[Interest Check/Discussion] Project Destrillians

Stop posting faces and post RP posts, I wanna introduce my character :mokken:
I need to, in one way or another, introduce my character during this chain :hmmm: I'd rather he come in with a dramatic, "Look I helped" entrance :wacky:
Well I was planning to have Mithras take control of the beast but if you want to Sonic Boom its head off at the same time, sure (Y)
Where the hell is Yaoi Master Gavin and The Welsh Paddy?? I can't continue without them :[
Well this past week all of my professors decided to have a test so that came first. Then I was AFK for most of the weekend for varied reasons. I was hop0ing Welshy would've returned by the time I had everything sorted but that appears to not be the case.
Squee, you're making your entrance to group B which is Ricin/Niya/Marko group.. I'm working up an interim post, but yours can probably follow thereafter with the final blow, leaving the four of them at the Recreation Room.

Satsu's part of group A, so mind-raping the Charimech is still a go-plan
Yaoi can we be flexible and have this plan move with Ralph or any of the crew? It's been weeks since Welsh came on!
Unfortunately, this plan is reliant on Welshy actually putting in an appearance. I've given thought to a few other plans but it's the only one that I'm 100% certain will work barring GM disapproval, though the time aspect of it would certainly balance. I'm also put in an awkward position by what I said in my last post and the replies done by the following posts in our section. In all honesty, it would probably be best if we simply godmodded his characters through, barring his return, go ahead with the plan, and then send an ultimatum that he get his arse on here, or at least give us an indication to his status. Failing that, Miryz kills him and assumes command as the Saviour who passed the role on to him with his dying breath...which might've happened later on anyways.