Increasing FFX Difficulty


Jan 6, 2008
Square Enix seems oblivious to game difficulty levels. Accordingly, the first time through FFX was challenging enough to keep me entertained. The second time through was fun, but the ending battles were so easy it wasn't even funny (Auron dealing 90,000 damage, Yuna pummeling repeated 50,000+ Holies, Rikku chaining her flares together and Tidus quick hitting unworldly damage).

I would like to play a third time through, as it was a great game to spend some hours on throughout the week. What methods would you all recommend to make the game more challenging? I don't have a huge amount of time though, and the NSG option sounds too hard and time consuming for my tastes.

What methods have you all used to make the game more challenging?
Just think of ways to limit yourself like using no Aeons, using weapons/armour which have no good upgrades or possibly using characters you usually don't which sounds like it may be Kimahri, Lulu and Wakka for you which would be good since you start off with them early on.

Also you could try a 1 character game but that may be too much as well.
I agree, set out a game with no Aeons at all (except where forced to do so) and I would suggest only using the same weapon that you start out with. Change your armour as you see fit, but don't change your weapon (Sell them when you get them to avoid temptation) and see how you fair with that.

You could also set certain rules for the Sphere Grid, such as all nodes are allowed EXCEPT for HP nodes. So your players HP would only increase using armour or items, and not through the grid, although their power would increase to allow you to hit some of the harder enemies at a decent amount.
You wouls find yourself relying on more abilities through each fight, especially as the game progressed out. Would become difficult should you not have the abilities you need when you get to the stronger bosses.
I always battle in a strange way once things get easy. I just do every attack in order.
1. Attack
2. Summon (Yuna. Aeons also in order)
2. Special
3. Skill
4. Black Magic
5. White Magic
6. Item

If I don't think that the following action is good enaugh I change characters. If my character is ready to do his overdrive every action is 'reset' in my head. It's a bit weird and challenging to remeber your previous move. (I don't do Magics in order, though)
I'd suggest limiting yourself in battle. Using no Aeons sounds good, it would certainly make most boss battles a whole lot harder.

You could also try not using any items.
Purposely holding back to make a game more difficult isn't fun for me, but like others have suggested, I'd refrain from using Aeons, items, and advanced equipment.

Or forget FFX and play Tactics.
If you want a real challenge, play a No Sphere Grid game.
No sphere grid is definitely challenging, but it would consume more time than I have.

What I intend on doing is not using aeons, sticking with the original weapons (and only upgrading to the ultimate weapons for the Arena battles). I might try limiting myself in the sphere grid, so the battles aren't a "piece of cake."

Thanks for the input guys.