2052, the Golden Age of Humanity, we have reached out past the stars, by 2071, 108 planets have been colonized by humans. Earth, one of the original seven colonies, known as the "heartworlds" were turned into booming metropoli within the blink of a figurative eye, city by city. One such city was Kyoto, the mysterious Septium Corporation had played a major role in constructing the massive Scrapes, building that reached out past the planet's atmosphere. Cybernetics had taken massive leaps in advancement, with artificial organs matching, and frequently surpassing their organic counterparts, revolutionizing nearly everything from entertainment, to warfare. Though, the levels of cybernetics still can not replace a human body in full.
Artificial intelligence and robotics have progressed at an exponential rate. Two years prior, artificial intelligences, by and large, had become equivalent to human ones, with a few managing to run circles around their organic and technological counterparts. Sapient robotic drones, also known as artificial humanoids, or A-Noids have become as common as the average citizen, albeit, second class ones.
A new force of nature had also been uncovered during the Golden Age, known as the R-State, which had scattered strands of strange energy all over the planet, binding themselves to anything from humans to octopi. The effect that these strange bits of energy had on objects ranged from horrific aberrations against nature itself, to miraculous abilities that seem to defy the laws of reason themselves. The humanoid results of the R-State became known as Forcers, appropriately. The Lovecraftian monstrosities that also emerged became collectively known as aberrations.
Within months of the R-State developing over the Pacific Ocean, hundreds of aberrations and superpowered humans had taken to the streets, causing a global fit of chaos, panic, and unbridled fear. It took the world government months to formulate a proper response, which had failed to eradicate the aberrations, only managing to confine a majority of them to specialized facilities.
Certain revolutionary groups have also seized the opportunity that such events to stage blitzkriegs on nearly every continent, and secure footholds. Though different in ideologies, they unite against their common enemy. While there are your typical, paramilitary groups, two of them truly stand out. Darwin’s Legion: A group of extremist Forcers, convinced that committing genocide on the normal human race is the way to evolve. Another of the two groups is The Hive, who view humans as weak, unintelligent, and generally lower than the dirt. They fight with extraordinary zeal, take no prisoners, and are indifferent to the rules of war. Others, are simply violent, unpredictable, extremely dangerous, and downright insane.
You belong to the Agency. A furtive organization designed to maintain order, and restore peace to Earth, using all and any means necessary. Organic Agents are either orphaned by aberrations or the R-State, or plucked from terminally ill parents, with a clone replacement that dies a year later, to throw suspicions off the Agency’s tail. A-Noid Agents are selected from those specifically designed for covert special operations warfare. Then, Agents are advanced even further, with organics undergoing a painful series of augmentation operations and genetic modification. A-Noids are subject to the “Chop Shop”, a similarly painful replacing of limbs with enhanced versions.
So? How was that? Anyways now that we've got the nitty gritty of the story out of the way, let's lay down some ground rules
Uranium Rounds will disable the usage of Forces until treated. EMP Rounds will negate any bonus augs give, as well as hurt more against A-Noids.
You may not use Type I and II on the same part of the body.
No God-Modding, Mary Sues, metagaming, and no OHKs
Have Fun!
Type I: Your basic augs, no visible outer change in appearance, it motivates the muscles of the user to work
harder, allowing the user to be somewhat faster or stronger.
Type II: Artificial limbs, may or may not contain additional surprises
Type III: Neural implants designed to enhanced one's senses, or additional memory, or even a link to a database.
Type IV: Weapons that are powered and mounted in the user's body, it can include assault rifle, SMG, pistol, and magnum calibers, or even blades.
Alpha-class: Your usual A-noid, designed for repair, construction, or other heavy manual tasks.
Beta-class: Human-like constructs designed for diplomacy or espionage.
Gamma-class: Combat A-noids, can be used various combat specializations
Force Abilities:
Kinetic: Your basic manipulation of fire, water, metal or lightning, or nearly anything else in the world. Nothing extremely advanced or complex, but the most common and well known of Forces. Kinetic Forcers are known as Kineticists, or more casually, Flingers and Magus.
Mentalism: Manipulation of minds your’s or another’s. Telepathy, mental projection, limited mind control, possession, mind reading, and astral object projection. Mentalism Forcers are known as Mentalists, or Shrinks and Spooks.
Entropy: The sinister control of blood, death, and destruction. The domain to bring the dead back to life, curse others, and cast plaques. Entropy Forcers are known as Entropists, or Necros and Vampires.
Gaia: The control of life itself. This ability can heal those suffering from the most grievous of wounds, call upon the forces of nature to aid, and bless with protection. Gaia Forcers are known as Naturalists, or Hippies and Druids.
Force (where applicable):
Date of Birth:
Current Residance:
Primary Weapon(s):
Secondary Weapon(s):
Misc. Items:
Artificial intelligence and robotics have progressed at an exponential rate. Two years prior, artificial intelligences, by and large, had become equivalent to human ones, with a few managing to run circles around their organic and technological counterparts. Sapient robotic drones, also known as artificial humanoids, or A-Noids have become as common as the average citizen, albeit, second class ones.
A new force of nature had also been uncovered during the Golden Age, known as the R-State, which had scattered strands of strange energy all over the planet, binding themselves to anything from humans to octopi. The effect that these strange bits of energy had on objects ranged from horrific aberrations against nature itself, to miraculous abilities that seem to defy the laws of reason themselves. The humanoid results of the R-State became known as Forcers, appropriately. The Lovecraftian monstrosities that also emerged became collectively known as aberrations.
Within months of the R-State developing over the Pacific Ocean, hundreds of aberrations and superpowered humans had taken to the streets, causing a global fit of chaos, panic, and unbridled fear. It took the world government months to formulate a proper response, which had failed to eradicate the aberrations, only managing to confine a majority of them to specialized facilities.
Certain revolutionary groups have also seized the opportunity that such events to stage blitzkriegs on nearly every continent, and secure footholds. Though different in ideologies, they unite against their common enemy. While there are your typical, paramilitary groups, two of them truly stand out. Darwin’s Legion: A group of extremist Forcers, convinced that committing genocide on the normal human race is the way to evolve. Another of the two groups is The Hive, who view humans as weak, unintelligent, and generally lower than the dirt. They fight with extraordinary zeal, take no prisoners, and are indifferent to the rules of war. Others, are simply violent, unpredictable, extremely dangerous, and downright insane.
You belong to the Agency. A furtive organization designed to maintain order, and restore peace to Earth, using all and any means necessary. Organic Agents are either orphaned by aberrations or the R-State, or plucked from terminally ill parents, with a clone replacement that dies a year later, to throw suspicions off the Agency’s tail. A-Noid Agents are selected from those specifically designed for covert special operations warfare. Then, Agents are advanced even further, with organics undergoing a painful series of augmentation operations and genetic modification. A-Noids are subject to the “Chop Shop”, a similarly painful replacing of limbs with enhanced versions.
So? How was that? Anyways now that we've got the nitty gritty of the story out of the way, let's lay down some ground rules
Uranium Rounds will disable the usage of Forces until treated. EMP Rounds will negate any bonus augs give, as well as hurt more against A-Noids.
You may not use Type I and II on the same part of the body.
No God-Modding, Mary Sues, metagaming, and no OHKs
Have Fun!
Type I: Your basic augs, no visible outer change in appearance, it motivates the muscles of the user to work
harder, allowing the user to be somewhat faster or stronger.
Type II: Artificial limbs, may or may not contain additional surprises
Type III: Neural implants designed to enhanced one's senses, or additional memory, or even a link to a database.
Type IV: Weapons that are powered and mounted in the user's body, it can include assault rifle, SMG, pistol, and magnum calibers, or even blades.
Alpha-class: Your usual A-noid, designed for repair, construction, or other heavy manual tasks.
Beta-class: Human-like constructs designed for diplomacy or espionage.
Gamma-class: Combat A-noids, can be used various combat specializations
Force Abilities:
Kinetic: Your basic manipulation of fire, water, metal or lightning, or nearly anything else in the world. Nothing extremely advanced or complex, but the most common and well known of Forces. Kinetic Forcers are known as Kineticists, or more casually, Flingers and Magus.
Mentalism: Manipulation of minds your’s or another’s. Telepathy, mental projection, limited mind control, possession, mind reading, and astral object projection. Mentalism Forcers are known as Mentalists, or Shrinks and Spooks.
Entropy: The sinister control of blood, death, and destruction. The domain to bring the dead back to life, curse others, and cast plaques. Entropy Forcers are known as Entropists, or Necros and Vampires.
Gaia: The control of life itself. This ability can heal those suffering from the most grievous of wounds, call upon the forces of nature to aid, and bless with protection. Gaia Forcers are known as Naturalists, or Hippies and Druids.
Force (where applicable):
Date of Birth:
Current Residance:
Primary Weapon(s):
Secondary Weapon(s):
Misc. Items:
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