interest check: Dungeons and dragons

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Excellent, i eagerly await another group member =) btw, now i think about it perhaps that bio was a bit short, however as the group levels and gains power i'm sure chars can learn more about eachother.
Name: Coralle rumatisse
Class: Priest
Level: 1
Race: Elven
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 120
Gender: Female
Height: 5"3
Weight: 80lb
Deity: Chauntea
Personality: Usually the quiet one in social situations, shy and reserved, holding her tongue due to her tendency of saying things people dont want to hear about situations. that has gotten her into too many sticky situations. She will tell the truth, even if the situation dictates otherwise. She is plainly beautiful honorable and proud of her heritage.

STR:9 (Slim and weak but with a strong heart)
DEX: 12 (lithe and supple)
CON: 14 (Slim, not really built for battles)
INT: 14 (More intelligent than an average Human, an excellent healer)
WIS: 17 (has travelled the world in a caravan of travelling priests)
CHA: 16 (Blunt and realistic, startlingly beautiful in a plain girl-next-door kind of way)

HP: 10
AC: 14
BAB: +0
Initiative: +1

Feats: Combat Casting, Maximise Spell Elf Traits! (Immune to sleep affects, +2 on saving throws against magic, Low light vision, Better Search, Spot and Listen through keen senses.)
Languages: Common, Elven and Dwarven.

Skills: Concentration, Herbalism, Diplomacy, Knowledge of religion, Knowledge of the planes, Knowledge of history, Knowledge of arcana. Healer, Spellcraft

Equipment: Backpack, waterskin, bedroll, trail rations, hemp rope (50ft), sack, , flint and steel, belt pouch, shovel, torch, journeymans cloak.

Weapons and Armour:
Quarterstaff, Morning star, Studded Leather Armour.

Spells, 3-lvl0, 3-lvl1 1- lvl2

Level 0:
Create Water
Detect Magic
cure minor wounds

Level 1:
Cure Light Wounds.
inflict light wounds.
bless water

Level 2:
Calm emotion

Bio: undisclosed

((Image:!Leliana_First_Pic.jpg ))
Name: Robert Zidane
Class: Rogue
Level: 1
Race: Changeling
Alignment: NG
Age: 18
Gender: Male*
Height: 6ft*
Weight: 180*
Strength 8 (-1)
Dexterity 16 (+3)
Constitution8 (-1)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 8 (-1)
Charisma 14 (+2)

Total Hit Points: 5

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 15 = 10 +2 [leather] +3 [dexterity]

Touch AC: 13
Flat-footed: 12

Initiative modifier:+3 = +3 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: -1 = 0 [base] -1 [constitution]
Reflex save: +5 = 2 [base] +3 [dexterity]
Will save: -1 = 0 [base] -1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld):-1 = 0 [base] -1 [strength]
Attack (unarmed):-1 = 0 [base] -1 [strength]
Attack (missile): +3 = 0 [base] +3 [dexterity]
Grapple check: -1 = 0 [base] -1 [strength]

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven

Chosen Feats:

Racial Traits:
+2 on saves vs. sleep and charm
+2 on bluff, intimidate, sense motive
Natural linguist
Minor Change Shape

Class Traits/Feats:
Sneak Attack +1d6

Evasion (level 2)
Trap Sense (level 3)
Uncanny Dodge (level 4)
Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 8)
Special Abilities (choices begin at 10th level)

Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]
Leather armor [light; +2 AC; max dex +6; check penalty 0; 15 lb.]
Thieves' Tools
50ft hemp rope
Trail Rations
Traveler's Cloak
Grappling Hook

Escape Artist
Gather Information
Knowledge (local)
Move Silently
Open Lock
Sense Motive
Sleight of Hand
Use Rope

Appearance (Preferred Form):


Notes = *This can change via racial shape-changing ability

Will finish this later
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Appraise Int 2 = +2
Balance Dex* 3 = +3
Bluff Cha 4 = +2 +2 [changeling]
Climb Str* -1 = -1
Concentration Con -1 = -1
Diplomacy Cha 2 = +2
Disguise Cha 2 = +2
Escape Artist Dex* 3 = +3
Forgery Int 6 = +2 +4
Gather Information Cha 2 = +2
Heal Wis -1 = -1
Hide Dex* 9 = +3 +4 +2 [stealthy]
Intimidate Cha 4 = +2 +2 [changeling]
Jump Str* -1 = -1
Knowledge (local) Int 6 = +2 +4
Listen Wis 3 = -1 +4
Move Silently Dex* 9 = +3 +4 +2 [stealthy]
Open Lock Dex 7 = +3 +4
Ride Dex 3 = +3
Search Int 6 = +2 +4
Sense Motive Wis 5 = -1 +4 +2 [changeling]
Sleight of Hand Dex* 7 = +3 +4
Spot Wis 3 = -1 +4
Survival Wis -1 = -1
Swim Str** -1 = -1
Use Rope Dex 3 = +3

Appearance (True Form):

Notes = *This can change via racial shape-changing ability

while these skills are right i will have to tell you to remove the ranks. and get rid of all non-class abilities and cross-class abilities. you can get them later but not this early on ok? and can i point out that the image will not be your characters true form but rather his most preferred form. seeing as according to dungeons and dragons a changeling looks like this....
Bio will be up as soon as there's some sort of plot to mold the character's history to.
I wouldn't mind joining, but I don't know the first thing about dungeons and dragons and you guys make it look awfully intimidating, is there a site where I can read up on this stuff?
run the classes by me and ill tell you if they are or not, im going to find it difficult to fit a changeling into the original story anyway, so it shouldnt be hard to include strange classes... the only class i definitely wont allow is artificer because thew are way over powered. as for sites to look up information.... google does pretty well but you can go to wizards of the coast for info... again google will help you there :) glad to see a little interest finally
Dragon Disciple was the one I was most interested in, especially seeing as I already have an outline and such ready for just such a char though he is a lvl 4 so I'll have to play around with it to make him lvl 1.
if there is a particular history to your character you wish to use to ewxplain your powerrs then yes... if you would prefer to leave that part blank as a surprise to thje other players you can pm that part to me instead :) gives me the chance to write it into the main story
*is dragged in*

Expect me to fail lots since i've not touched D&D since I was a kid but... ya, i'm in :andry:
Right.... I think I got it. Let me know if this needs any major work done. If the basic stuff gets approved, I'll add in bio-type stuff later tonight.

Name: Talindray Antonidas
Race: Half-Elven
Class: Ranger
Align: Neutral Good
Religion: None
HP: 9
Base Attack Bonus: 1

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 7
Charisma: 12

Fortitude: 2
Reflex: 4
Will: 0
Initiative: 2
Melee: 1 / 1
Ranged: 1 / 3
Armor Class: 2+10


escape artist
handle animal
knowledge dungeoneering
knowledge geography
knowledge history
knowlege nature
move silently
use rope


Dagger 1d4 (1)
Longbow 1d8 (1)
Arrows (20) (10)
Studded leather +3 (1)
Backpack 2lb (1)
Bedroll 5lb (1)
Candle (10) (1)
Flask (3) (2)
Flint/steel (1)
Rations 1lb (1)
Signet ring (1)
Waterskin 4lb (1)


armor proficiency light
lightning reflexes
martial weapon proficiency
shield proficiency
simple weapon proficiency
Favored enemy (Orcs, iirc)
Track, wild empathy



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terry can i ask you a favour. can you close this thread now that the main sign-up is open? also its right bvut get rid of the ranks lol you made the same mistake as robert... well its not a mistake but the ranks arent needed because dice rolls can be faked. its approved. a half elf is easy to write in thanks :)
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