{Interest Check/ Discussion} Love and Fury


Dec 29, 2013
Okay, so I noticed a lot of RP's have a lot of Rules and regulations that people have to follow like rolling of dice and what kind of spells they have. I'm going to get rid of that in this RP and just have an RP where people Sign up with a profile here, and when the RP starts Ill post the first part of the story and the person does the next, and so on. I know thats how they go, but looking at the RP's that are started it seems like these rules of you only have certain points in magic and a certain amount of bullets makes it more into a game than a Story to me.

So if your interested in just writing, and keeping your character in check without completely god-modding then join up.

I am thinking a modern day, Guns, swords, martial arts kind of RP. Lots of action and the Maiden who needs saving type. I have a few ideas on how the story can start but Im interested in seeing if anyone else is. Let me know! :)
you might have read 'Only by a margin" that rp has the dice and stuff in it as rules and regulation. But most rp on this forum allows you to make your own skills/magic/etc so long as you don't make them OP or rule breaking like having god mode as a skill and such. Just putting my two cents in.
True, but I would rather have a Story Line base. All you have to do is post a Bio and start roleplaying. I dont like the Magic tables and all that jazz.
For the record, I think it is as Baseret states.
I think my RP is the only one that uses dice and stats. ^^
It's rather uncommon in a forum type ^^

So yeah, fear not; there are plenty ones that follow your idea. And though I would be interested in your thing.... I fear I might not have the time for it. ^^;
Is this an RP Signup thread or a discussion thread? If it is a signup/interest thread please tell us a little more about your RP story or idea and give us a bio to use for signup purposes please. Thank you and welcome to FFF! ^_^
well it seems a bit of people are interested. Good.

The story can evolve from what I have more. This is just an Idea and I would love to hear your guy's input on anything else, But pretty much we can start apart in our own separate cities and your character can range from the stealthy type of individual to an outright muscle machine or somewhere in between.

For storyline, again I don't want to influence it so much, and by all means we don't have to follow the storyline to a T. But I propose, a king, or Monarchy has taken control of this world, and the group of us slowly start to understand how much crap that they do to the people. Their soldiers steal, lie, and cheat. and eventually we just get sick of it and fight back. Cliche' yes.. but I think that it would be a good start. but let me hear your opinions. Anything you want to add, or take away.
There actually aren't many roleplays that aren't game centered to be honest. I've only seen 3 in all my years of roleplaying on this site. Take for example Scattered Shadows, pretty much pure story with high freedom.