Interpreting FFVII's ending.

The ending of FF7, I thinkk thats a really good theory but this is what happened, The earth (i think) uses holy and thats that bright blue light that trys to stop meteor, before holy comes and gets meteor, a little girl (from Aeris' ghost in midgar place) opens her window and says "The flower lady?" But holys to late and the earth uses ther life stream which still isnt enough, then it shows Aeris one last time, and boom everythings ok.
I don't think humanity was wiped out. Why? Well, think about it. You see Red and his pups, yeah? Meaning Red got himself a woman, meaning their species wasn't wiped out, so how could something destroy the whole of humanity, without wiping out any other life form? You hear the birds at the end, they managed to survive aswell. So, basically I find it hard to believe that everything that happened at the end of the game, only destroyed humanity, while other life forms clearly survived.
I think a lot of people are seeing the 'wiped out' possibility as a negative thing. If humanity was indeed 'wiped out', it would have returned to the Lifestream. Is the Lifestream not in its own right a Promised Land? Upon returning to the Lifestream humanity would find true happiness, and who knows, could resurface one day as life in some other form on the planet surface.

I think the negative viewing of the 'wiping out' comes from our personal fear of death as a race, but if you see it in the grand scheme of things humanities return to the Lifestream is the 'good ending'. A return to the Lifestream is in everyone best interest, both humanities and the planet's. There is no heaven or hell, there is only the Lifestream. And it is good.
I think a lot of people are seeing the 'wiped out' possibility as a negative thing. If humanity was indeed 'wiped out', it would have returned to the Lifestream. Is the Lifestream not in its own right a Promised Land? Upon returning to the Lifestream humanity would find true happiness, and who knows, could resurface one day as life in some other form on the planet surface.

I think the negative viewing of the 'wiping out' comes from our personal fear of death as a race, but if you see it in the grand scheme of things humanities return to the Lifestream is the 'good ending'. A return to the Lifestream is in everyone best interest, both humanities and the planet's. There is no heaven or hell, there is only the Lifestream. And it is good.

I don't find it negative really. Just find it hard to believe that Nanaki, birds, a female for Nanaki to breed with can survive something that humanity can't. I mean something that powerful, why would it only effect humanity? Talking Genecide on a global scale here, humnaity dies, but all or most other species survive. Doesn't make sense to me.
well I guess it answers Buganhagen's question of "will Humanity pass?" before you look for the key to the cetras secrets
I don't find it negative really. Just find it hard to believe that Nanaki, birds, a female for Nanaki to breed with can survive something that humanity can't. I mean something that powerful, why would it only effect humanity? Talking Genecide on a global scale here, humnaity dies, but all or most other species survive. Doesn't make sense to me.

But yet super-aliens from space, lightning fast yellow birds all colours of the rainbow, a man with a fully functional machine gun actually grafted onto his arm and a walking talking big stuffed cat are all entirely plausible? This is FF were talking about, a fantasy world. Much about anythings possible and could have happened, so why couldn't the Lifestream just 'magic' away humanity in one swoop leaving all other harmless species to roam the planet?
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I never though humanity was wiped out because first the whole story was to stop that and stop the destruction of the planet so I don't think they would make all that effort goes for nothing. :/
This is very interesting! I played the game late and had already seen clips from Advent Children, which I knew was a sequel. So I assumed that humanity survived, even though it wasn't explicitly stated. I was happy to see Midgar in ruins, because it represented everything that humanity was doing wrong; it also implied that Shin-Ra was defeated.

But actually, now I read this thread, I can see that it is a far more powerful ending if humanity didn't 'pass' the test, and yes, returned to the Lifestream. I like Oddsocks' interpretation very much.
I prefer to think that Nanaki shows his cubs Midgar to say "This is where it all began, where I met my friends". or something. And I think that Midgar is green because ShinRa collapsed. Not including AC.
It was supposed to be 500 years later. How is Nanaki still alive? Did I forget something about his species having very long life-spans? And if he was indeed the last of his species left, then how come there are cubs?

I suppose ultimately they left it as a cliff-hanger so that the players would ask themselves the question - "Were the humans good for the planet, or would they have to be eliminated/re-absorbed?" And then it's not so much of a stretch to apply that to our own world.
It was supposed to be 500 years later. How is Nanaki still alive? Did I forget something about his species having very long life-spans? And if he was indeed the last of his species left, then how come there are cubs?

I suppose ultimately they left it as a cliff-hanger so that the players would ask themselves the question - "Were the humans good for the planet, or would they have to be eliminated/re-absorbed?" And then it's not so much of a stretch to apply that to our own world.

Nanaki's race does have an exceptionally long life span. He was about 40 in human years during the course of the game, and was still called a young child or teenager.

And he has cubs, which suggests that his race isn't completely gone, as I think Bugenhagen had prophesised at one point, may have been mistaken. But nevertheless, a Mrs Nanaki must have been out there somewhere!
i was going to start a topic about this... i really didnt get it... i mean all through the game it goes on about him being the last of his kind (as aeris/aerith is the last of hers) and then at the end of 7 beginning of 7:ac he has cubs which made me think WTF where did they come from??? is there a mrs nanaki... also i know im including ac here but on the english version it says 488 years later at the beginning... yet the turks, cloud and the gang are still alive... come on nanaki i can believe but those "humans" alive after 488/500 years???
all through the game it goes on about him being the last of his kind (as aeris/aerith is the last of hers)

This is a good point to bring up now I think about it, actually. The human race is FFVII in convinced throughout that Aeris is the last of the Ancients (and some speculate that Sepiroth could possibly also be Cetra, although this is proven to be false to the player later in the game), however these ideas are deemed wrong when in the Temple of the Ancients you find another Cetra running around with his big white beard and pointy hat. If wrong about the remaining population count of the Cetra, they could quite easily be mistaken on Nanaki's race.
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This is a good point to bring up now I think about it, actually. The human race is FFVII in convinced throughout that Aeris is the last of the Ancients (and some speculate that Sepiroth could possibly also be Cetra, although this is proven to be false to the player later in the game), however these ideas are deemed wrong when in the Temple of the Ancients you find another Cetra running around with his big white beard and pointy hat. If wrong about the remaining population count of the Cetra, they could quite easily be mistaken on Nanaki's race.

I didn't think those pointy-hatted people were Cetra. I think they were supposed to be just guardians of the Temple.
beginning of 7:ac he has cubs which made me think WTF where did they come from??? is there a mrs nanaki... also i know im including ac here but on the english version it says 488 years later at the beginning... yet the turks, cloud and the gang are still alive... come on nanaki i can believe but those "humans" alive after 488/500 years???

AC is two years after the events of Final Fantasy VII, that's why it says "498 years later" instead of 500 (end of FFVII you see the same scene and it says "500 years later.") It's just recapping the final scene of the game and signafying AC is two years later.
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whether you guys want to accept it or not...AC is part of the FF series. It IS part of FF-VII I dont know what your ughing about.
For the life of me, I can't even hazard a guess as to why we're discounting Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus from the equation. They are both direct sequels of the events in VII, both canon and, despite what people might prefer, they both count towards the story of Final Fantasy VII. To me, it's just painfully obvious that humanity was deemed as something good for the Planet. Midgar is still full of people in both games, so it obviously wasn't completely destroyed.

Unless I'm missing something from reading this discussion, I'm happy to continue with this opinion.