interest check: Dungeons and dragons

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I'm a 3.5 D&D geek, so I don't know much about 4.0, other than it removes multiclassing, the feats are less flexable, and everything just feels wrong about it.

I find healing surges confusing and worrying. I grasp the idea that now, with at-will healing powers, they need a way to stop players from having bottomless supplies of hitpoints over the course of a day, but this seems like a seriously odd way to do it. Healing Potions are by their nature a consumable resource that has to be managed, and yet they ALSO consume a healing surge? Combat appears to have become even more mechanical and Magic-the-Gathering-like than before. The death of open ended knowledge skills, and the removal of professional skills wholescale, has killed a lot of chances for characterization.

So, I'm up for 3.5, but if it's definitely going to be 4.0, then forget it.
Do you have anything in mind for races, entry level and whether the characters will be normal or gestalt? Or what books can be used?
Well, the race I tend to favor most is Lupin.

As for classes, I usually wait until other people have chosen theirs and I use my character to balance the team out in whatever area they are lacking. Typically I'll run a Cleric with Complete Divine book for the Divine Metamagic feat, rogue or monk.

If the character build is gestalt, I'll run cleric/sorcerer, rogue/ranger, or cleric/monk.
I'm guessing you mean a celestial: Lupinal? They're a class rating minimum of 5 so the game would need to have chars start at five with you starting at 0, class adjustments suck. I'd be interested, also a 3.5 geek.
That's odd, considering according to Javascript D&D 3.5 Character Generator, it has no level adjustment. And yes, I have Eberron.
I will have to wait to see what characters classes others choose. If there's no rogue, I'll go in as a Changeling Rogue. If we need a cleric, I'll make a Dreamsight Shifter Cleric.
ok im glad that was sorted out then. im working hard on the bios and have decided to pull the 8 - 22 rule. meaning all stats start at eight and you have 22 points to build your character up. when you have done that i should have the rest of the bio ready for you
I've actually had some interest in picking up D&D. But I'm a complete noob. Would it be possible for me to get in this? If you guys would have to hold my hand too much, don't worry about it.
I've had experience in the dm seat, if you need any help i'm sure i could be of assistance. i'll post a bio at some point within the next few days, not decided on a character yet... =)
Okay then, allow me to post my first bio :)

Name: Alarian Silverstone
Class: Druid
Level: (Automatically 1)
Race: Elven
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 136
Gender: Female
Height: 5"7 (Tall for an Elf)
Weight: 90lb
Deity: Assuming we are using a new world with all gods, races and possibilities, i worship Val'mar (The Swift Strike).
Personality: Usually the quiet one in social situations, Alarian is reserved, holding her tongue due to the fact that she is brutally honest and that has gotten her into too many sticky situations. She will tell the truth, even if bluntly. She is darkly beautiful and ferocious in combat, honourable and proud of her heritage.

STR:12 (Slim and lithe, but it's all muscle)
DEX: 18 (A Master Archer and an agile rider)
CON: 8 (Slim, not built for close quarters)
INT: 10 (More intelligent than an average Human, an excellent tactician)
WIS: 10 (Age brings Wisdom, needed for Druids)
CHA: 8 (Blunt and realistic, startlingly beautiful in a dark, savage way)

HP: 7
AC: 17
BAB: +0
Initiative: +4 (Fast for a level 1, no?)

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Elf Traits! (Immune to sleep affects, +2 on saving throws against magic, Low light vision, Better Search, Spot and Listen through keen senses.) Languages: Common, Elven and Druidic.

Skills: Heal, Search, Ride, Knowledge (nature). I have not included ranks as this is an RP, not necessarily rolling, just enjoying the chars in situations. *shrug*

Equipment: Backpack, waterskin, bedroll, trail rations, hemp rope (50ft), sack, crowbar, flint and steel, belt pouch, shovel, torch, travellers outfit.

Weapons and Armour:
Longbow, Spear, Dagger, Heavy Wooden Shield, Studded Leather Armour.

Spells, 3-lvl0, 1-lvl1

Level 0:
Create Water
Detect Magic

Level 1:
Cure Light Wounds.

Bio: Tall, slim and muscular Alarian is beautiful but perhaps not so good in social situations, she is a fearsome combatant and grew up alongside animals in the wild forests with her tribe, trained traditionally in the elven manner she became a master archer and excelled at communing with animals, skills which were very useful in the deep forests, joining a pack of wolf riders as a forward scout allowed her to study and learn and she has progressed ever since. Upon her coming of age she departed to train in the outside world, all the more eager to leave after a failed marriage with a Half-Elf, which she still harbours a childish grudge for, against her parents will. Slow to trust people she can show great loyalty to those few willing to work hard enough to gain it, she is quiet, beautiful and compassionate, but mysterious, truthful (even brutally) and curious.

Pic, somewhat related, imagine with dark hair, a bow, not a staff, and not smiling, she doesn't smile often these days.

Hope this is what you wanted, can be tweaked at any time. Lets build this group and get playing!!! =)
(due to my missing out of a few details)


















Weapons and Armour:



also [[accepted]]
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