Inward Chaos

practice your blocking on cloud.. he is really slow in performing an attack.. so that makes you read his attacks easily..
once you master your blocking.. practice an hp attack blocking with exdeath or jecht but i dont really recommend you to do that.. ahahahhaa..
well anyway.. blocking is also important in the game because once you successfully block an opponents attack, yeah the match could be yours
I focus on timing with dodges. I have had much success with dodging attacks this game. I think blocking is a smart idea to put forward to, but you need to make sure you can dodge as well. I find that I dodge more then black anyway, so I think you should try that. But as silvercrowe said, blocking is good!
I managed to do it with cloud (for IC1,2,3) and the last two with bartz. I still need to get the blackjack course and I'm 97% complete (missed a treasure chest).
i've used sephiroth with one winged angel and genji set with iai strike build...smiting soul,hp=100% (player and enemy);summon unused (player and enemy); lvl=100; lvl multiple by 4,5...these are the things that i've used and forgot the rest...

the point must break him and gain enough bravery and ex force (in case he would try counter before you deliver the finishing blow) to deliver 1 hp attack to kill him..
You might want to put destroyer in case there is phoenix down.

Mod Edit: Could you add a bit more to your post? These kinds of posts are considered One-Liners, thanks ;)
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I got pretty far, but now I am stuck fighting against cloud of darkness. She is the person hardest for me to beat besides chaos.... Does anyone have any tips on how to beat her? I can't freaking stand her!
when she's airborne.. I'm pretty sure that the cpu will use the brv attack where the tentacles will circle around her.. this attacks is so irritating because when you are near her.. there's no chance of dodging it.. this is where i started practicing block and left dodging for awhile.. blocking that attack will surely leave her open for any attacks..

for hp attacks.. the zero form particle beam is again another irritating ability.. when you think you are in the middle of the zero form's range.. again dodging is impossible.. I was only successful in dodging this if I dodge sidewards or entering ex mode.. if you are near her, dodge above her.. if you are far from her, just dodge backward.. the other hp attacks are easy to dodge.. well except for wrath particle beam..
Ha! COD is easy! all you have to do is stay close within the range of her cannon attack and let her do it then time her and at the right time spam an hp attack and you will always get her
this weekend i kicked chaos but with seph again.
used one winged angel genji armor and i had a EX-build. i was all the time in the EX mode and it wasnt that difficult

btw i was drunk as hell and it was about 4am on saturday. thought i needed 4 trys to kill chaos...
well, i was using cloud as my main character but no matter how hard i tried i could not beat him, so then i decided to use gabranth. i beat inward chaos first time with no problems. strange huh?
How does repeatedly doing IC help? Do you get something for completing 100%? If so, what?
i think there is a mission where you have to complete evrything with 100% but i dunno for sure.
i was just bored ^^ :pikamon:
I need to know how to get all the ultimate weapons for each character. getting the necessary items is really hard. i need tips and stuff. especially for titus and WOL