Is this true or not?

Yeah, not true... If you you’re characters at level 17 during that part of the game, I’d say you’re doing pretty well (I think mine where in the mid 20’s, but I always level up a lot). Anyway, I don’t see a need to restart, but it sounds like your already planning on doing so.

In all, I would say the lower your characters the more of challenge it would be.
lets use are common sence shall we since its a rpg game the only way to decrease the difficulty is to level up so when you over level up you make the game to easy hence ruining the game since you will be fighting a creature of level 20 when your level 30 so it poses no challange whats so hard to understand about this
Good for you levelling up early. I think your friends jealous lol. I was roughly the same level at that point and theres nothing wrong being higher then some of the monsters. This isnt FF8 lol.
This isn't true. If you over-level, the game will be much easier and the monsters don't level up with you(Like in Final Fantasy VIII) Although maybe the last boss will be harder(although I doubt it) I've just heard rumours.
No, I don't think that's correct. But I do think some enemies get more tough and powerful with you're level so even if you level up the enemies will get a little tougher in turn, see what I'm saying?