is it worth it??


ShinRa Guard
Mar 1, 2008
well i currently have a PS3 and a dell inspiron so here is the question...should i get it for the playstation or for the PC. ethier way could any of you tell me how much it is a month and is it worth when i can play WoW or Guild of war...and guild of war is free. what should i do and what aspects of this game puts it above its competitors?? help pleasee
I didn't know you could get it for the PS3 o_O

I have it for the PC, cant remember how much a month it was, as I like tried it all of once and gave up 'cause Im useless with the kb.....

It just sit's there gathering dust now :monster:
I have no idea, I thought it was just Xbrick & PC that it was out on. I dont think there is a difference between the 2 really o_O

If it was on PS3 tho, Id probably buy taht one :wacky: Just coz I prefer gaming on my Playstation.....
It was released on PS2,PC and Xbxo360
the PS2 version plays on PS3. It is 12.95 a month.
I played the demo on an Xbox 360. I wasn't impressed. It certainly doesn't compare to WoW, I say.

But who may like it. My opinion may not be worth much since I didn't play the full version.
well thats not that much for a game i guess....the only thing that i like about FFXI more than WOW is well its final fantasy so id be pretty fimilare with every thing. right?
It's a little different to the regular Final Fantasy titles. That's to be expected though, it's geared up for the PC platform and also for multiplayer of course. The main reason you'd want to play XI over WoW is based on the maturity of the players. XI seems to have a much more pleasant and older player base which is pretty important I reckon.

You don't have snot nosed little 13 year olds logging on after school and running around in hoards, abusing other players. That just severely impacts on game enjoyment.
Yeah, FFXI really is newbie friendly, too. People are so friendly and willing to help others out on it, whereas WoW is well, more 1337 geek orientated, so it's obviously gonna be a lot less pleasant.
whats the story line to it

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Major Spoilers

Keep in mind that site doesnt include the chapters added with the last 2 expansion packs.

Treasures of Aht Urghan takes you to a new continent in the near east and is only connected to the above in a few ways.

Wings of the Goddess takes place during the Crystal War (time travel!) that is refrenced in the History of website.
FFXI is a great game... but I don't feel its worth the monthly fee... if it were moer reasonable, or free, I would definately be playing still... but as it was... $13 subscription + $1 for each extra character each month was just too much, imo, and flat out not worth it. Still has a bad ass opening FMV, though... and as long as others are online, it was pretty fun... but like I said... just not worht the $$$.
what kind of party quest are on the game

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