Original Indepth Look at Dissidia


Nov 8, 2009
Table of Contents:
Attack Priority System
Melee/Ranged VS Physical/Magical
Damage Formula
Ex related
Character Movement Speed
EX Burst
Chase mode
Critical Rates
Block and Dodge
Entering EX Mode (EX Guard)
Red Gem vs Champion Belt/ Star Earring

Attack Priority System
Melee attack = attacker will be staggered when blocked
Ranged attack = attacker will not be staggered when blocked
In general, higher priority beats lower, Melee beats Ranged if same priority.

(Rl,Ml) Ranged attack, Melee attack with Low priority -- most Brv attacks
(Rm,Mm) Ranged attack, Melee attack with Medium priority -- cause stagger on normal R
(Rh,Mh) Ranged attack, Melee attack with High priority -- cause Guard Crush on normal R
block, most HP attacks
(Sp) Special -- Special case of ranged attacks, can not be blocked, but dies to attacks
and dashes
(Un) Unblockable -- another special case of ranged attacks, can not be blocked at all
(Da) Dash -- include Quickmoves and any dashes
(Bl) Block Low priority -- attacks with magic guard such as Fated Circle/Dark Cannon, WoL
and Tidus' Ex mode bonus, Exdeath's Low Block
(Bm) Block Medium priority -- Normal R block, Shield of Light, Delta Attack, Shield Bash,
Scintilla, Exdeath's Mid Block
(Bh) Block High priority -- CoD's [Wrath], Exdeath's High Block
(Bs) Block Highest priority -- Ex Guard, Omni Block
(JB) Jecht Block -- Yes, it has a stand alone priority.

\ Rl Ml Rm Mm Rh Mh Sp Un
Rl △ X X X X X - -
Ml O △ - X - X O -
Rm O - △ X △ X O -
Mm O O O △ - X O -
Rh O - △ - - X O -
Mh O O O O O △ O -
Sp - X X X X X - -
Un - - - - - - - -

\ Rl Ml Rm Mm Rh Mh Sp Un
Da O X X X X X O -
Bl O X X X X X - -
Bm O O X X X X - -
Bh O O O O X X - -
Bs O O O O O O - -
JB O O O O S S - -

= (win) cause stagger/guard crush on opponent's melee hits/block, reflect opponent's projectile
= (draw) weapon clash on melee hits, projectiles deflect (target not changed)
= (lose) opposite to O
= (stagger) both stagger, reflect projectile
= (ignore) if both are ranged attacks, they passes through each other (eg, two Emperor's
Flares); if either is a melee attack or block, the ranged one wins

Melee/Ranged VS Physical/Magical

I've seen people having false assumption on Melee=Physical and Ranged=Magical attacks.

Just to clarify that is not the case.

Physical/Magical attacks refer to those affected by Physical/Magical damage+ equipments or
accessories. Melee/Ranged, as stated before, relates to if the attacker will be staggered when blocked.

Slashing Blow = Melee, Physical
Blizzard Combo, Snatch Blow = Melee, Magical
Reel Axe, Wither Shot = Ranged, Physical
Fire, Blizzara = Ranged, Magical

Damage Formula

[Character base damage X Skill damage multiplier X ( [1 OR Critical bonus] + Damage bonus from equips) ]
= actual damage number on screen

[ ] = round down to nearest integer, i.e decimals are dropped

when your ATK is lower than enemy's DEF:
Character base damage = (10 ÷ ((enemy DEF- your ATK)+10)) x enemy's raw BRV ÷100

when your ATK is higher than enemy's DEF:
Character base damage = (((your ATK - enemy DEF)+10) ÷ 10) x enemy's raw BRV ÷ 100

*raw BRV = BRV without any equipment/accessory, i.e. always 667 for Lv100

Skill damage multiplier relates to the power of the skills, eg. Slashing Blow = 10,10,20
These numbers can be found in the info thread in each character's individual subforum.

Critical bonus = (enemy's current BRV ÷ Your MAX HP) x 7 [min cap 5, max cap 8]
So crits do 5x damage most of the time, and will start to do more when your enemy gets
higher Brv.

Ex related

Ex core spawning conditions:
1) Either one has a BRV more than 1/4 of opponent's Current HP (1/4 BRV of Victory Chance)
2) Relative distance has to be 12m or more (Booster accessory "Far from Opponent" is
3) Time elapsed (affected by "EX Core Appearance Boost", see below)
All 3 conditions have to be met.

Pendant (EX Core Appearance Boost) = Time elapsed +20%
Victory Pendant (Big EX Core Appearance Boost) = Time elapsed +40%

Ex core respawn time:
normal: random 20 ~ 35 sec
with Pendant = 17~30 sec (17 +20% =~20 , 30 +20% =~35)
with V. Pendant = 15~25 sec
V. Pendant with x5 booster effect = 7~12 sec (7 +200% =~21 , 12 +200% =~36)

Tested with Force Begets Courage:
Each Ex force = 2
Each Ex core = 200
Ex force produced in Chase Mode:
Miss = 40
Hit (both BRV and HP) = 100~110

A Full Ex bar requires 850

Interesting note: you have a built in +50% Ex force absorption during Ex Mode.
(Force only, not core)

Standard EX Mode duration = 20 sec
This is the base time and all the +/- %duration are based on this. E.g.
every 5% duration = 1sec
Heike's set (-50%) = -10sec
Chaos Blade (+40%) = +8sec

Character Movement Speed

0 Tidus (EX mode)
1 Onion Knight
2 Zidane, Tidus, Gabranth (EX mode)
3 Cecil (Paladin), Squall, Jecht
4 WoL, Bartz, Shantotto
5 Golbez, Cloud, Kuja
6 Firion, Emperor
7 CoD, Cecil (Dark Knight), Sephiroth
8 Garland, Terra
9 Kefka, Gabranth
10 Ultimecia
11 Chaos
?? Exdeath

Ability Speed Boost/+/++ increase your speed about 1/2/3 rank higher, this also applies to
Bartz' Wind Shear bonus effect, i.e A Bartz equipping 3x Wind Shear and Speed Boost++
(6 rank higher) will have the same speed as a Onion Knight with Speed Boost++.

Note that there's no rank number for Exdeath since even with Speed Boost++, he is still
much much slower than Ultimecia.

EX Burst

All hits in EX Bursts are Criticals.

The +5/+10/-5 on the defense gauge = adding that much DEF to enemy Stat.
(DEF+10 could mean up to half the damage)

Important Note: when you do EX Burst, your opponent will have a change in his/her
DEF stat after the Burst finishes.
The amount is equal to what was on the defense gauge, i.e. 0, +5, +10, -5 at the moment
when the Burst exits. (Potential Bug?)
If you do another EX Burst, the new DEF+ will overwrite the old one.
Currently it looks like the effect will last for the whole match.

Useless note: +damage% does affect EX Burst damage, but all boosters are ignored.

Chase mode

The brave attack during chase has a damage multiplier of 30.

Damage type: Magical= Shantotto, Golbez, Kefka, Kuja
Physical= others

Interesting Note: for some reasons, doing BRV/HP attacks in chase will NOT turn off the booster
accessories Pre-Bravery Attack/Pre-HP Attack(1.5x), no matter hit or miss. For example, it is
possible to kill the opponent with just chase mode HP attacks, and still have the Pre-HP Attack
booster on for the whole match.
This does not apply to the Pre-Bravery/HP Damage (1.2x) accessories.

Critical Rates

All Extra Abilities = +50%

Exclusive Weapons:
Minor* = 20%
"normal" = 50%
Major = 100%

They stack with abilities.
Block and Dodge

R-Block has the Block Medium priority.
Starting at 1F, block until 38F, end at 52F (60F = 1sec)

If getting blocked, the staggering motion last for 100F.
There are reports saying that you can dodge cancel out of this at 85F.

Dodge invincible frame starts at 1F
last until 18F normally / last until 36F if equipping ability Evasion Time Boost
cancel-able frame to any attack:
ground backward dodge 28F
ground side/forward dodge 42F
any air dodge 26F

Dodge motion end at 58F
(except ground forward dodge end at 78F, but is possible to dodge or block cancel at 58F)

Entering EX Mode (EX Guard)

Since there are already lots of terms/definitions (eg. EX guard/counter/link... etc), I'm not
going to make another

Entering EX Mode while being hit (NOT staggering):
Block Highest priority 3~32F
Invincible frame 1~50F
Cancel-able at 39F*
End at 50F
*You can cancel the animation to anything much like a succcessful block after 39F, but the invincible
effect will also disappear right after your cancel.

Entering EX Mode in other situations (eg, dashing/ attacking/ staggering etc.)
Block Highest priority 3~32F
no invincible frame

Red Gem vs Champion Belt/ Star Earring

A common question is, I have an EX build already with like x5+ booster effect going on,
now I have 1 slot left, should I put in a +damage% so not to waste the x5 booster? or a Red Gem
since I'm doing all crits in EX mode?

*Note, it is no argue in that an ATK build (+11ATK) outdamages a +damage% build easily,
unless somehow you are playing with "No crit ruleset" XD. Here I am just comparing a single Red
Gem (+2 ATK only) with +damage%.

The maths below are derived from the Damage Formula and could be tested easily in game.

Firstly, a Red Gem gives the max effect of x1.21 damage ONLY when your original ATK
is 1 less than your opponent's DEF
. (eg. DEF=180, ATK=179 w/o Red Gem, ATK=181 w/ Red Gem).
The further away from this point, the less effect it gives:
max = x1.21
+-1 ATK = x1.2
+-2 ATK = x1.1818
+-3 ATK = x1.1666
+-4 ATK = x1.1538

Now let see how much we need from the boosters to get the same x1.21 bonus on crits.
normal damage x1.21 = +21%
critical damage x1.21 = +105%

105%/25% (C.Belt, S.Earring) = 4.2

Therefore, if you have more than x4.2 booster effect happening, you will do more damage, no matter
crits or not, from using a Champion Belt or Star Earring than using a Red Gem.

Back to the question, so if you can maintain a x5 booster easily, I would suggest the +% accessory.
Of course I am not giving a definite answer. Using Red Gem always has the advantage of its stability.
So judge yourself and see which suits you

*remember though, this is simply if youre picking between that one red gem, or a damage booster when you already have booster accessories*


This section contains mere facts and stats of the summons. If you are looking for advise
on how to use/ which is better, Kraid has a guide here

Summon priority list when conflict occurs
Conflict here means when trying to raise/drop/modify a locked BRV value. eg. Ifrit vs Shiva,
Alexander vs Chocobo.
Modifying the BRV value in opposite ways (such as Ifrit vs Scarmiglione) is NOT
considered as conflicts and has nothing to do with the list below.

High: Typhon, Odin, Deathgaze, Ultima Weapon

Full BRV lock: Alexander, Marilith, Cagnazzo

Mid: Ifrit, Carbuncle, Magic Pot, Magus Sisters, Chocobo, Iron Giant, Behemoth (initial boost),
Pupu (initial drop), Lich, Kraken, Tiamat, Scarmiglione, Barbariccia, Rubicante, Gilgamesh

One way BRV lock: Shiva, Demon Wall

Low: Titan, Atomos, Leviathan, Bahamut, Mandragora, Malboro, Bomb, Cactuar, Tonberry,
Behemoth (BRV drop), Pupu (BRV rise), Omega

Summons that do not cause conflict: Ramuh, Phoenix, Asura, Ultros

Summon durations
Time is in seconds. Auto summons have 2/3 duration of the manual versions.

75: Asura, Ultros
50: Ramuh, Demon Wall, Magus Sisters, Phoenix, Leviathan, Bahamut, Mandragora, Titan,
Atomos, Iron Giant, Malboro, Behemoth, PuPu, Ultima Weapon
30: Marilith, Cagnazzo
25: Alexander, Tonberry
20: Shiva
13: Omega
10: Bomb

Some facts

Leviathan, Bahamut
Auto: 33 sec, 20 BRV/sec, total BRV drop/gain = 660
Manual: 50 sec, 40 BRV/sec, total BRV drop/gain = 2000

Behemoth, PuPu
50 sec, 60 BRV/sec, total BRV drop/gain = 3000

It is not completely random, but a shuffle to the BRV digits.

If your opponent is using the Iron Giant summon and landed an HP attack on you, Atomos will
absorb the BRV first, then cut in half by Iron Giant. i.e you only get half the BRV from opponent.

The BRV damage this will do is equal to the HP damage you have taken since the start of the match.
Does not work with Back to the Wall/Ensanguined Shield.

The 4 Counter Summons (Scarmiglione, Cagnazzo, Barbariccia, Rubicante)
Effects always happen after the opponent's. **
e.g. Cagnazzo vs Behemoth: this will lock the opponent's BRV after Behemoth's initial x2 effect takes place.

** This has only ONE exception, at Alexander vs Barbariccia. In this special case, BRV swap
(Barbariccia) happens first, then locked (Alexander).
Strangely, the other counter summons follow the normal rules, eg Alexander vs Scarmiglione, BRV is
locked first, then Scarmiglione tries to turn it to 0 (but fail).
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Info on WoL's moves

Skill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total), in EX MODE, +X=+X number of light swords
startup frame (1sec = 60frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Physical, Melee Low
8.8.10 (26) / 5+4 . 5+4 . 10+6 (34)
13F, ~115

Sword Thrust
Physical, Melee Mid (First hit)* ~ Melee Low (others)
8.4*3.10 (30) / 3.4*3 +4 . 10+6 (35)
31F, ~120
* It looks like SE forgot to adjust WoL's EX Mode. The power and priority of Dayflash and ST is the same as in the JP version.

Physical, Melee Low
1+4, 2,7+4 , 30+6 (40/54)
15F, ~40

Red Fang
Magical, Ranged Low
43F, 2

Blue Fang
Magical, Ranged Low
12 each
41F, 2 each

White Fang
Magical, Ranged Low
10 each
47F, 2 each

Physical, Melee Low
2,2,6+4 ,30+6 (40/50)
31F, ~40

Rising Buckler = Shield Strike
Physical, Melee Low
1*4,6+6 , 15+6 (25/37)
25F, ~135

Light's Blessing (light sword appears during attack in EX Mode)
Magical, Ranged Low
--, 2

HP attacks

Rune Saber
Magical, Melee Mid
3*4 (12)
--, ~160

Bitter End
Physical, Melee Mid
1*6,2 (8)
--, ~170

Shield of Light
Magical, Melee High
53F, ~100
* Block has mid priority, 1F~53F

Radiant Sword
Magical, Ranged Mid
93F, 40 each

Shining Wave
Magical, Ranged High
51F, 100 each

EX mode effect:
Mirror Attack = Block with Low Priority
Protect = def +10
Light's Blessing = see above

EX Burst damage
Type: Physical damage
Initial damage: 5*3
1~6 hit: 10 each
Last hit: 25
Total Damage = 100
Info on Garlands moves

kill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Round Edge (short/long)
Physical, Melee High (3rd hit) ~ Melee Mid (2nd hit) ~ Melee Low (others)
5*2, 25 (35) / 5*3, 3*3, 21 (45)
29F, ~114 / ~144

Physical, Melee Low
17F, 4

Highbringer (Low/High)
Physical, Melee Low
10,10 (20) / 10,10*3 (40)
17F / 13F, ~106 / ~120

Lance Charge
Physical, Melee Mid
1*4, 25 (29)
31F, ~110

Twin Swords
Physical, Melee Low
10*3 (30)
23F, ~114

Physical, Melee Low
27F, ~100

Chain Cast
Physical, Melee Low
5,5 (10)
45F, ~110

Twist Drill
Physical, Melee Low
2,2,6, 10 (20)
21F, ~150

HP Attacks

Physical, Melee High
5,2*3 (11)
39F, ~240

Physical, Melee Mid
2*5 (10)
51F, ~136

Magical, Ranged Mid
53F, 2 each

Magical, Ranged High
51F, 100 each

EX Burst damage
type: Physical
Initial: 10,10
4*3, 3*4, 16, 5*4
Last: 16
Total Damage: 96
Info on Firion's moves

Skill name

damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Rope Knife
Physical, Melee Mid
3*8,30 (54)
23F, ~140

Reel Axe
Physical, Ranged High (Axe) ~ Melee Low (others)
6,9,2*5,25 (50)
47F, ~150

Lance Combo
Physical, Melee Low
4,6,10,20 (40)
19F, ~140

Physical, Melee Low
9F(ground) 11F(air), ~100

Magical, Ranged Low
33F, 2

Magical, Ranged Low
33F, 2

Magical, Ranged Low
5 each
67F, 2 each

HP Attacks

Double Trouble
Physical, Melee High
2,1*6,2 (10)
--, ~250

Straight Arrow
Physical, Ranged Mid
61F, ~100

Shield Bash (close/far)
--, Block Mid (Melee High/Ranged High)
4*6 (24) / 3,7 (10)
startup 1F, block until 29F, end 49F, ~220 / ~50

Physical, Melee High
2*11 (22)
53F, ~130

EX Burst damage
Type: Physical damage
Initial: 3*3
Last: 4*8
Total Damage = 100

Info on Emperor's moves

Skill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Physical~Magical, Melee High
5,5*3 (20)
21F, ~120

Magical, Ranged Low
35 each
37F, 4 each

Magical, Ranged Low
35 each
31F, 4 each

Thunder Crest
Magical, Unblockable
2*18 (36)
35F, ~2 each

Light Crest
Magical, Ranged Low
5 each
35F, 4 each

Dynamite (Lv1/2/3)
Magical, Ranged Low (travelling) ~ Special (sticked on surface)
1*3,20 / 1*5,40 / 1*11,60
41F, ~10/~10/~20
*Charging Lv1/2/3 does not affect priority.

HP Attacks

Magical, Unblockable
521F, ~105

Magical, Ranged High
29F, 4
*Flare has the property of reflecting weaker projectiles directly back to the caster.

EX Burst damage
type: Magical
Initial: 6, 13
16*4, 17
Total Damage: 100
Info on OK's moves

Skill name

damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total), in EX MODE
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks
Multi Hit
Physical, Melee Low
2*7,4 (18), 2*15,8 (38)
11F, ~40

Extra Slice
Physical, Melee Low
2*7,4 (18), 2*15,8 (38)
--, ~140

Magical, Ranged Low
9*2~4 hit (18~36) *
35F, 4 each
*No change in damage during EX mode, but can pass through walls/obstacles

Magical, Ranged Low
4*2,10 (18), 4*4,10 (26)
--, ~120

Turbo Hit
Physical, Melee Low
2*7,4 (18), 2*15,8 (38)
19F, ~40

Extra Lunge
Physical, Melee Low
2*7,4 (18), 2*15,8 (38)
--, ~140

Magical, Ranged Low
6 each *
31F, ~12
*No change in damage during EX mode, 3 more orbs

Magical, Ranged Low
9,9 (18) , 9,9,9,9 (36)
--, ~120

HP Attacks

Swordshower = Guiding Swipe
Physical, Melee High
1*15 (15), 1*31 (31)
--, ~140

Magical, Ranged High
2*7 (14), 4*7 (28)
--, ~110

Magical, Ranged High
1*15 (15), 2*15 (30)
--, ~140

Blade Torrent
Physical, Melee High
1*14 (14), 1*31 (31)
53F, ~140

Magical, Ranged High
1*16 (16), 1*31 (31)
81F, ~180

Physical, Melee High
1*15 (15), 1*31 (31)
41F, ~140

Magical, Ranged High
43F, ~100

EX Mode
As you can see in the damage multipliers, OK does more than double damage in EX mode.

EX Burst damage
Initial: 10,10
Holy: 60 / Shuriken: 5*12
Last: 20
Total Damage: 100
Info on CoD's moves

Skill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total) / (Total Damage with Startup)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Tentacle of Pain (Startup)
Physical, Melee Low
13F/33F/53F , 4 each

Tentacle of Pain (1)
Physical, Melee Low
8,8,14 (30) / (37)
+4F, ~130

Tentacle of Pain (2)
Physical, Melee Low
12 each (max=4hits =48) / (62)
+4F, 12 each

Tentacle of Pain (3)
Magical, Ranged Low
5 each
+34F, 2 each

Tentacle of Suffering (Startup)
Physical, Melee Low
13F/33F/53F , 4 each

Tentacle of Suffering (1)
Physical, Melee Low
30 / (37)
+4F, 12

Tentacle of Suffering (2)
Physical, Melee Low
3*10, 10 (40) / (54)
+4F, ~240

Tentacle of Suffering (3)
Magical, Ranged Low
8 each
+12F, 2 each

*Startup: frames are the when 3 hits appear i.e. the earliest frame you could
cancel into the followups.
**Followup: frames are the extra time after cancelling the startup.

HP Attacks

Anti air
Magical, Ranged High
1*9 (9)
39F, ~140

Magical, Ranged High
61F, ~100

Magical, Ranged High
61F, 100 or 200
Invincible (underground): 1F ~ 23F

Long Range
Magical, Ranged High
83F, ~80
Strong tracking when opponent is above CoD (more than half the height of the beam).

Aura Ball
Magical, Ranged High
73F, 100 each

0 type
Magical, Melee High
2*8 (16)
63F, ~200

Magical, Ranged Mid
83F, 100 each

--, Block High
startup 1F, block until 14F, end 56F
Magical, Ranged High
1*9 (9)
startup 47F, , ~140
CoD is invincible during this startup period, back to normal when the beam appears.

EX Burst damage
type: Magical
Initial: 2*4
120%: 7*14 (Fail 80%: 7*4)
Total Damage: 106
Info on Cecils moves

kill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Note: Cecil has a built in bonus of ATK+2 in Dark Knight form and DEF+2 in Paladin form. Remember this if you gonna do damage test

Brave Attacks

Valiant Blow
Physical, Melee Low
10,10,20 (40)
15F, ~126

Shadow Lance
Physical, Melee+Ranged Low
5, 9*~5 (max 50)
35F, ~30

Magical, Ranged Low
1 each, 4 each, 10
41F, ~130
*Block has Low priority

Gravity Ball
Magical, Ranged Low
7, 2 each
37F, ~20

Physical, Melee Low
1 each, 24
27F, ~110

Paladin Arts
Magical, Ranged Low
7,2 each, 3 each
37F, ~30

Physical, Melee Low
10,20 (30)
23F, ~16

Lightning Rise
Physical, Melee Low
3,3,5,4,4,11 (30)
43F, ~125
*Block has Low priority

Dark Step
Physical, Melee Low
5,10,1 each,10
23F, ~126

Radiant Wings
Physical, Melee Low
3,3,7,6,6,6,9 (40)
21F, ~150

Magical, Ranged Low
3 each
95F, 2 each

Sacred Cross
Physical, Melee Low
3*4,5,10 (27)
21F, ~140

HP Attacks

Soul Eater
Physical, Melee High
4,2*5,6 (20)
39F, ~160

Dark Flame
Magical, Ranged High
53F, ~100

Paladin Force
Magical, Ranged High
2,4,2,4,2,6 (20)
43F, ~145

Saint's Fall
Physical, Melee High
1*3,2,1*3,3 (11)
59F, ~160

EX Burst damage
Initial: 6,9 (D)
15(P), 25(D), 7*2(D), 30(P)
Total Damage: 99
Darkness (Fail): 5

D=Dark Knight, P=Paladin
Info on Golbezs moves

Skill name

damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Interesting fact: Whenever Golbez jumps, he turns invisible for a short while, and he is in fact invincible during that time.
This is like a lesser Dodge Jump (Zidane's EX Mode effect).

All of Golbez's attacks are Magical, even his slaps in close range and during Chase mode.

Brave Attacks

Red numbers are hits that varies depending on enemy size and/or position.

Rising Wave (close/far)
Magical, Melee+Ranged Low ~ Unblockable (fire)
5,4*3~5, 7*3,3*3 (about 40~50) / 3*1~5, 7*3 (about 30)
23F/43F, ~100

Glare Hand (close/far)
Magical, Melee+Ranged Low
18, 7*3 (39) / 4*1~3, 7*3 (about 25+)
17F/23F, ~64/~84

Attack System
Magical, Melee+Ranged Low
4, 2 each
23F(slap) 83F(laser), 4, 2 each

Gravity Force (close/far)
Magical, Melee+Ranged Low
15=small orb / 5=slap, 3*8,12=big orb (51/41)
61F(big orb) / 113 (after warp), ~200/~100

Gravity System (=Float System)
Magical, Melee+Ranged Low
5,1*7, 10, 8 (30)
21F(slap) 43F(laser), ~144

HP Attacks

Cosmic Ray
Magical, Melee Mid
1*5 (5)
--, ~160

Magical, Melee High ~ Ranged High
1*3,2 (5)
15F(close) 91F(far), ~100~140

Genesis Rock
Magical, Ranged High
1 each
43F(rock appears) 161F(spread), ~100~220

EX Mode
Black Fang charge time = ~6.5sec (400Frame)

EX Burst damage
type: Magical
Initial: 5*4
Perfect: 20, 30*2 / (Fail: 4*5 / 5*6 / 6*7)
Total Damage: 100
Info on Bartz's moves

Skill name

damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

All the bonus effects stacks. eg:
equip 3x Storm Shot + Jump time Boost++ = 6 extra jumps
equip 3x Solid Ascension + Counterattack (ability) = 3x 12.5% + 50% = 87.5%

Brave Attacks

Ascendent Lance
Physical, Melee Low
10,2*4,12 (30)
19F, ~130
*minor Physical Shield = +10%

Solid Ascension
Physical, Melee Low
1,2,3,4,6,8,16 (40)
13F, ~50
*minor Counterattack = +12.5% crit rate

Physical, Melee Low
1*4,2,2,16 (24)
27F, ~132

Reel Impulse
Physical, Ranged High (Axe) ~ Melee Low (others)
5,5,2*4,16 (34)
47F, ~40

Storm Shot
Physical, Melee Low
2*3,5,10 (21)
19F, ~120

Physical, Melee Low
3,3,4,5,10,15 (40)
23F, ~160

Magical, Ranged Low
15 each
37F, 4 each
*minor Jump Boost = Jump Boost ability (yes, I dunno why its "minor" XD)

HP Attacks

Magical, Ranged High
1*15 (15)
--, ~140
*minor Back to the Wall = +12.5% crit rate

Soul Eater
Physical, Melee High
4,2*5,6 (20)
39F, ~160

Magical, Unblockable
71F, ~4
*minor Magical Shield = +10%

Paladin Force
Magical, Ranged High
2,4,2,4,2,6 (20)
43F, ~145
*minor Midair Evasion Boost = so minor that can't really see the difference

Physical, Melee High
1*15 (15)
41F, ~140
*minor Speed Boost = Speed Boost ability

EX Mode
Goblin Punch
Magical, Unblockable
1*5 (5) / 8*5 (40) (x8 damage if same lv)
15F, ~165

EX Burst damage
type: Physical
Initial: 3*4, 5
Last: 20
Total Damage = 95
Info on Exdeath's moves

Skill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Reverse Polarity
Physical, Melee Mid
7F, ~100

Black Hole
Magical, Unblockable
85F, 2 each

Vacuum Wave (Normal/Counter)
Magical, Ranged Low / Ranged Mid
15 each / 15 each
69F/17F, 6

Sword Dance (Normal/Counter)
Physical, Melee Low
25 / 25*2 (50)
65F/15F, ~100

Hurricane (Normal/Counter)
Magical, Melee Low
2*5,20 (30) / 4*11, 20 (64)
63F/23F, 2 each

Low Block
--, Block Low
startup 1F, block until 31F, end 99F
*has the property of reflecting weaker projectiles directly back to the caster.

Mid Block
--, Block Mid
startup 1F, block until 51F, end 71F

High Block
--, Block High
startup 1F, hold, end 139F after release button

Omni Block
--, Block Highest
startup 1F after release button, block until 14F, end 80F

HP Attacks

Grand Cross (Normal/Counter)
Magical, Unblockable
2*6 (12) / 6*6 (36)
79F/25F, 2 each

Algamest (Normal/Counter)
Magical, Melee High
93F/23F, ~100

Delta Attack
Magical, Melee High
53F, ~100
*Block has Mid priority, 1F ~ 53F

EX Burst damage
type: Physical
Initial: 16
0%: 14*7 / (Fail: 33% 6*4)
Total Damage: 114
Info on Terra's moves

Skill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total) / in EX mode
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Magical, Ranged Low
23F, 4

Blizzard Combo
Magical, Melee Low
1,1,23 (25) / 1,1,13,10*3 (45)
17F, ~145

Magical, Ranged Low
20, 10 each (30+)
27F, ~12

Magical, Unblockable
8 each, 10
175F, 4 each

Magical, Ranged Low
20 each
31F, 2 each

Magical, Ranged Low
7 each
19F, 4 each

Holy (=Holy Combo)
Magical, Ranged Low
10 each (same as Flare of Holy Combo)
37F (13F in EX mode), 4 each

HP Attacks

Magical, Unblockable
1*7 (7)
--, ~16

Magical, Melee High
1 each
43F, ~150

Magical, Unblockable
71F, 2

Magical, Ranged High
55F(Lv1)/91F(Lv2)/145F(Lv3), 2

EX Burst damage
type: Magical
Initial: 10*3
Perfect: 14*5 (Fail: 10 or 12*2 or 14*3)
Total Damage: 100
Info on kefkas moves

Skill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total) / in EX Mode
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

TT Blizzaga
Magical, Ranged Low
10 each, 20
35F, ~4

SS Blizzaga
Magical, Ranged Low
5, 5x15 / 5, 5*6, 5*12
11F(Big ice) 69F(split), 2 each
Hits are tested on Chaos since it is the biggest, it is very unlikely to land max hits on other characters.

EC Firaga
Magical, Ranged Low
30 each
49F, 4 each

WW Firaga
Magical, Ranged Mid (big) ~ Ranged Low (small)
2*7 (14)
59F, 14

LS Thundaga
Magical, Ranged Low
5 or 15 or 20
23F, 4 or 12 or 100 each

ZT Thundaga
Magical, Ranged Low
5 each
75F / 49F, 4 each

Magical, Ranged Low
35 each
61F, 4 each
61F is when the meteor appears in the air, it will take some time before reaching opponent.

Magical, Ranged Mid (small) ~ Ranged Low (explosion)
31F ~ 103F / 1F ~ 45F, 4,12
Yes, EX mode Ultima is the quickest non block attack in the game, although it travels slowly.

HP Attacks

Havoc Wing
Physical, Melee High
51F, ~105

Magical, Ranged Mid
81F, 4

Magical, Unblockable
63F(Lv1) 127F(Lv2) 211F(Lv3), 4

Magical, Ranged High
113F, 4

EX Burst damage
Type: Physical <-- repeatly tested, I dunno why XD
Initial: 4*4
Perfect: 10*8 / (Fail: 20 or 20*2 or 20*3)
Total Damage: 96
Info on clouds moves

Skill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Double Cut
Physical, Melee Low*
7,13 (20)
13F, ~110

Sonic Break
Physical, Melee Low*
8,12,30 (50)
25F, ~120

Physical, Melee Low*
3*4,8,15 (35)
27F, ~140

Blade Beam
Magical, Melee Low(blade)* ~ Ranged Low (beam)
37F, ~120

Magical, Ranged Low
25F, 2

Magical, Ranged Low
5*3 (15)
25F, 6

Magical, Ranged Low
25F, ~14 each

Slashing Blow
Physical, Melee Low*
10,10,20 (40)
25F, ~123

Aerial Fang
Physical, Melee Low*
39F, ~100

Rising Fang
Physical, Melee Low*
3,1*10,17 (30)
23, ~165

HP Attacks

Finishing Touch
Physical, Melee Mid*
1*4,2*5 (14)
--, ~165

Omni v5
Physical, Melee Mid*
2*4,5,8 (21)
--, ~160

Cross Slash
Physical, Melee High
5*2 (10)
41F, ~135

Physical, Melee High
5,1 (6)
47F, ~125

Magical, Ranged High
10 (upward hit)
21F (upward hit) 81F (meteor appears), ~200

EX Mode
*Ultima Weapon effect = all Melee attacks become Melee High priority

EX Burst damage
type: Physical
Initial: 14,14
Limit Break: 2*20 / (Fail: 0 or 8 or 8*2 or 8*3)
Total Damage: 68

Note, this is the base damage of the EX burst (i.e when HP=1) and will be
further increased by the EX mode damage bonus (max = x2).
info on Sephiroths moves

Skill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Physical, Melee Low
2*7, 2*8, 3,1*5,2 (40)
23F, ~200

Fervent Blow
Physical, Melee Low (blade) ~ Ranged Low (shockwave)
5,3*5, 4,3,3,5 (35)
27F, ~150

Sudden Cruelty
Physical, Melee Low
3*8,4, 3,1*5,4 (40)
17F, ~170

Physical, Melee Low (blade) ~ Ranged Low (shockwave)
5,3*5, 4,5,6 (35)
23F, ~150

Physical, Melee Low
6,1*9,10 (25)
27F, ~160

Shadow Flare
Magical, Ranged Low
3 each
45F, 2 each

HP Attacks

Physical, Melee High
2*6,4 (16)
47F, ~150

Physical, Melee Mid (Brv hits) ~ Melee High (HP hit)
4,1*6 (10)
(Block 1F~18F) attack at 61F, ~150
*Block has Mid priority

Hell's Gate
Physical, Melee High
2 each
55F, ~104+

Black Materia (Lv1/2/3)
Magical, Ranged High
--/--/3 each
(0F/87F/175F) 63F/101F/201F, 104/200/110
The first set of frame data is the minimum charging time, the second set is when the meteria appears in the sky. Actual hitting frame depends on the opponent's position.

Heaven's Light
Physical, Melee High
43F, ~100

EX Mode
Heartless Angel charge time = 5 sec (297 Frame)

EX Burst damage
Initial: 5*5 (Physical)
Perfect: 5*6, 10*5 (Magical)
Total Damage: 105
(Fail: 15 or 20 or 25)
Info on squalls moves

Skill name

damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total) / in EX Mode
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Solid Barrel
Physical, Melee Low
3,5,7,9,6,6,15 (51) / all hits x2 (102)
11F, ~140

Upper Blues
Physical, Melee Low
9,3,5,13 (30) / 9,9,3,3,5,5,13 (47)
11F, ~120

Blizzard Barret
Magical, Ranged Low
33F, 2

Thunder Barret
Magical, Ranged Low
4 each
35F, 4 each

Magical, Ranged Low
3,3,3,3,6 each
33F, ~145

Heel Crush
Physical, Melee Mid
41F, ~100
* Block has Low priority

Beat Fang
Physical, Melee Low
3,5,7,2*6,13 (40) / 3,3,5,5,7,2*12,13,13 (73)
15F, ~145

Mystic Flurry
Magical, Ranged Low
(1*7,2) each
33F, ~4 each hit

HP Attacks

Blasting Zone
Magical, Melee High
6, 1 each
41F, ~125

Revolver Drive
Physical, Melee High
1*51 (51)
43F, ~110-330

Rough Divide
Physical, Melee High
59F, ~105

Fated Circle (= Aerial Circle)
Magical, Ranged High
43F, ~110
* Block has Low priority

EX Burst damage
type: Physical
Initial: 2,2
Perfect: 9*7,13 (Each Fail hit = 2)
Last: 20
Total Damage: 100
Info on Ulti's moves

Skill name

damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks
Knight's Axe
Magical, Ranged Low
10 each
31F, 12 each

Knight's Axe (charged)
Magical, Ranged High
53F, ~100

Knight's Blade
Magical, Ranged Low
3 each (max 10 hits)
43F, 4 each

Knight's Blade (charged)
Magical, Ranged Mid
2 each (max 21 hits)
91F, 4 each

Knight's Arrow
Magical, Ranged Low
7 each
41F, 4 each

Knight's Arrow (charged)
Magical, Special (setup) ~ Ranged Low (release)
1(setup) 4(release)
57F, 4 each

HP Attacks

Great Attractor
Magical, Ranged Mid (charging) ~ Ranged High(release)
2 each
183F/363F, ~100

Magical, Ranged High
59F, ~100

Shockwave Pulsar
Magical, Ranged High
59F, ~100

EX Mode
Time Crush charge time = 4 sec (241 Frame)
Holds enemy for about 5.5 (320 Frame) after Ultimecia regains movement.

EX Burst damage
Initial: 10 (Physical)
Perfect: 6*12 (Magical) / (Fail = 1 each)
Last: 18
Total Damage: 100
info on Zidanes moves

Skill name

damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Rumble Rush
Physical, Melee Low
1,2,3,8,2*3,10 (30)
19F, ~40

Scoop Art
Magical, Ranged Low
3 each
37F, 2 each

Swift Attack
Physical, Melee Low
1,3,2*3,10 (20)
13F, ~30

Storm Impulse
Physical, Melee Low
2*3,4,3*4,18 (40)
19F, ~30

Physical, Melee Low
2*3,3,3*4,18 (39)
23F, ~40

Physical, Melee Low
2*6,12,2*3,10 (40)
19F, ~40

Solution 9
Magical, Ranged Low
15 each
51F, 2 each

HP Attacks

Meo Twister
Magical, Unblockable
1*10 (10)
--, ~230

Tidal Flame
Magical, Ranged Mid
49F, ~100

Stellar Circle 5
Magical, Melee High
1*9 (9)
43F, ~150

Shift Break
Magical, Ranged Mid (Thunder) ~ Unblockable (Flood)
15 each
19F(first thunder) 99F(Flood), ~100

Grand Lethal
Physical, Melee High
5*3 (15)
53F, ~100

Free Energy
Magical, Unblockable
25F, ~100

EX Mode
Aerial Jump = 10x air jumps
Dodge Jump = gives Zidane invincible frames during the "rising curve" of a jump.
Note that this does not work with "Brave boost on Dodge" as this is NOT counted as a dodge.

EX Burst damage
type: Physical
Initial: 4*3, 6
1~12 Hit: 3*4,2,3,2,3,2,3*3
Perfect: 8*6
Total Damage: 99
info on Kujas moves

Skill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced

Brave Attacks

Strike Energy (close/far)
Magical, Melee Low
2*4, 2*10,18 (46) / 2*4, 3,5,12 (28)
17F, ~155 / ~130

Snatch Shot (close/far)
Magical, Ranged Low
5,5, 1*10,13 (33) / 5,5, 5,7,18 (40)
31F, ~150 / ~115

Snatch Blow (close/far)
Magical, Melee Low
3each,1each, 1each,16 (about 20~30) / 3each,1each, 2*9,10 (about 30+)
35F, ~130 / ~160

Burst Energy (close/far)
Magical, Ranged Low (First hit) ~ Melee Low (follow up)
10, 2each,22 (about 40) / 10, 1*9,10 (29)
15F, ~120 / ~145

Ring Holy
Magical, Ranged Low
4 each
33F, 2 each

Remote Flare
Magical, Special
15 each
63F, 12 each

HP Attacks

Flare Star
Magical, Ranged High
10, 1*5 (15)
39F, 160~240

Seraphic Star
Magical, Ranged High
1 each
49F, ~120

Magical, Ranged High
69F, ~100

EX Mode
Auto Magic:
Holy while jumping/falling (light orbs spin around Kuja), Magical, Melee Mid, damage=1
Holy while gliding (light orbs spin in front of Kuja), Magical, Melee Mid, damage=1
Flare while air jump (dark red orbs), Magical, Ranged Mid, damage=1
Flare at touchdown (explosion), Magical, Ranged Mid, damage=3

EX Burst damage
type: Magical
Initial: 1*5, 2
3*16, 2*5,
Last: 5*7
Total damage: 100