Is it worth it?

Tidus Blade

The Watermelon Man
Jul 2, 2006
Dubai, UAE
Iv been wondering is the high price worth it?
I knwo it's an FF game but the price seems higher than many MMORPG's.
Alright let's review 100 bucks for it and most people with one only have it to play FFXI. It isn't compatable with even half the games on PS2 and it's very easy to break/blow a fuse (I know cause mine blew after 2 weeks).

Now because you want to play FFXI still, I suggest instead of wasting 100 bucks on the worst piece of equipment I ever seen Sony come out with, you should take that money and get the game on the PC or X360.

And if you want you can actually take the money and add 300 bucks with it to buy a X360 'cause believe me I played it on PC, X360 and PS2. X360 is by far the best and no I'm not a fanboy, I'm just a realist. Or you can upgrade your PC with it.

So no it isn't worth it.
My PC is very high performance, it played oblivion with no problem, so will it play FFXI with no problem?
Is Final Fantasy XI worth the price of the game and the monthly fee? Well, that's entirely dependant on the player. What sort of games do you like playing? How much time do you have to dedicate to a game? Do you like playing with people? Do you have a good tolerance of other people in almost any situation?

I ask these questions because they will determine whether or not you'd feel that the price to play is worth it or not. If your PC is able to play Final Fantasy XI, I'd strongly suggest going with that. It's by far the best platform to play on as it gives the option to do other activities on your computer, as well as enhanced graphics and speeds. You'd notice a horrible gameplay on the PlayStation 2, not to mention the fact that it will be discontinued soon as it will soon run out of harddisk space for expansions. If you have an Xbox360, it's actually less-expensive to play on that platform. Also, the graphics are very impressive on the affirmentioned system as well.

In addition to the above, Final Fantasy XI requires a lot of your time. It is a group-based MMORPG and doesn't offer much of a solo-play experience. Nearly everything you do in the game will require assistance from other people. Note that that's not such a bad thing. Gets things done faster and you make really good friends this way. The level grind is pretty nasty as well after you reach the mid levels. You can't really solo experience, so you're usually just sitting around waiting for a party invite. Depending on the job you chose, it could take hours, even days to get an invite.

All-in-all, it soley depends on the player. If you like such gameplay, this game is awesome for you. If not, you'd get very frustrated and wouldn't like it at all. Personally, this is by far my favorite game to date. I've been playing since the North American beta, and I'm still addicted. Only you can make the decision of the game's value.
My PC is very high performance, it played oblivion with no problem, so will it play FFXI with no problem?

Your better off with WoW

Final Fantasy XI requires lots of time,and up into your 40's it takes almost a day to level.They made the game so you have to group with others in order to level up.
Thx Jimmy conway and yarub!
I think ill be getting it for PC then but when the speacil edition with all 3 expansion packs come out.
Thx Jimmy conway and yarub!
I think ill be getting it for PC then but when the speacil edition with all 3 expansion packs come out.

Make sure you get some friends to help you out

The game gets boring if you dont to talk to anyone,even in partys no one usually talks.
What levels are they? Are they at least lower-leveled? From my experience, when I ask a friend to come play Final Fantasy XI on my server, I promise them that we'll play all the time. In reality, I never have the time to play with them. I'm always busy with the end-game events. They continue to play, but I don't think they're enjoying it as much now. I agree with Jimmy though that playing with friends is what makes this game enjoyable.