
On its own, Last Order was good. I don't know why they changed the Sephiorth thing, nor do I understand why they changed the Cloud/Tifa thing, but otherwise, it was far better than Advent Children. Despite the two very glaring changes in plot, LO at least has a grip on the game, and represents it better than AC did.

As far as the cannon/non-cannon argument goes; it's either all cannon, or none of it is. Square is responsible for every game and movie that has followed the original, so it's up to you whether or not you want to include any of this into the mythos.

Personally, I incorporate none of it. Aerith is Aeris to me, Cloud threw Sephiroth into the MAKO, Tifa didn't know Cloud was in the reactor, and we never really knew if Holy stopped Meteor. We just don't know.

To me, everything that followed FFVII was crap, and none of it pays proper homage to the game. In my opinion, the story of FFVII begins on disc one, and ends forever on disc three. That's it. No more.
Personally, I incorporate none of it. Aerith is Aeris to me, Cloud threw Sephiroth into the MAKO, Tifa didn't know Cloud was in the reactor, and we never really knew if Holy stopped Meteor. We just don't know.

To me, everything that followed FFVII was crap, and none of it pays proper homage to the game. In my opinion, the story of FFVII begins on disc one, and ends forever on disc three. That's it. No more.

Glad to see that there are people who don't think Nomura is God and that all his revisions are perfection. I hate how people say that because it's the same creators, they have the license to contradict their own plots, whereas from a non-fanboy POV, it's obviously just bad writing for the sake of fan service.
I liked LO, it was good, and yeah the changes confused me, but meh I'm not that picky, I know what happened, and I agree with the lot of you, that these changes were unnecessary and stupid in a way, for a moment, while I watched it I thought, "did this guy forget the story that he himself wrote?", but meh I was just glad to see Zack in action :D. And what's this of a part 2 i know only one episode that's 25 to 30 minutes long, is there more?