Is Seymour Gay?

Fair enough we're all entitled to our own opinion...though yours is wrong lol When you compare seymour to someone like sephiroth though, the natural reaction is to look down at the floor and shake your head in sadness...

I always envisioned Sephiroth as quite softly spoken.

You can't compare the two because they're both two completely different types of evil.
I always envisioned Sephiroth as quite softly spoken.

You can't compare the two because they're both two completely different types of evil.

Exactly. Just because Seymour isn't an exact replica of Sephiroth, it doesn't mean he deserves to be slandered, folks.

Jimmy said:
hair with those pompons the clothes...the staff

Pompoms? Where exactly did he have these, for I fail to recall something this absurd. Also, a staff is a symbol of magic. Seymour is a magic user. It's logical, and doesn't define his sexuality. Your argument is a weak one at best. His clothes were a bit off though. Blue and red make too much of a collectively powerful clash. Ugly...

cecile said:
the only thing i think seymour is guilty of is being a pedophile
Justification? Proof?

No, didn't think so. Keep those comments to yourself.
No..he married Yuna and became Obsessed with her

Last time I checked Seymour proposed to Yuna because he wanted to use her to get to Sin, not because he was "Obsessed with her" so maybe he was gay, who knows. Plus, I don't think they actually ended up getting married because the ceremony was interrupted by Tidus and Co.
no I dont think he is gay hes just really good looking and creepy and that smile just drives me crazy
Last time I checked Seymour proposed to Yuna because he wanted to use her to get to Sin, not because he was "Obsessed with her" so maybe he was gay, who knows. Plus, I don't think they actually ended up getting married because the ceremony was interrupted by Tidus and Co.

I don't blame him, i don't find Yuna attractive at all. Tidus can have her. If i would have to guess i would say Seymour is neither hetro or homo. Thats makes him even creepier >_<
Last time I checked Seymour proposed to Yuna because he wanted to use her to get to Sin, not because he was "Obsessed with her" so maybe he was gay, who knows. Plus, I don't think they actually ended up getting married because the ceremony was interrupted by Tidus and Co.

It seems that in Spira, a wedding is confirmed with the kiss. And hey, guess what? They kissed. A smidge one sided in terms of the giving aspect of it all, but they're technically Husband and Wife until she sends Seymour.

sephiroth101 said:
smile just drives me crazy
I quite liked it. xD
It seems that in Spira, a wedding is confirmed with the kiss. And hey, guess what? They kissed. A smidge one sided in terms of the giving aspect of it all, but they're technically Husband and Wife until she sends Seymour.

I was unsure about that part, thanks for clearing it up though...I suppose :|
Exactly. Just because Seymour isn't an exact replica of Sephiroth, it doesn't mean he deserves to be slandered, folks.

Pompoms? Where exactly did he have these, for I fail to recall something this absurd. Also, a staff is a symbol of magic. Seymour is a magic user. It's logical, and doesn't define his sexuality. Your argument is a weak one at best. His clothes were a bit off though. Blue and red make too much of a collectively powerful clash. Ugly...

Justification? Proof?

No, didn't think so. Keep those comments to yourself.

Well that´s what i call that hair who looks like horns coming out from his head pompons...adding to the fact that his a mage and wears long clothes that makes him seem more gay to me!

That power clash thing makes no sense to me whatosever and yet i don´t say it´s a poor can´t just say arguments are poor because they say bad things about your favorite character come on now...
Seymour doesn't really have a sexuality hes too evil and doesn't have time to pull birds or blokes because he doing his evil stuff
Well that´s what i call that hair who looks like horns coming out from his head pompons
Then you're using the wrong word there. Pompoms are more of those spherical objects on the top of a Moogle's head.

...adding to the fact that his a mage and wears long clothes that makes him seem more gay to me!
... it's how mages generally dress. It's a constant in many games similar to FF. Which, again, does not define a person's sexuality.

That power clash thing makes no sense to me whatosever
I meant it looks ugly. Blue and red contrast too much.
and yet i don´t say it´s a poor can´t just say arguments are poor because they say bad things about your favorite character come on now...
He's not my favourite character by far. He's a good villain, and as such as I defend that. My argument wasn't weak. Yours was, hence my comment.
Yet it was a robe... not a skirt. I hate it when people do that.
lol ok i understand your point about it being typical mage/japanese attire, but from the where im looking and in the society i have been brought up in, he just appears queer...i suppose that highlights my ignorance...oh well
lol ok i understand your point about it being typical mage/japanese attire, but from the where im looking and in the society i have been brought up in, he just appears queer...i suppose that highlights my ignorance...oh well

I agree i also tend to view things like you!

For example take Tidus he cryes like a little girl but...he does wear the shorts and boots which give him a more manly look!

Now i know there are gays who actually look pretty manly and the opposite also maybe Seymour just as a fashion crises.
Well Seymours Clearly not Gay,if the Person Who started this stupid thread actually played through the game he would have discoered that infact Seymour fell in love with Yuna..... but in anycase i didnt find the voice for Seymour that bad.actually i thinked it fitted him well.

As of the start of the game you see him and you dont think of him as a bad guy (Square really wanted to show this,which is why i believe you can controll him in that 1 battle with Auron and Yuna.) due to his kind voice and colourful attire,though obviously later you see that hes not so kind and i like the way that theres a sort of character hidden in disguise going on. also it makes you pay more attention to what he says because even though he talks in a kind manner thing that he actually says can be cruel.

Actually what about when you battle him for the 3rd time on at the Mountains when he says:

"Pitful mortals.

Your hope ends here
Along with you meaningless existance WITH IT!!!!!!!!"

When he says "WITH IT" he really does sound sadistic i think. so really i think for a villian Seymour works,i preffer other in the FF series i admit but i do still think Seymour (and his voice actor) fits for its perpose in FFX.
Seymour's voice sounds "gay" (doesn't make much sense, but you get what I mean).

No, I don't believe he's gay. He sounds strange and wears a dress, but I don't think he's gay.