Is it any good?

I really don't think you can compare I with the rest of the series since it was an early and simple game. It would be better to compare it with other games of that time.

If you enjoy classic Nintendo games you'll probably enjoy FF1. It was a very good game for it's time. If you want an awesome story with awesome character development and awesome graphics, stay away from this one.
Whether its good or not thats your oppinion but its the game that spawned an entired series of games so that has to say something bout the game even if you have to play it on ROM (like me :P ) its still worth it I've play throught the game countless amounts of times and i still like it its deffinately worth a look if not a few play throughs
If we're talkin the original NES version then no, its absolutly dire! IMO the seires doesn't get tolerable untill FFIII.
I've played it only once, I didn't like it all that much. I know it was the first game in the series, but I couldn't even play it for an hour
It's a pretty decent game with a simple storyline, good music and some difficult bosses. Overall I'd give it a 7/10 but only because I can't play it for more than about 45 mins without getting bored >_<
I think that's one of the reasons they changed the experience system. I have both the Playstation and GBA version of FFI and in the PS version your exp to level up is a TON. You can spend hours just leveling up one level only to need another level because your still too weak. In the GBA version however, the exp to gain level dropped to about 10% of what you need in the PS version. I leveled up to 99 no problem. In the PS version I'm stuck leveling up to level 18 before the second crystal. That is one of the reasons it can be boring.
not the best

it is not the best ff of course but do not forget that ff 1 is were it all statred at least i thk it was lol. anyway it is pretty gud for the gba it can get tedious with all the random encounters and lack of direction. but still it has a nice classic feel to it.^_^
I'd say its good.. But I reccomend getting a guide as well, even an FF Origins guide would do, because as Life&Glory said, the direction is lacking.
I have this game, and I can honostly say I don't really like it. I've only played Final Fantasy I, II, and VII, and I would have to say my favorite is definitley VII. I thought it was ridiculously hard at times, and I couldn't bring myself to play it for any more then maybe fifteen to twenty minutes at a time. Although I will say that I is a lot better then II, it's still not really good. Although if you consider yourself a big FF fan, you should definitley play it just to say you've played it.
I'd say its good.. But I reccomend getting a guide as well, even an FF Origins guide would do, because as Life&Glory said, the direction is lacking.

Lol! Yeah NES games rarely told you what you were supposed to do next. Of course, most of the times it was obvious because you could only walk in one direction anyway.

For the original Zelda, you almost needed a book to complete it. Actually most people did need one.
FFI? Of course it's good. It's a Final Fantasy game!! As a true fan of the series I believe that all Final Fantasy games are good.
Personnaly I would say this game is better than FFXII because not all FF games are good, FFXII = waste of money
Never managed to play any of the titles before Final Fantasy VII, apart from Final Fantasy V, the one where you start in that town with pipes... I think. And Final Fantasy IX got stolen :blink: I cried for days... well a few minutes and hey I was like 8, again, I think, i've got a crap memory when it comes to this. Ive started playing VII again simply because it's THE best in the series, and everyone knows it.
My brother got Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls. Very hard to find here in Scotland. I intended getting it for him at Christmas but never had it, got him FFIV:A instead.

Haven't really got a chance to play it. I started it and created a save game but I want to complete some other FF titles before going to them. Mainly wanting to complete FFVIII since I am at the end of disc 3 and FFIV since I am quite far on that too. Need to get back to playing FFIII aswell.
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it sucked for me, cuz im already used to the excellent graphics of the future, and when i look back at certain old games, im kinda ( shudders )
It's the game that kicked-off the great franchise taht we love and adore today, so there's gotta be some kinda magic in it somewhere. :p

Nah but for real, it's been said to be a great game even for its age. If you can overlook the outdated graphics, pick it up, play it, and enjoy.