Is Anyone Else Thinking Noctis Might Really Be The Bad Guy?


Jun 27, 2010
Getting what I got from the newest Versus trailer they released, I'm starting to wonder if Noctis might really be the bad guy. He's shown he's arrogant, vengeful...and did anyone else get the vibe that doesn't care if other people die or not, knowing that's he's a target? I mean, I know he's probably feeling really betrayed by his father for him not wanting to give up his spot as king...but will he really end up killing his own father? Finally, my last thought is how he talks about "expanding" to Ignis during what looked to be the fight in some sort of public building (which may have been a courthouse)...or the place that looking really similar to the conference room where those guys all sat at that large table in one of the first trailers. Anyone else think he might be going for some sort of domination and abuse of the crystal?

Anyways...this was just a thought of mine. I know its absolutely possible because of the "there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" thing and that this game is going to blur the lines between good and bad...but. I'd rather his dad be the evil one..and not him. ...Although it would be an interesting twist to a Final Fantasy game...I can't think off hand of a protagonist that went bad during the game.
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Thats a really good theory and something that hasn't been done with a main playable character before and it actually excites me!!

This game already looks awesome but I think with a twist like this it would just put the icing on the cake. I don't have much else to offer to your theory, I just wanted to say its a really good one and very possible!
I thought that waaaaaay back when the first trailer came out mainly because the Noctis we saw in the first trailer was kicking ass like nobody's business. Usually overpowered characters in the beginning of a game are the final bosses, right?

But now? He may be evil like how l'cie were "evil" in FFXIII (and even that I don't completely see happening), but to the core, nah, I doubt it.

He might turn out to be a really annoying prick from what I've read, but I suppose that sets up for eventual character development.
FF games = "save the world plot"

Noctis's behaviour is no different to previous, In fact I would prefer him heartless and emotionless like Lightning or Cloud................If anyone is gonna turn bad its probably Stella after seeing them both face-off in the previous trailers. (I'm curious about whats to happen between them two :hmmm:). ---------> One of the things that draws me to the game.

But anyway at the moment maybe you could say almost every character is bad it looks like this game is gonna be full of villains: King Caelum,the guy rumoured to be related to Noctis,The guy with a white robe,the dragoon,another blonde guy with robes in previous trailer and maybe Stella too. :ahmed:

This game does seem as though its gonna have a more political story side to it.
:hmph: but hopefully a lot of tragedy too.
Interesting theory but I dont think it will happen, people might end up hating Noctis and SE doesnt want to see that I think.. however they did state from the start that Versus will be much darker than FF13,., hence the blood etc..

This would make the game even more interesting...a supertwist. Like your theory.
I can definitely see the reasoning behind the theory, and I hope he is. It would make a change from trying to save the world and personally, I think it'd make for a better plot too. There'd always be the possibility too that he starts off hateful but then hurts people close to him or people he cares about and it turns him in the end. Tbh, I'm up for anything other than "save the world" which is far too cliché nowadays in games in general.
Nah ..
Definitely won't be the bad guy.
People won't root for a bad guy, that's obvious.
And no I don't want a hero to be a bad guy ever.

I disagree that it would make for a better plot.
Some of the recent FF plots have been bad but that's because Square has de-emphasized plots and story telling in their games.
Well, i can't think that Noctis is the bad guy (maybe because i idolize him? lol). Not because he is the protagonist, but according to Nomura he isn't a 'cool' guy, he's just a normal boy who thinks that he is strong... (i often see this kind of personality in a manga/anime, where the protagonist is a stupid boy who thinks that he's strong but in reality he isn't).

I'm not sure about this, but i think Noctis's dad isn't evil. See the quote "An act of love by the last king?". The last king may refers to Noctis's dad. And the act of love may refer to Noctis who had to flee from Nieflheim.

err, that's what i thought.. and i'm sorry about my english _ _''
It would be cool to fight as the antagonist from beginning 'till end and not know it until you clear the game. xD
I think there should be some VERY SUBTLE HINTS if this were the case.
I don't think that he will be "evil".

The whole point of Versus is making the player question morals and so I don't think Noctis will be this perfect hero type character. I think he will probably do some "bad" stuff but just to make the player think about it.

Tbh I am glad because the main characters are always the same. It will be nice to see it mixed up a little
I just watched the new trailer and from the looks of things, it seems like SE are doing some sort of before and aftermath with Noctis as he seems really nice in the new trailer but in the first trailer he's portrayed as a cold blooded badass.
So either he is good and turns bad halfway through or maybe he is evil from the start and plans the whole fiasco in the new trailer in order to claim the throne?

Either way it looks like it's gona be an epic storyline.