I'm such a cry baby


Obnoxious Romantic
Jan 30, 2008
Eldeen Modestine
FFXIV Server
I'm 19, but I still cry over the stupidest little things.

I don't why it is. I've had a few tear-jerker moments in my life, but shouldn't that make me more immune to bawling over the littler things?

Like, I've even cried over spilled milk! Literally; I spilled the milk, and I started crying! It happened when I was younger, but jeez...

And I just don't know why I'm like this; I admit I'm more sheltered than most people in terms of the real world, but I think my own personal problems and such should counter balance it somehow, right?

Sometimes I wish I didn't have emotions because I just get upset way to easily; like just this morning, I was crying (well, I was just tearing up, but still..!) 'cause my instructor told me she was gonna take off major marks on my assignment, and I worked so hard on it, and it really sucks.

I'm the opposite, I get angry of the littlest of things. Even spilt milk, literally.
I'm like the complete oposite. I can't cry unless the family is having a major fight and someones about to die. Other than that I don't really cry, even when I want to, its like my tears are dried out or something.

I'm not sure how to help you out, but I hope you find something.
DAMN MILK!!! I'LL SPILL YOU!!!! Oh... wait..


I'm pretty calm, if something trivial tries to ruin things, I'll just do something about it with a little frustration.
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I tend to cry when I get reeeaaally frustrated or angry, although I NEVER cry infront of other people. I hate that kind of attention. -_-
More like:

"F*****G MILK EVERY F*****G TIME, NOW I HAVE TO GET THE CARPET F*****G CLEANER!!!! F*****************K!!!!!!!!!"#

Milk's a bitch.
I only cry at movies. I nearly bawled watching Hook, when Peter was telling the story on how Wendy got older, then he finally found his happy thought ^_^...but other than that, I cant cry at all.
Oh I'm a big wuss when it comes to movies... whenever I tell people that I cried at the end of Forrest Gump they always laugh at me. IT WAS SAD! D:
Just because a person is tenderhearted, doesn't mean they're emo. I understand where you're coming from Fusionist. I can be too sensitive at times as well. It really does suck. It makes you wish emotions didn't exist.

When Dave and I get into the least little disagreement, I get all teared up and have to walk away from it. It sucks. I know it's really stupid, but like a few days ago, some people said some very cruel things about me here on the internet, (I won't name names, but some people know who I'm referring to) tried to delve into my personal life by saying I neglect my son, really cruel things about me as a person, about the way I look, etc...

Anyway, yeah that stupid stuff, I'll admit, did get me rather teared up. I get choked up in video games that have emotional scenes, I get choked up in movies and books that have emotional scenes as well. Gawd, you guys are probably gonna think how pathetic when you see how much of a baby I am. xD Can't help it though...I really can't.
It's only really emotional scenes in films and video games that make me cry. Books, not so much.
That emo part was a joke, of course, but one can take emotional sensitivity too far.
Just because a person is tenderhearted, doesn't mean they're emo. I understand where you're coming from Fusionist. I can be too sensitive at times as well. It really does suck. It makes you wish emotions didn't exist.

When Dave and I get into the least little disagreement, I get all teared up and have to walk away from it. It sucks. I know it's really stupid, but like a few days ago, some people said some very cruel things about me here on the internet, (I won't name names, but some people know who I'm referring to) tried to delve into my personal life by saying I neglect my son, really cruel things about me as a person, about the way I look, etc...

Anyway, yeah that stupid stuff, I'll admit, did get me rather teared up. I get choked up in video games that have emotional scenes, I get choked up in movies and books that have emotional scenes as well. Gawd, you guys are probably gonna think how pathetic when you see how much of a baby I am. xD Can't help it though...I really can't.

*huggles* Thanks, A-sama. These feelings that come into play that come at ridiculous times, but still make your chest tight.
Ugh, Im the same Aerith-sama, even reading the newspaper will get me teary eyed :wacky:

I think I need to toughen up xD
You and me both Bambi :wacky: but what exactly can we do to toughen up? xDD

*hugs Fusionist* Yeah and the lump at the back of your throat. There's only ever been (so far, I still have yet to beat Crisis Core) two video games that reduced me to full-fledged tears and some movies. A few books have as well. The 7th Harry Potter book did me in a few times, as did the 6th.
Olawl Icried at FVII to XII I didnt even LIKE XII that much and i still cried

We need to go to boot camp or something :monster:

Mind you, i expect all the yelling would result in me rocking a corner somewhere :wacky:
LMFAO I think we'd both end up huddled together in that corner rocking back and forth. :wacky:

I cried in FVII and FFX. I didn't cry in FFVIII but I was a bit choked up. FFIX got me choked up as well, but I did't cry. We'll see how I do with Crisis Core. :wacky: I'm nearing the end and I've already gotten a little emotional once already. xD