Is the Economy Affecting you?

In short: Yes. I am lucky enough to have found employment before the recession/crisis; and subsequently lucky enough to have made myself indispensable there. However, the job does not pay well, and finding another has been nigh near impossible. Additionally, applying for a job in a law firm has been tough: Nobody is hiring

Now its hittin hard -__-
3 boys got paid off (made redundant) from my work on Monday and more are coming for the end of the week.Iv also been told i stand the chance of losing my job which is scary because im still an apprentice. There just isnt enough jobs comin in from offshore to keep everyone working =/ Summer time approaching and the rigs are due to close for a while, im praying that we get work in then but as things stand now, its bad.
were not doing TOO bad, due to the profit of asda-walmart still being good noone has been laid off at all, but they are making excuses to try give us crappy pay-rises that could end up resulting in strike action....I doubt this will be the only company its happening with.

the downturn isnt nearly as bad as the news is making out however, our depo has been busy for months, its only just started to quiet down due to this being a usually quiet time in retail, but come easter things will pick up again, theres already a projection of over 2mil units a week outgoing, so the downturn isnt effecting us as far as workload is concerned........for now at least.
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It affected me in a big way.
I used to live in Saudi Arabia and my dad worked for a group that owned most of the town I lived in. I think the owner is like the 98th richest man in the world or something ridiculous like that. Anyway, even he had to cut jobs, the hospital my dad worked at was overstaffed (5000 staff to 200 beds, it's a bit excessive in the middle east :D) so they got rid of the westerners to save money... including my dad.
My dad is looking for a job now, thankfully managers are in huge demand now so there are loads of jobs available, but I'm finding it hard to find even a part time job even (to help with university next year).
Sure is.
I just recently moved back to Pennsylvania within the last 2 weeks. We were living in California. Reason: My Husband and I both got laid off.

My Husband was a Foreclosure Trustee working about 16-18 hours a day. He lost his job due to financial cutbacks. I was a Lead Game Master for an Online MMORPG Gaming company. I lost my job due to the fact that the Company Headquarters (which is located in Korea) decided to close the USA department.

After both of us being laid-off within a 5 month period, we were forced to move where the economy was being less effective... "Home". Both of us were born and raised in Pennsylvania but we wanted desperately to make it outside of the boxed in area we call home. Alas, this recession has stopped us from doing so.

Not only have we been affected by the loss of our jobs but we were also affected by increased housing prices and food prices. The cost of living in an Apartment has gone up fairly high over the past year.

We seem to be doing alright now. No where near perfect but we're getting by fine.

Not only have we been affected by the loss of our jobs but we were also affected by increased housing prices and food prices. The cost of living in an Apartment has gone up fairly high over the past year.

We seem to be doing alright now. No where near perfect but we're getting by fine.

House prices are actually at a low right now around here, it is the apartments you generally have to worry about. With all the foreclosures, most people don't understand that apartments are making a freaking killing.

Not to mention credit approval has gone up and the qualifications are more strict. I don't blame them, since there are an overwhelming amount of people out there with super stale loans (basically can't collect money from the people). I have a good bit of credit card debt, but that's from college spending so I might have to go to Citi-Fi and take up a loan to get my APR reduced.
House prices are actually at a low right now around here, it is the apartments you generally have to worry about. With all the foreclosures, most people don't understand that apartments are making a freaking killing.

Not to mention credit approval has gone up and the qualifications are more strict. I don't blame them, since there are an overwhelming amount of people out there with super stale loans (basically can't collect money from the people). I have a good bit of credit card debt, but that's from college spending so I might have to go to Citi-Fi and take up a loan to get my APR reduced.

Buying a house right now is very cheap. A friend of mine is actually looking to purchase a home for $40,000. That's quite a deal for a 4 bed, 2½ bath, 2 car garage, and a full basement and attic. His payments will be approximately $400 a month. That's less then what I am paying to rent my apartment. The house he is buying is two blocks from my apartment. If only my credit score were high enough to be approved for a loan... D;

This economy is pushing things out of wack though. It doesn't even make sense that a FULL house costs less than a one bedroom apartment...
Get someone who trusts you enough to co-sign a loan for you. I mean if you are dependable I'm sure you could get a decent rate.

Just a suggestion. I know I've had to have some stuff co-signed since I didn't qualify for over 10,000 until this year.
Does the economy affect me? Nah, I'm doing well. I suppose the cost of some things have gone up, but I don't really buy things that aren't necessities that much. I suppose I could blame fuel prices on the economy, but I think that's morely big business trying to pork the population for their own greed.

I also work as a defense contractor, so the economy doesn't affect my job either. As a matter of factly, our company has been more busy in recent time than it was when I first started working there 2 years ago. So unless the DoD disappears, I'll always have a job. :ryan:
So unless the DoD disappears, I'll always have a job. :ryan:

DoD meaning Department of Defense, right? Military posts are booming for the job market right now. Being a soldier is about the most secure job there is. So if I'm correct, your an contracted by the DoD (I know you're not a soldier or anything of the like). Anyway, I've had quite a few friends of mine that just got out of Active Duty trying to get back in due to the recent recession. My Husband has thought about going back a few times now but I won't let him.

Moving on...
Things are starting to look brighter though. I know things are moving more towards my favor.
Well, I'm a college student, work 20 hours a week for minimum wage, and I still had enough money to build a $500 gaming rig, support a girlfriend and pay for gas every week. So I guess it hasn't hit me too hard. On the other hand, my scholarship cut back hours it'll pay, so I have to cough up $168 by the 21st, unlike last year. Which really sucks. But at least I have a job, that's more than can be said about many people now. And if I lose mine, I'll just play Crysis for the rest of my life.
Our work has just DIED. There is absolutely nothing coming in at all. Yesterday 3 guys lost their jobs by way of ''last in first out rule'' and we were told today that the clients havent got anything in store for us through the next coming months so more pay offs will occur unless somehow a load of work comes in...which although not impossible isnt very likely at this time of year.
Ive fucked it up for myself as ive had quite a few days off this year and my timekeeping over the last month has been appalling. Il only have myself to blame if i get the sack though >_<
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Good luck Lew, I feel your pain! Keep your head up though, although there will be rough times ahead... everyone is in this boat together.

I'm just praying no major banks close, or no more of my friends have to go through foreclosure anymore.

Broken families are the product of all this.
Is the economy affecting me? Yes.

Do I care? No.

It's just a change in circumstance, one that I have pretty much no control over. In that sense it's not unlike the change from day and night. When it get's dark out it affects me, my vision is impaired (comparatively speaking of course) and its usually colder, but I simply adapt to my circumstance as best I can, and then move on.

The economy being crap is the same thing, it's just giving me a natural handicap. I'll adapt as best I can and move on.
In other words, since I can't really affect it, I see the economy as simply another environmental obstacle, so I don't really stress out about it. People lose jobs at random, people get sick and die at random, they're both random and both out of my control.
People lose jobs at random, people get sick and die at random, they're both random and both out of my control.

Well there is no randomness about job loss in this situation then, is there? I have quite a few friends who have been jobless for some time and even have degrees. They have went as far as trying to get graveyard shifts, and still the hiring freezes are in place.

It's just a change in circumstance, one that I have pretty much no control over.
I think most people can help the situation together, but since the overwhelming majority just want the government to solve their problems, then we won't see any change. They claim the tax dollars that they pay should be justify this. Then as well they also claim that most people deserve to be in the situation that they are in, whether it be homeless or stinking rich. I wonder why masses of people don't question the tax dollars? I mean we complain about still being in this war yet the best we can do is set up protest rallies, and slam the past Bush administration. I'm not saying we should slam Obama either for still being in this war, and for basically not following through with most of the things he said.. except for upping the tabacco taxes, gun taxes... and anything else that is hazardous to your health. Now others may have resolute stats that he has done otherwise, but the truth of the matter is, no matter who we elected.. they would have done the same thing if not made it worse.

I agree our generation has it much easier than those before us, but the fact that we can do something about it, and don't even budge because we just want to watch the news about Jack-o or Octomom or other trivial things.. it makes me sick. I also love how people boast about the charities they donate too, and when their fellow neighbor loses his house to foreclosure and he doesn't even offer a dime to help him out.
/end rant

Oh well.. the economy will keep fluctuating and when our resources are limited again our economy will suffer another cut in the job market. So all we can do is wait helplessly.
Well there is no randomness about job loss in this situation then, is there? I have quite a few friends who have been jobless for some time and even have degrees. They have went as far as trying to get graveyard shifts, and still the hiring freezes are in place.
Again, they don't have jobs because of the handicap that comes with the circumstance. I simply see no difference between that handicap and the handicap that comes with being snowed in during the winter. Both of them are hindrances to our daily lives. That's not to say I'm minimizing the problems with the economy, in some places being snowed in would mean cutting off your food supply. I'm quite aware that the issue with the economy is severe, but so are other circumstantial issues that warrant more of a reaction from me.

I think most people can help the situation together, but since the overwhelming majority just want the government to solve their problems, then we won't see any change.
I agree our generation has it much easier than those before us, but the fact that we can do something about it, and don't even budge because we just want to watch the news about Jack-o or Octomom or other trivial things.. it makes me sick.[/quote]

Well I'm not saying we can't change things, I've simply decided not to. The problem is so vast that I'd simply prefer to let things go and ride it out. Times change, chances are that this will too. If it doesn't, then it doesn't, and I'll just have to live and die with this handicap.
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It is only affecting me in the sense that I am not employed at the moment. However I am a full time college student so I don't need to be. And between the money I saved from my old job, and whatever my parents are willing to pitch in, cost is no object when it comes to a degree and a respectable future.
I'm 19, have two jobs, full time student and living alone. -_- Of course it affects me. When I use to make money it was fine, back in the time of high school, but now it's just not enough to get me any where. I can't get enough it seems for the basic's and I'm running out of time to get everything in order. :/

It's painful being poor.