Table of Contents:
Attack Priority System
Melee/Ranged VS Physical/Magical
Damage Formula
Ex related
Character Movement Speed
EX Burst
Chase mode
Critical Rates
Block and Dodge
Entering EX Mode (EX Guard)
Red Gem vs Champion Belt/ Star Earring
Attack Priority System
Melee attack = attacker will be staggered when blocked
Ranged attack = attacker will not be staggered when blocked
In general, higher priority beats lower, Melee beats Ranged if same priority.
(Rl,Ml) Ranged attack, Melee attack with Low priority -- most Brv attacks
(Rm,Mm) Ranged attack, Melee attack with Medium priority -- cause stagger on normal R
(Rh,Mh) Ranged attack, Melee attack with High priority -- cause Guard Crush on normal R
block, most HP attacks
(Sp) Special -- Special case of ranged attacks, can not be blocked, but dies to attacks
and dashes
(Un) Unblockable -- another special case of ranged attacks, can not be blocked at all
(Da) Dash -- include Quickmoves and any dashes
(Bl) Block Low priority -- attacks with magic guard such as Fated Circle/Dark Cannon, WoL
and Tidus' Ex mode bonus, Exdeath's Low Block
(Bm) Block Medium priority -- Normal R block, Shield of Light, Delta Attack, Shield Bash,
Scintilla, Exdeath's Mid Block
(Bh) Block High priority -- CoD's [Wrath], Exdeath's High Block
(Bs) Block Highest priority -- Ex Guard, Omni Block
(JB) Jecht Block -- Yes, it has a stand alone priority.
\ Rl Ml Rm Mm Rh Mh Sp Un
Rl △ X X X X X - -
Ml O △ - X - X O -
Rm O - △ X △ X O -
Mm O O O △ - X O -
Rh O - △ - - X O -
Mh O O O O O △ O -
Sp - X X X X X - -
Un - - - - - - - -
\ Rl Ml Rm Mm Rh Mh Sp Un
Da O X X X X X O -
Bl O X X X X X - -
Bm O O X X X X - -
Bh O O O O X X - -
Bs O O O O O O - -
JB O O O O S S - -
O = (win) cause stagger/guard crush on opponent's melee hits/block, reflect opponent's projectile
△ = (draw) weapon clash on melee hits, projectiles deflect (target not changed)
X = (lose) opposite to O
S = (stagger) both stagger, reflect projectile
- = (ignore) if both are ranged attacks, they passes through each other (eg, two Emperor's
Flares); if either is a melee attack or block, the ranged one wins
Melee/Ranged VS Physical/Magical
I've seen people having false assumption on Melee=Physical and Ranged=Magical attacks.
Just to clarify that is not the case.
Physical/Magical attacks refer to those affected by Physical/Magical damage+ equipments or
accessories. Melee/Ranged, as stated before, relates to if the attacker will be staggered when blocked.
Slashing Blow = Melee, Physical
Blizzard Combo, Snatch Blow = Melee, Magical
Reel Axe, Wither Shot = Ranged, Physical
Fire, Blizzara = Ranged, Magical
Damage Formula
[Character base damage X Skill damage multiplier X ( [1 OR Critical bonus] + Damage bonus from equips) ]
= actual damage number on screen
[ ] = round down to nearest integer, i.e decimals are dropped
when your ATK is lower than enemy's DEF:
Character base damage = (10 ÷ ((enemy DEF- your ATK)+10)) x enemy's raw BRV ÷100
when your ATK is higher than enemy's DEF:
Character base damage = (((your ATK - enemy DEF)+10) ÷ 10) x enemy's raw BRV ÷ 100
*raw BRV = BRV without any equipment/accessory, i.e. always 667 for Lv100
Skill damage multiplier relates to the power of the skills, eg. Slashing Blow = 10,10,20
These numbers can be found in the info thread in each character's individual subforum.
Critical bonus = (enemy's current BRV ÷ Your MAX HP) x 7 [min cap 5, max cap 8]
So crits do 5x damage most of the time, and will start to do more when your enemy gets
higher Brv.
Ex related
Ex core spawning conditions:
1) Either one has a BRV more than 1/4 of opponent's Current HP (1/4 BRV of Victory Chance)
2) Relative distance has to be 12m or more (Booster accessory "Far from Opponent" is
3) Time elapsed (affected by "EX Core Appearance Boost", see below)
All 3 conditions have to be met.
Pendant (EX Core Appearance Boost) = Time elapsed +20%
Victory Pendant (Big EX Core Appearance Boost) = Time elapsed +40%
Ex core respawn time:
normal: random 20 ~ 35 sec
with Pendant = 17~30 sec (17 +20% =~20 , 30 +20% =~35)
with V. Pendant = 15~25 sec
V. Pendant with x5 booster effect = 7~12 sec (7 +200% =~21 , 12 +200% =~36)
Tested with Force Begets Courage:
Each Ex force = 2
Each Ex core = 200
Ex force produced in Chase Mode:
Miss = 40
Hit (both BRV and HP) = 100~110
A Full Ex bar requires 850
Interesting note: you have a built in +50% Ex force absorption during Ex Mode.
(Force only, not core)
Standard EX Mode duration = 20 sec
This is the base time and all the +/- %duration are based on this. E.g.
every 5% duration = 1sec
Heike's set (-50%) = -10sec
Chaos Blade (+40%) = +8sec
Character Movement Speed
0 Tidus (EX mode)
1 Onion Knight
2 Zidane, Tidus, Gabranth (EX mode)
3 Cecil (Paladin), Squall, Jecht
4 WoL, Bartz, Shantotto
5 Golbez, Cloud, Kuja
6 Firion, Emperor
7 CoD, Cecil (Dark Knight), Sephiroth
8 Garland, Terra
9 Kefka, Gabranth
10 Ultimecia
11 Chaos
?? Exdeath
Ability Speed Boost/+/++ increase your speed about 1/2/3 rank higher, this also applies to
Bartz' Wind Shear bonus effect, i.e A Bartz equipping 3x Wind Shear and Speed Boost++
(6 rank higher) will have the same speed as a Onion Knight with Speed Boost++.
Note that there's no rank number for Exdeath since even with Speed Boost++, he is still
much much slower than Ultimecia.
EX Burst
All hits in EX Bursts are Criticals.
The +5/+10/-5 on the defense gauge = adding that much DEF to enemy Stat.
(DEF+10 could mean up to half the damage)
Important Note: when you do EX Burst, your opponent will have a change in his/her
DEF stat after the Burst finishes.
The amount is equal to what was on the defense gauge, i.e. 0, +5, +10, -5 at the moment
when the Burst exits. (Potential Bug?)
If you do another EX Burst, the new DEF+ will overwrite the old one.
Currently it looks like the effect will last for the whole match.
Useless note: +damage% does affect EX Burst damage, but all boosters are ignored.
Chase mode
The brave attack during chase has a damage multiplier of 30.
Damage type: Magical= Shantotto, Golbez, Kefka, Kuja
Physical= others
Interesting Note: for some reasons, doing BRV/HP attacks in chase will NOT turn off the booster
accessories Pre-Bravery Attack/Pre-HP Attack(1.5x), no matter hit or miss. For example, it is
possible to kill the opponent with just chase mode HP attacks, and still have the Pre-HP Attack
booster on for the whole match.
This does not apply to the Pre-Bravery/HP Damage (1.2x) accessories.
Critical Rates
All Extra Abilities = +50%
Exclusive Weapons:
Minor* = 20%
"normal" = 50%
Major = 100%
They stack with abilities.
Attack Priority System
Melee/Ranged VS Physical/Magical
Damage Formula
Ex related
Character Movement Speed
EX Burst
Chase mode
Critical Rates
Block and Dodge
Entering EX Mode (EX Guard)
Red Gem vs Champion Belt/ Star Earring
Attack Priority System
Melee attack = attacker will be staggered when blocked
Ranged attack = attacker will not be staggered when blocked
In general, higher priority beats lower, Melee beats Ranged if same priority.
(Rl,Ml) Ranged attack, Melee attack with Low priority -- most Brv attacks
(Rm,Mm) Ranged attack, Melee attack with Medium priority -- cause stagger on normal R
(Rh,Mh) Ranged attack, Melee attack with High priority -- cause Guard Crush on normal R
block, most HP attacks
(Sp) Special -- Special case of ranged attacks, can not be blocked, but dies to attacks
and dashes
(Un) Unblockable -- another special case of ranged attacks, can not be blocked at all
(Da) Dash -- include Quickmoves and any dashes
(Bl) Block Low priority -- attacks with magic guard such as Fated Circle/Dark Cannon, WoL
and Tidus' Ex mode bonus, Exdeath's Low Block
(Bm) Block Medium priority -- Normal R block, Shield of Light, Delta Attack, Shield Bash,
Scintilla, Exdeath's Mid Block
(Bh) Block High priority -- CoD's [Wrath], Exdeath's High Block
(Bs) Block Highest priority -- Ex Guard, Omni Block
(JB) Jecht Block -- Yes, it has a stand alone priority.
\ Rl Ml Rm Mm Rh Mh Sp Un
Rl △ X X X X X - -
Ml O △ - X - X O -
Rm O - △ X △ X O -
Mm O O O △ - X O -
Rh O - △ - - X O -
Mh O O O O O △ O -
Sp - X X X X X - -
Un - - - - - - - -
\ Rl Ml Rm Mm Rh Mh Sp Un
Da O X X X X X O -
Bl O X X X X X - -
Bm O O X X X X - -
Bh O O O O X X - -
Bs O O O O O O - -
JB O O O O S S - -
O = (win) cause stagger/guard crush on opponent's melee hits/block, reflect opponent's projectile
△ = (draw) weapon clash on melee hits, projectiles deflect (target not changed)
X = (lose) opposite to O
S = (stagger) both stagger, reflect projectile
- = (ignore) if both are ranged attacks, they passes through each other (eg, two Emperor's
Flares); if either is a melee attack or block, the ranged one wins
Melee/Ranged VS Physical/Magical
I've seen people having false assumption on Melee=Physical and Ranged=Magical attacks.
Just to clarify that is not the case.
Physical/Magical attacks refer to those affected by Physical/Magical damage+ equipments or
accessories. Melee/Ranged, as stated before, relates to if the attacker will be staggered when blocked.
Slashing Blow = Melee, Physical
Blizzard Combo, Snatch Blow = Melee, Magical
Reel Axe, Wither Shot = Ranged, Physical
Fire, Blizzara = Ranged, Magical
Damage Formula
[Character base damage X Skill damage multiplier X ( [1 OR Critical bonus] + Damage bonus from equips) ]
= actual damage number on screen
[ ] = round down to nearest integer, i.e decimals are dropped
when your ATK is lower than enemy's DEF:
Character base damage = (10 ÷ ((enemy DEF- your ATK)+10)) x enemy's raw BRV ÷100
when your ATK is higher than enemy's DEF:
Character base damage = (((your ATK - enemy DEF)+10) ÷ 10) x enemy's raw BRV ÷ 100
*raw BRV = BRV without any equipment/accessory, i.e. always 667 for Lv100
Skill damage multiplier relates to the power of the skills, eg. Slashing Blow = 10,10,20
These numbers can be found in the info thread in each character's individual subforum.
Critical bonus = (enemy's current BRV ÷ Your MAX HP) x 7 [min cap 5, max cap 8]
So crits do 5x damage most of the time, and will start to do more when your enemy gets
higher Brv.
Ex related
Ex core spawning conditions:
1) Either one has a BRV more than 1/4 of opponent's Current HP (1/4 BRV of Victory Chance)
2) Relative distance has to be 12m or more (Booster accessory "Far from Opponent" is
3) Time elapsed (affected by "EX Core Appearance Boost", see below)
All 3 conditions have to be met.
Pendant (EX Core Appearance Boost) = Time elapsed +20%
Victory Pendant (Big EX Core Appearance Boost) = Time elapsed +40%
Ex core respawn time:
normal: random 20 ~ 35 sec
with Pendant = 17~30 sec (17 +20% =~20 , 30 +20% =~35)
with V. Pendant = 15~25 sec
V. Pendant with x5 booster effect = 7~12 sec (7 +200% =~21 , 12 +200% =~36)
Tested with Force Begets Courage:
Each Ex force = 2
Each Ex core = 200
Ex force produced in Chase Mode:
Miss = 40
Hit (both BRV and HP) = 100~110
A Full Ex bar requires 850
Interesting note: you have a built in +50% Ex force absorption during Ex Mode.
(Force only, not core)
Standard EX Mode duration = 20 sec
This is the base time and all the +/- %duration are based on this. E.g.
every 5% duration = 1sec
Heike's set (-50%) = -10sec
Chaos Blade (+40%) = +8sec
Character Movement Speed
0 Tidus (EX mode)
1 Onion Knight
2 Zidane, Tidus, Gabranth (EX mode)
3 Cecil (Paladin), Squall, Jecht
4 WoL, Bartz, Shantotto
5 Golbez, Cloud, Kuja
6 Firion, Emperor
7 CoD, Cecil (Dark Knight), Sephiroth
8 Garland, Terra
9 Kefka, Gabranth
10 Ultimecia
11 Chaos
?? Exdeath
Ability Speed Boost/+/++ increase your speed about 1/2/3 rank higher, this also applies to
Bartz' Wind Shear bonus effect, i.e A Bartz equipping 3x Wind Shear and Speed Boost++
(6 rank higher) will have the same speed as a Onion Knight with Speed Boost++.
Note that there's no rank number for Exdeath since even with Speed Boost++, he is still
much much slower than Ultimecia.
EX Burst
All hits in EX Bursts are Criticals.
The +5/+10/-5 on the defense gauge = adding that much DEF to enemy Stat.
(DEF+10 could mean up to half the damage)
Important Note: when you do EX Burst, your opponent will have a change in his/her
DEF stat after the Burst finishes.
The amount is equal to what was on the defense gauge, i.e. 0, +5, +10, -5 at the moment
when the Burst exits. (Potential Bug?)
If you do another EX Burst, the new DEF+ will overwrite the old one.
Currently it looks like the effect will last for the whole match.
Useless note: +damage% does affect EX Burst damage, but all boosters are ignored.
Chase mode
The brave attack during chase has a damage multiplier of 30.
Damage type: Magical= Shantotto, Golbez, Kefka, Kuja
Physical= others
Interesting Note: for some reasons, doing BRV/HP attacks in chase will NOT turn off the booster
accessories Pre-Bravery Attack/Pre-HP Attack(1.5x), no matter hit or miss. For example, it is
possible to kill the opponent with just chase mode HP attacks, and still have the Pre-HP Attack
booster on for the whole match.
This does not apply to the Pre-Bravery/HP Damage (1.2x) accessories.
Critical Rates
All Extra Abilities = +50%
Exclusive Weapons:
Minor* = 20%
"normal" = 50%
Major = 100%
They stack with abilities.