Is Shadow really Relm's father?

I suppose i didn't pay enough attention then. I found it quite a hassle to go for all those dream sequences, and I didn't bother much about Relm, since I didn't use her much as a character.
I mean, they never actually said he was, they just hitted at the possibility. Maybe it's just speculation? Also, does Shadow die in the end of the game?
I think if I remember correctly in the GBA version it is directly stated he is her dad...but all the evidence does point at it even if it is not strait up said, just look at how interceptor likes her and all of Shadow's dreams.

Yes shadow dies at the end of the game, he as he said, stops running.

I always took it that Shadow was related to Relm but I was never sure how. If he is Relms father wouldn't that make Strago related to him too? IDK I always thought Relm and Strago were related it. Its been a while since I payed any attension to the story so I could be wrong.
I think Strago is probably her adopted grandfather, but its not for sure, only speculated, also Shadow wouldnt have to be related to Strago, what if Strago was the dad of Relm's mother? Then there is no relation between him and Shadow

Final Fantasy Wiki said:
Shadow's daughter

Chibi Relm by Amano

There are many hints that point at the possibility of Shadow being Clyde Arrowny, Relm's father. Although Shadow's dog, Interceptor, usually doesn't like people, he seems to like Relm, as if he had seen her before. In one of Shadow's dreams, we see Clyde (whom we are to believe is Shadow's true identity) leaving the town of Thamasa with Interceptor following him. He then tells the dog to stay together with the girl (the kanji used can also be a humble form for "daughter"). His statement at the final battle, when he says that he has discovered friends and family, is notable too.
Also, during the ending of the Final Fantasy Anthology re-release, just before Shadow destroys the ghosts that stand in his path, there is a single video frame where the artwork of Relm can be seen. Shadow seems to forget all hesitation after this and charges at the monsters.
The connection is all but said outright in the GBA release, during Shadow's dream after being rescued in the World of Ruin, when explicitly states he has a daughter and that he wants her to live peacefully in Thamasa.
It is made quite clear in FF6 that Shadow is the father of Realm. The dream scenes are all you need for proof. Everything else is just added evidence.

I believe he comes back though in the GBA version. There is the Dragon's Den when you defeat Kefka. I assume he comes back because in the FFIV and FFV GBA versions all characters that were supposedly dead come back.

Also, there are people in the original SNES game that confirm he's around. They don't say where he is because you can't get him anyway. I know because I spent about a half month's time looking for him.
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