Is Kimahri really needed?

Well then i don´t see the point of having Wakka in the story either...i mean he´s a blitzball bad player and his brother got killed by sin so what?

Unless he portrays the games dumb guy...every FF as to have one i believe:rolleyes:
wow youshould of made this into a poll ;) then we can see how many people think his needed and not needed

Good idea ^_^ I suppose I could always ask Busta Mo seeing as he's the Moderator of this particular Section (and many others) I don't know if he has the power to do so though, DB (I assume) has implicated Moderator roles of which I'm not familiar with :rolleyes:

I don't think Kimahri's part in the story was big but it was very much essential, what with him being the one who fulfilled Auron's wish of looking after Yuna and taking her to a neutral Besaid where she wouldn't be as well known as she was in Bevelle, although the same could be said about Rikku, shes much like Kimahri, she has more of a unique grid structure as Kimahri but her story wasn't all that big. I wish SE would have worked more on her and Yuna being more than friends and built on their relationship as cousins more.
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If you use him at the beggin ( Man i Cant Spell) of the game then he is very useful, but if you dont then there is no point of him later in the game. Well until you get to the boss guys then you are forced to use him
If you use him at the beggin ( Man i Cant Spell) of the game then he is very useful, but if you dont then there is no point of him later in the game. Well until you get to the boss guys then you are forced to use him

Or when you get the Dragoon Lance, that weapon rules :cool: deffinately my favourite weapon outside of the Celestial Weapons.

My least used characters are always Kimahri, Rikku and Yuna but I never leave them out of action for too long because otherwise they do become rather useless compared to my most used characters like Auron and Lulu.
Well then i don´t see the point of having Wakka in the story either...i mean he´s a blitzball bad player and his brother got killed by sin so what?

Unless he portrays the games dumb guy...every FF as to have one i believe:rolleyes:
Wakka is supposed to be the one who is the devout follower of Yevon no matter what until finally there is no explanation for it. Also he is essential to the story because the only reason Tidus follows the group around for the first part of the game is because he bears a striking resemblence to his brother Chappu. (which he doesn't)

I've beaten FFX 4 times going on 5 and i've never used Kimahri. His overdrive does not appeal to me at all. And why would i use him when i have Auron who is better?
Auron is only better because you made him better...

If i train Kimahri and discard Auron i will say Kimahri is better...if i train Tidus a lot and discard Wakka i will of course say Tidus is better it´s only a matter of training!

Plus regarding history purposes Kimahri was asked by Auron to protect Yuna and as a ronso he will fulfill his obligations until the end that´s why he is important as the most devoted guardian! It would not make much sense if he was a NPC because if he will give his life to protect Yuna then he must remain by her side always!
That´s why he tests Tidus at the begining to see if his worthy of assisting Yuna!
This is true for any character...the point still remains that Kimahri is pretty much useless in battle even when you first start the game I'd much rather use Wakka or Tidus instead
i think kimhari is needed as a good warrior plus hes good in the fact than almost all his weapons have piercing and who dosent want to take and use Omegas special move for them self see if u didnt have him ud be saying wow i wish i could use omegas move and with kimhari u can
I really think that Kimahri is useless. My main battle ppl are Tidus, Yuna, Lulu, Auron and Rikku. Wakka and Kimahri are not needed. ( i'm just saying like it is)
i think kimhari is needed as a good warrior plus hes good in the fact than almost all his weapons have piercing and who dosent want to take and use Omegas special move for them self see if u didnt have him ud be saying wow i wish i could use omegas move and with kimhari u can

This is true, Nova is a great attack ^_^ I'm glad I didn't miss out on it with my recent Save File unlike my previous ones :P
I don't think Kimahri is useless, but he's my least used characters nonetheless. But I plan on training him and maxing out his stats, just like all of the other characters. Kimahri is a pretty cool character, in my opinion.
I dunno why you use just 3 characters the whole game for your party...
I mean, you can switch them in and out...which is what I did. So Kimahri actually was a great member of my team..and one of the most powerful.
I don't see the point that Kimahri is useless actually.
I mean, any character can be useless if you don't use him/her.
Heck, Tidus could possibly be a useless character if you didn't play him...

But if Kimahri could blitz, that would be a different story.
A character is only as useless as you make them!!! Elevate their stats, get their strong weapons and so forth and they won't be useless. Simple as really.
I hated Kimahri. he really was useless to me, he was just a pawn i used to kill time and get rid of in battle. it doesnt matter which root u take hime down, he's never gonna be a good mage like Lulu or Yuna, and one thief is more than enough, as are 3 warriors. He just annoyed me. Granted, if he had a wicked personality and played a good part in the story then I'd put up with him, but he was just a great big grunting blue thing.
Honestly, I used Kimahri. He was great because he was very versitile. You could make him a black mage or a time mage. He was at your fingertips to grasp ahold of. Why not use him?
^ See!

Fact is, Kimahri can be really useful if you set him up right.
He can be really powerful if you make your way around the sphere grid right.
It's all about right choices,.....unless of course you've completed the sphere grid and he's still not up to scratch. -_-
Heh. Yep. I used Kimahri as a black mage the first go around and it was not to great. That's when I switched him to Auron's grid and he was a total bad ass. It was great. I used Kimahri, Tidus, and Rikku; Someimtes Wakka and Auron.