Is anyone happy about the turn-based system being replaced?

Yeah, i thought the turn system is really good because I get to see things that 'I' want to, not what the 'game' wants to
I really didn't like the whole online rpg battle system. It didn't feel like FF to me, but it was still okay once you got used to the whole gambit thing. Good thing this is the last time they are using this battle system.^_^ Hope FFXIII doesn't have something similar.
yeah same here, and to those who argue that it doesn't feel like final fantasy(although your aloud having your own opinion :) ), it is always good to have a change, bcuz too much of the same is boring...

I really didn't like the whole online rpg battle system. It didn't feel like FF to me, but it was still okay once you got used to the whole gambit thing. Good thing this is the last time they are using this battle system.^_^ Hope FFXIII doesn't have something similar.
and who says there changing it again???
I really didn't like the whole online rpg battle system. It didn't feel like FF to me, but it was still okay once you got used to the whole gambit thing. Good thing this is the last time they are using this battle system.^_^ Hope FFXIII doesn't have something similar.

I don't see how a battle system has anything to do with 'feeling like final
fantasy'. Final Fantasy is famous now for the storylines and characters.
Not for their turn based battle system. It was probally a change for the
better in some ways.
i didnt like the battle system at all...they either shouldve kept a turn based system and improved on it or they should use a battle system like star ocean. i just hated the fact that i can move my characters but there was not way to dodge hits manually
I don't see how a battle system has anything to do with 'feeling like final
fantasy'. Final Fantasy is famous now for the storylines and characters.
Not for their turn based battle system. It was probally a change for the
better in some ways.

It's not like the story blew or anything, but gameplay is improtant. All i was saying is that it felt like playing a online rpg. Yeah i know things change, but not everyone has to like it. If i wanted a online rpg i would have played FFXI.
I really can't decide which I prefer. Turn-based had more strategy and depth to it, but the new battle system made the constant stream of regular enemies a lot more bearable. I would prefer a more turn-based style for boss battles though.

It would be great if there was an option that you could set to make boss fights and such more turn-based.

I loved FFX's battle system where it showed who's turn would be next, it added a lot of depth to the game. To be honest, if they never a made a turn-based game again I would be disappointed. But, similarly, if they never made another game with "Active Dimension" battle system I believe it's called, I would be also disappointed.

As for FFXII not feeling like a Final Fantasy game, I think that's because of the story and charcters, not the battle system.
I love that the turn-based system was replaced. It was really dumb at some point to sit and wait to be hit, although on another point it still took skill and strategy. However I love the free movement, it's easier to dodge, get away, and all of that. But it's still challenging because of the active time bar. I prefer this one to all the others personally.
As for FFXII not feeling like a Final Fantasy game, I think that's because of the story and charcters, not the battle system.

Yeah, the story focused more on the political struggle they were facing instead of just them in general. It kinda felt sorta like they got some insperation from Star Wars Episode 1: the phantom menace.
A lot of the Final Fantasies had political struggle though. Final Fantasy 8 for instance, the Galbadian government trying to take over everything, the whole military thing, and etc.. VII had it too, it was an underground rebellion versus a powerful corporation who basically owned the world (sure it turned into something else later on, but still involved said corporation). X had it to some extent, since Yevon and its maesters were the rulers basically and the whole game revolved around Yevon and Sin. As well as IX, since Brahne went and took over all those kingdoms and was basically war mongering. In X-2, it was the three factions left in Yevon's ruins battling it out. Sure these might have all had different elements involved and had politics in different ways but they all had political struggle in some form.

Although I guess there is a point that those weren't all political struggle.

I dunno. Sorry, I'm not trying to attack anyone it's just what I think ^_^
It's not like the story blew or anything, but gameplay is improtant. All i was saying is that it felt like playing a online rpg. Yeah i know things change, but not everyone has to like it. If i wanted a online rpg i would have played FFXI.

I know, my apologies if you thought that. I just thought it was nice
for one with actual movement, i'm hoping eventually they'll go with
KH's battle system. Turn based was good, but it kinda got iffy with
me when it felt like some were just the same over and over again.
But it's crutial in all honesty for Final Fantasy to have the turned
base system just because many of the fans are used to it. ^_^

If this post makes no sense, ignore it and i'll edit it tomorrow. It's
because i'm tired. took me sometime to come to like first I hated it out of my mind but then it gets better, the enemies are there and they dont just pop out of nowhere that like real time...thats pretty cool for an RPG but yeah after a while it gets good ^_^
one thing i hate is that people always get on with this ff originals and those are the people who like to stay in the past and i hate that why do people expect SE to make the games more oringinal. some people just go crazy and dont accept any changes that SE brings that differ from the old ff titles. i am a man who likes changes as they make the game more exiting , i clearly like different. i dont like to stay in the past and so yes i gladly accept the change
I love that the turn-based system was replaced. It was really dumb at some point to sit and wait to be hit, although on another point it still took skill and strategy. However I love the free movement, it's easier to dodge, get away, and all of that. But it's still challenging because of the active time bar. I prefer this one to all the others personally.

Yeah i fell the exact same way. Also the battles don't drag on as much.