Is this game too easy?

Is this game too easy?

  • I could do it blindfolded!

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Just a little...

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Nope, just right.

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • This game is too hard.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


May 5, 2009
the middle of Nowhere
It doesn't seem there's a thread on this, so why not make one? It always seemed to me that this game was completely devoid of any challenge. I love this game to death, but it kind of disturbs me that I haven't gotten a game over for *three play-throughs.* Is it just that I'm too good, or is it just dumbed-down?

FF6 was not easy. FF7 was directed at a more mainstream audience. They probably did dumb down the difficulty. You can hold down the O button and win most battles. You can beat most of the bosses by limit-breaking and healing. The dungeons are just straight paths most of the time. Characters have no weaknesses, nor are they really good at anything. There are save points to be found every ten minutes. Most hits you take barely scratch your health.

Maybe I'm nitpicking here, but tell me what you think.
Well to put it simply. After playing the game numerous times and playing the other FF games its just not gunna be a challenge anymore. First time round though, yea, your probadly gunna die quite a few times. I found FFVI easy tbqh but first time round i died often. Thats my input
After playing the first 6 FF games, FFVII is noticeably easier than any of them, however I find that FFVII, VIII, IX and X to be the easiest FF Games, with XII showing some degree of difficulty again.

I think with FFVII it's difficult the first time you play it, but once you know what you're doing, it's easy. It has challenges though - such as Ruby and Emerald Weapon, so it's not all easy.
I could do it blindfolded.

The bosses gave me little to no difficulty and this game had some of the easiest sidequest bosses ever. The sidequests in general were pretty easy to do.

Maybe they should have made getting the ultimate weapons harder, not as annoying as in FFX, but still a little challenging.
it was my first ever RPG, so for someone to say it was easy at the time would have just got an O _O expression off me, I was SEVERLY underlevelled when I got to Sephy, so much so, that I had to give up and restart, I think you can make ANY game easy if you over level, and I thought it was well hard first time I played haha, on replays though, I can defo say, just by being overlevelled by afew levels its easy, I beat seph with no materia equippued my last playthorough without healing once, it shouldnt BE taht easy, and sfter playing easrlier titles aswel, omg compared its a wal in the park, but its fun, and thats enough for me :monster:
it was my first ever RPG, so for someone to say it was easy at the time would have just got an O _O expression off me, I was SEVERLY underlevelled when I got to Sephy, so much so, that I had to give up and restart

Omg, that's exactly what happened with me with my first playthrough! :gasp:

FFVII was definitely hard for me in my first playthrough, and even a few afterwards.

But I think if you play a game enough times, subsequent play throughs seem easier. It's probably subconscious, but you know that you should spend time leveling up a bit more before moving to the next area, you recall the elemental weaknesses monster have when you encounter them, etc...
It is a pretty easy game. I don't remember having any problems with it the first time I played through, and I know I haven't on the other two times I've played through it. Some of the bosses can be a bit challenging if you aren't sure what to do or prepared. I always have a tough time fighting Rapps and Godo!

But yeah,I agree with most everyone. I find it pretty easy and especially if you have great materia set up. Although you don't really need it,since when I first played I had no idea what I was doing with the materia. ;p
The first time I played through FFVII it was pretty tough, especially the fight with the Demon Gate (who kept wiping my party out with Demon Rush). The Materia Keeper was pretty tricky too, with its Hell Combo. Although, my second play-through was much easier, especially when I learned that I could get Aqualung and Big Guard before reaching Cosmo Canyon. EDIT: Understanding how to use my Materia better helped too.
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Any game can become too easy and less difficult if you play it enough times. I know my 1st time playing this game it was difficult, and some bosses gave me a hard time. But on my 2nd, and 3rd time I knew what to do and it was very easy. Now after several times of beating this game I pretty much know everything about it, boss strategies, how to breed the chocobo's, etc.
I found it to be the just right difficultly for me. I have played it through a few times and every time there are a few spots that I still have a little difficultly for me. Like I always had a somewhat difficult time with the Demon Wall. It seem no matter how much I leveled up I always had trouble with it. I would have to say that it was somewhat easy. Just like I said a few parts here and there that gave me trouble.
I would say that the way you play it determines how hard it would be. If you refuse to level up or are trying to complete the game say using just the initial weapons or with no materia then that would be bit of a challenge. I haven't tried it yet but I would say to make it its hardest try playing through with just cloud (kill off the other characters) and just use the buster sword.
I think it depends if you know what to expect. i.e. how much leveling you need to do. Sometimes you seem to fall well short on some games (in XII I was underleveled through several parts of the game, despite setting aside time to level up) So i think it's knowing when to do that.

If you frantically level up from the start then yo may find it easy. But usually I find you're wanting to explore the story so rush through early battles. I know that on my first play through of VII I had hardly leveled up at all and found cosmo canyon quite tough. whereas in latter playthroughs i would have been a good 5hrs or so ahead, mostly down to leveling.

So basically as other people have said, it's as hard as you make it. or standard on a first playthrough i think.
It all depends how you play rpgs to be honest.

I would put people into two groups:

1) Those who level up as much as they possibly can and then go to a boss/dungeon/area and cut right through things.

2) Those who gradually level up as they go and then give themselves a challenge by trying new strategies out. Since this game has been around, I'm sure pretty much everything thinkable has been tried.

FFVII was intimidating when it came to Ruby Weapon/Emerald Weapon and that one boss with the Reflect. If you didn't use strategy to find out where all the ribbons were.. then the game is a lot more challenging.

Rpgs can all be clarified as easy to be honest. All have patterns in which you can use to easily defeat bosses. So it is what you make of it.

This was just right for me.
That game was a kick in the balls!!!!i only played through it once(i really dont like ff7,haha!i said it)and i was a gave me a challenge!i still got my file and i beat the game in 36 hours with cloud at lv 71.