Dirge of Cerberus Is DoC Worth playing?

I cannot stand Dirge of Cerberus and I am probably the biggest Vincent fan out there (I have him tattooed!) The game play is bad, new characters are bad, story is bad, the in-game graphics are bad, so on and so on.

I bought it to own it, (hey-- it is about Vincent) but I won't be playing it again.
I was a tad disappointed with the graphics and with the game play. I guess it was fun playing but the game was too short and there weren't enaugh side-quests and mini-games. It's like SE wanted to finish making the game as fast as they could, throwing in random ideas into the game and not thinking it through. It was pretty hard as well. All those secret things I had to collect...
My nerves couldn't take it. I sold the game. End of story.
It is worth getting. When I first got it I was surprised because I didn't think Vincent would be the next main character. it isn't RPG but it's still good.
I'm not a fan of Vincent, but I played it anyway. It explained a few things and at least I got my satisfaction out of it. (But I love the voice actor and during a convention ended up getting glomped by Steve Blum. He's a very cool guy)

So I go by this saying:

"Whether or not if you beat the game matters not. It is if you bought it."

However I did get all of the memory capsules and the G-Project files but didn't bother with the extra missions. (maybe I should)
I didnt mind playing it but after getting the secret ending and wat not im probably not going to play it again. It was interesting to see who Vincents father was. It probably wouldve been more critically acclaimed if it was on the psp because the length of the story wasnt that long and there wasnt much to do after that. not like crisis core where u have like a billion missions.
I liked it but it wasn't like final fantasy for me. It was just missing something. It lacked the soul. The characters were good and the story was... whatever it was it was alot of it, but it wasn't final fantasy.

I'd play it but it gets boring after a while. So you leave it for ages but then play it again etc.
Yes, I agree... It didn't have the same 'flavor', 'feeling' or 'soul' to it. It didn't help that many people who worked on the original game were still there and worked on Dirge of Cerberus.

The big one that mattered to me was the soundtrack composer: Nobuo Uematsu. It was Masashi Hamauzu instead. The music has a major impact on the environment.

Perhaps that's why Square-Enix got them back, even if they had to outsource.

Example: Nobuo Uematsu started "SMILE PLEASE" after he left Square-Enix in 2004 and they hired him as a third party to do the music for Crisis Core
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i already won this game. i enjoyed it. i just thought that Vincent is going to be the father of Sephiroth instead of Hojo.
it was ok i guess but the last boss is a joke even on hard mode that was the biggest let down but otherwise its still worth playing
I cannot stand Dirge of Cerberus and I am probably the biggest Vincent fan out there (I have him tattooed!) The game play is bad, new characters are bad, story is bad, the in-game graphics are bad, so on and so on.

I bought it to own it, (hey-- it is about Vincent) but I won't be playing it again.

Yeah all those things are very true but strangely I still like it, call me a die-hard Vincent Fan I suppose. I don't know I liked Shalua, she was cool;), and I like Shelke a little bit.
Personally I thought it was junk. I played it for 5 minutes took it out and never played it again. I was like "Oh a game based on Vincent I wanna try it." I did and ehhh not so much.
I actually enjoyed it, but then again I love anything that deals with first person shooter aspects as well as 3rd person. The story is different with the whole chaos theme, but all in all I think the action scenes (unless you suck at FPS's) are pretty amazing.

Very enjoyable, just make sure you play it all the way through once.
Its basically trying to be like devil may cry but it fails. I really didn't like this game at all and it makes me angry to see such a cool character featured in a crappy game
I enjoyed Dirge of Cerberus.
It might not be that good in terms of storylining, graphics and plot but here's what i hated and liked in that game:

******* SPOILERS *******

I liked:

The structure of the levels.
It's a 3rd Person Shooter :P
Vincent is way to cool not to have his own game :P
Boss Fights.
It's challenging.
It serves a FFVII sequel kinda aright.
Many other characters from FFVII in it :woot:

What i didn't like:

Deepground facility? Jesus...
Bad graphics...
You had to ruin Hojo didn't you?
The Last Boss is a complete Joke.
Ruins the whole FFVII storyline.
Where's the Multiplayer?

Imo i don't consider DC or any part of the compilation as a continuation of the FFVII world. I look more like it as "Fan Fiction" or "$$$".
If you 're going to play DC having that in mind i'm pretty sure that you will much enjoy it ;)