[Interest Check/Discussion] Project Destrillians

Channy chan I've designated them as per the notes we had prior. Venusaur is named Raster, Charizard is Zhar and Blastoise is Vody. Everyone keep em in mind, their names are usually at their forehead or their chest regions for markings.
Double post, I'm gonna post Ralph and Aya's piece now before bed time to keep our pace running for August.
Really? I would expect more from you.

Also, I should maybe make it known that the Destrillians should at least be aware of these in Viola. Being only on B4 where they train often, they may have even combatted one before. But I don't want this to open a can of worms like "Oh I saw Charizard before so I know how it works." kinda stuff.. just be all.. "holy fuck I thought these were a myth"
Arm in arm we'll win the fight~! it's always been a dream~
[it's always been a dream~]
It's you and me~
Looking forward to it Channy :lew:

Now what's this about rough sex? :ahmed:

Edit: Also would you guys like a non related RP discussion thread? Cause any topics not related to the RP like sexytime do not belong here. XD
I can not be help responsible for the sex that comes out of my fingers.

Wait, what?

Niya post forthcoming tonight.. also maybe Starter depending on what I gathered from everyone else, but maybe not needed just yet
I'll wait for The Welsh Paddy and Baseret before I act. For now I'm focusing on Marko. :3
Okies. Actually I wanted to see Welsh's posty first. x___x The Welsh Paddy, please proceed first then we can party.
Double post: Me Gustith are we meeting up at another recreation room? Or is this the same one with team religion? speak fast.
Yup, that's the musterpoint for everyone to meet at... ideally.. some may not have come to this conclusion. But two groups thus far have made this decision so it's pretty much agreed