Is Seymour Gay?


Apr 30, 2007
My own little world
No seriously, forget the whole marriage to Yuna thing, is he actually gay? I mean what the hell is his voice about, and is it my imagination or is he wearing a skirt?! Im telling you this is Square-Enix's version of Michael Jackson
No..he married Yuna and became Obsessed with her.

Although i think he was after yuna for her shoes XD
Canon seymour = Straight
Fan seymour = Gay
There's a Seymour with a fan?!
I think that he isnt. Question: Why is can you almost see all the way to his crotch? Is his frontal nudity relevant?
he was kinda camp but it all added to his evilness i think he was too obsessed with destroying spira to think about his love life. Marrying yuna was a part of his be evil
I seriously don't think he liked guys...
although a little doujinshi would'nt hurt j/k
Voice doesn't always imply gayness...

No Seymour is not gay; that should be obvious. There is no point in the game where he is implied as being homosexual. If you want to assume things, you've got to come to the batter's box with better proof; or even a little bit of proof in the first place.
I actually thought he was mainly because of the 'voice' thing.

But Busta's right. It would've been obvious if Seymour was gay.
I mean, he didn't make, erm, advances on anyone except Yuna right?
Didn't he?

Unless Yuna's a guy?! 0_o
Ok fine i will admit i don't really believe that Seymour is homosexual, BUT why the hell give some 1 who is meant to be pure evil a voice that is ridiculous,...i mean ohno he has a high voice and he wears a skirt, aghhh scary...
Also with all the "pointless pathetic thread" comments, why the hell post in here then!?

I said that in the other thread too. The one with the girly voice thing.
That is kinda ridiculous innit?
Well they say we should not judge people by their appearance but...i mean that hair with those pompons the clothes...the staff:dry:
And the voice...

Yeah i think Seymour might indeed just be gay!
Fair enough we're all entitled to our own opinion...though yours is wrong lol When you compare seymour to someone like sephiroth though, the natural reaction is to look down at the floor and shake your head in sadness...
Boy, this topic is a real winner. I'm a dope for doing it, but I'm going to chime in with my $.02.

In regards to Seymour's apparel - surely I can't be the only one who has noticed that many of the game's aspects are loosely based on the, (ehem...) *Japanese* traditional garb, familiar to the (ehem...) *Japanese* writers, and programmers? Did anyone notice that Yuna is wearing a Kimono, right down to sash on the back? So what if Seymour is wearing long flowing man robes? It's disco meets Samurai.

As for the voice - I know that most of the regulars in this forum are young'uns, so here's some practical advice that you will learn in your life journey: Some of the most evil people in the world are soft-spoken. Conversely, some of the most gruff assholes turn out to be genuinely good people. Most people, to quote some famous movie line, "can't handle the truth", and fail to discern properly - hence the preconceived notion.

So, in all of that, what I really said was, you can't tell anything about this guy's orienation by his voice or dress. It's Spira - not North America.