Is basch A father?


Dragoon lancer
Nov 20, 2008
Hey just read this on a website

"After you have Basch, and escape Nalbina, go to Rabanastre, and talk to Montblanc the clan head. He will give you rewards for killing the fire mane, and mimic queen.

When he gives you the reward for the mimic queen, he will say a lady gives you this for helping her father escape Nalbina, and proving that he was innocent

who is the father? well its basch as you just rescued him"

now my memory is fuzzy, and im pretty sure it says, thanks you for proving my fatyher was inoccent by defeating the mimic queen, i dont remember the bit bwt helping the father escape, but if it does say that then it is a posibility that basch has a child, as he is old enough.

can anyone post what is actually said in game as i passed that bit 2 days ago and dont want to start from the beginning again
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Just had a look, and yeah the note says: "A young lady sent you this, with her compliments. "For proving that my dad, who was imprisoned in Nalbina, was innocent."
Never seen Mont Blanc mention Basch after it though.

Never thought about it til now, I'm not convinced it's Basch though for some reason. It could be one of the Bangaas that escape?
hmm well maybe her "father" was blamed for a crime that the mimic queen did and therefore you proved he was innocwent, i dnt think he is a father but it seems rumours are apearing by die hard fans and fans who are about 10 who misread things
Since there was never any indication that Basch had any love interests or offspring, I'd have to deny the possibility. Only your party and select individuals within the empire were to know of Basch's survival. I had always just assumed that others people, trapped within Nalbina Fortress, escaped through the same path that you did - by defeating Mimic Queen, you essentially cleared the path out into the Estersand.
Since there was never any indication that Basch had any love interests or offspring, I'd have to deny the possibility. Only your party and select individuals within the empire were to know of Basch's survival. I had always just assumed that others people, trapped within Nalbina Fortress, escaped through the same path that you did - by defeating Mimic Queen, you essentially cleared the path out into the Estersand.

not really as the path yuo escape through collapses as you defeat tyhe mimic queen, i tried returning to those mines/caves however was unable to as their was rubble in the entrance i exited from
That's true, the only way back in is to get the Barheim Key from the sidequest, as the exit you escape out've is blocked by rocks and rubble...
Isn't Bash in jail for killing the king?
I dont think the mimic queen had anything to do with his imprisonment anyway.
So I guess its just some other guy. I'd have to play it again to see. But I dont have the time unfortunatly.
Basch was imprisoned for killing King Raminas, allegedly. However, halfway through the Barheim Passage, your party stops and Basch talks of how his twin brother (whom we later know as Judge Gabranth) was actually the one who killed the King. Basch's imprisonment and the murder of the King meant that the peace treaty between Dalmasca and Archadia could not be signed and, so, Archadia took control of Dalmasca henceforth.
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anyway, that was kind off my point. So the guy with the kid is not bash.
I shouldn't think so. How can the mimic queen prove that Gabranth killed the King? Everyone still thinks that Basch killed the King. Balthier says something like "Keep your head down. You're a criminal here too" or something to Basch after they escape, dosn't he?
I think it's to do with one of the Bangaas. Remember the Absteel hunt? You're doing that for an escapee from Nalbina, while the other is mortally wounded.

Just shows that others managed to escape, not just your party and Basch.
Definitely not.

In my opinion, the father couldn't escape because Mimic Queen was blocking his path, just like when she was blocking your path when you were trying to escape with Basch.

Definitely not.

In my opinion, the father couldn't escape because Mimic Queen was blocking his path, just like when she was blocking your path when you were trying to escape with Basch.


ive said this before but once you defeat the mimic queen the passage you took out of there collapses thus blocking the path, therefore others cannot escape the same way, they must of taken a different path, and therefore defeating the mimic queen wouldnt of left to them being innocent
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ive said this before but once you defeat the mimic queen the passage you took out of there collapses thus blocking the path, therefore others cannot escape the same way, they must of taken a different path, and therefore defeating the mimic queen wouldnt of left to them being innocent

Though others DO escape from Nalbina, the Absteel hunt shows this, as the petitioners are Bangaas who've escaped, being attacked by the Absteel on the way...
i'd never have imagined basch as a father, he seems to cold, and distanced to everyone he meets to be a father, although possable, id say the chances are extremely low that he is.
I just took a quick look in the ultimania guide and it does not say that he is a father. And I would asume that it would be in there if anywhere.
I have to say I overlooked that tidbit of info on my initial play-through of the game, but the funny thing is, that there is no mention then of his daughter at any other point of the game; or in RW for the DS.

You would think that after Basch got a chance of freedom and put fighting aside for a moment, he would at least try to connect with his daughter or text would come up in a convo that he was worried slightly about her. However, we see none of that at all the rest of the game.

Could the comment made by the daughter be referring to someone else in a similar situation? Crazy.
Though others DO escape from Nalbina, the Absteel hunt shows this, as the petitioners are Bangaas who've escaped, being attacked by the Absteel on the way...

i never said that others didnt escape, i just merely pointed out that they couldnt of used the same path as what you did
Interesting... I never even noticed this. And I usually pick up on things like that. But I believe it was someone else in the jail, Basch does not seem like the father type lol