandering around the area between sector 5 and 6 for the longest time not realizing how to get to the next screen! It was kind of sad :(
I remember my first attempt at beating FF7. It was on my brother's PS with his mem card. He took his PS to his gf's house and she accidentally formatted the card.

Second attempt. I was outside cosmo canyon in the car. The car got stuck to cosmo canyon (glitch) and I couldn't exit the vehicle. Stupid me, I saved it, thinking that it would remedy itself when I reset the system. Stupid me, indeed.

FFX: "HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" Horrible, HORRIBLE voice acting would've embarassed me even if I was playing the game alone. That haha scene still haunts me to this day.
FF7, floating around on the sub, decided to check out the underwater bit. Turned around and just seen a big green thing coming my way, it was too late. Raped me sidewise. Hadnt saved in 4 hours.
It's silly little things with me, like when I was playing FFVII the other day, and like a complete balloon, I jut fucked up the squats, my fingers weren't doing as they were told. It's not even hard and can usually come out with a nice decent number and wipe the floor with the dude. I got 8. I turned it off in a huff -__-

Can't think of anything else off the top of my head, but it's always the stupid little things like that with me

I have to add this because this just happened to me yesterday when I was playing VII....I was wandering around the area between sector 5 and 6 for the longest time not realizing how to get to the next screen! It was kind of sad

Ohhhhhhhh fuckign hell, last I played it, I couldn't work out why I couldn't trigger the 'I have a hot friend I want to bring' scene at the Dons mansion, I ujst kept getting, 'The Don doesn't like men, do one' and i was like WHAT DO I DOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I must have been there for about half an hour just wandering around back and forth getting my wig off, when it occured to me I had to go to the Honey Bee Inn.. I've only played it like, a million times before :ffs:
Playing FFX, I have the cursor set to Memory so I don't have to keep on going back to a spell or whatever each turn. For Lulu, I had Fira on Memory as I had been defeating some enemies. Then a Red Element appears, and I use Fira on it. Heals it. Also, going through the spells quickly, and accidentally picking a spell that heals an enemy. :ffs:
My embarrasing moment was when in ffx i reached overdrive sin,i cloudn't beat him,so i went to walmart buy th ffx guides,then i couldn't beat it,so i wait like 2-3 days untili get my paycheck and i bought the gameshark!Then i put the codes level 99 for everyone and have every summons,and thats how i passed ffx! I used the gameshark fer FFXII too,so i ended up finishing ffxii in 28 hours at level 99 with everyone and the license grid finished fer everyone too! and it took me 120 hours more to finish the sidequest!
god a new one happened for me today. i was playing final fantasy 8 as yesterday i managed to complete final fantasy 7 again for the 21st time, anywho and i had got to the part where you fight the robot spider and completely forgot you are supposed to bolt it after it falls down, for some reason i still kept hitting it, by the time i realized what i was supposed to do i had only 2 mins left on the timer. :oops::squall::panic::ffs:
Haha, this happens all the time with me.
Normally it's when I try going through battle menus too fast and I end up using an item and i'm like..... :rage:

It does my head in. xD
Or when you're grinding and you think it's a clever idea to have that one last fight, only to be killed an lose an hours work. -__-

I'm generally more careful now after the amount of stupid mistakes i've made, like when I was playing an old VIII save I found the other day.
Fought Tri-Face with only Attack available and no thunder defence at all, trying to kill it and its counterattack absolutely destroyed me; I reloaded and put Thundagax100 for everyone basically and I was sorted then, but still... XD
My fingers work faster than my brain when navigating shop menus. This means that I waste gil on things I probably don't need, by accident. Happened a few times.
None too recent, but I have had my fair share lol.
First time I ever played VIII, I spent 10 minutes exiting and re-entering Balamb Garden by holding the down button on the controller. But it happened so fast I didn't even get to see the world map, so I didn't have a friggin' clue what I was doing wrong.

And yeah, the "laugh" scene in X and the "lesbian massage" in X-2 are really, really embarrassing, even when I'm by myself. I feel ashamed to be playing the game when I reach that point.

Brain's went dead, the only other thing that comes to mind right now is every time Vincent's overdrive screwed up a boss fight by healing the boss, and ignoring the other members of the party as they got royally screwed. Best example would be when I chose to fight the Turks under Midgar on Disc 2. Vincent sat there healing the hell out of Reno while Cloud was killing Barrett under confusion, while simultaneously getting his own ass handed to him by Rude.

And finally, any time I was drastically under-leveled and got my butt kicked by regular enemies.