Is Tidus ...

I see him as a crybaby as a child, buyt you have to remember that he didn't exactly have the loving fatherly influence that he had hoped for.

In the gameplay though, he gives up everything he has when he is sucked into a foreign world apart from everyone he knew, and forced to help save a world from evil corruptness and destruction. Sure he may have an annoying laugh and voice when he gets excited, but at least he's passionate about what he's gonig after. Even when he knows in the end he will lose it all once again.

Tidus is my hero.

Whenever I'm sad and lonely, I whistle. Hero. No diggity.
I think Tidus is somewhere along the lines of an 'accidental hero'.
Tidus is far too much of a cry baby. IMO Auron should have been the leader. o_O
I think Tidus is somewhere along the lines of an 'accidental hero'.
Tidus is far too much of a cry baby. IMO Auron should have been the leader. o_O
Ah, but he did have to go through most of his life without his mother since she died and his father who had already disappeared and "died".

I voted for a hero. I did think he was a snivelling idiot at first, but I grew to love him in the end. He saved Yuna many times and he still had the courage to fight his own father who transformed into the Final Aeon for the last battle.

Now that's a hero.
So Square makes one main FF male character who can actually be upbeat and cheerful but also show emotions as well. This time he isn't the normal, rude, cold brooding male protagonist like we usually have and everybody is so quick to attack him. I actually quite like Tidus and I do not think he's a crybaby in the least.

Let's see, there are reasonings as to why he was a crybaby while he was a kid. Wouldn't you be a crybaby if your father treated you the way Jecht treated him? Wouldn't you be a crybaby if your father was a worthless drunk? That's how Jecht was towards Tidus growing up and I don't blame him for a instant being the way he was.

I don't remember any incessant whining from Tidus througout the game, he was just expressing his feelings, but he sure as hell wasn't constantly complaining or whining. He was determined to keep Yuna safe and protect her. I think he handled it really well when he found out he was a dream. It's not like he screamed, wailed and broke down into tears when he found out that he basically didn't exist. He still continued to carry on and save the girl he was in love with. At the end, he had to kill his own father and that's when he realized all this time that Jecht did love him. I would cry too if I had to go through something like that and I'm sure anybody else would as well. So I'm sorry, but I don't see Tidus as a whiney, snivelling crybaby. I see him as sacrificing himself so Yuna could live and disappear like he was meant to. I see Tidus as a true Hero.
He gets the Hero vote from me... he may be incredibly whiny, and ... useless. But he did get a lot of responsibility thrown on him and he didn't knock it way, he stood and fought it. ^_^

Plus, he had the guts to tell Yuna how he felt. He gets a pat on the back from me for that one. =D I still dislike him... but he is a hero at the end of the day.
Yeah that was some good-ass character development right thar. I think Tidus was a hero because he had a shitty childhood due to Jecht and everything and yeah "accidental hero" pretty much sums it up for me. I also think that it's damn stupid for FF fans to be whining about Tidus not being a total emo like all the other FF heros, and certainly ones to come (anyone seen the trailer for FF Versus XIII?).
I agree with Lady Aerith. I am going through the game again (with the ps3 excuse) and i really enjoy it more each time i play it.
I never disliked Tidus, he acts as i would expect in every situation. Yes, he is different, not your typical hero but at the end he is.
I think that the point in which Tidus shows some maturity is when he realizes that he'll eventually have to leave everyone behind.
I thought he was more normal than anything. I mean think about it every other Hero in a RPG is either Badass or just very unsocial and doesn't care about anything. I mean if you were takin outta your world to somewhere else I'd "wanna go home" too.
Its hard to call him either. I've very uppity when it comes to the definition of a hero and he doesn't really fit it. Auron does. Tidus doesn't. He's an invaluable member of the team and it would be really hard to beat Yu Yevon without him... but he's still not a hero. Even though he sacrifices himself, which is part of the definition of being a true hero, he doesn't act the act or walk the walk. The closest he got to being a hero is when he said the team needed to stop the chocobo eater. When asked why, he said "because it's the right thing to do". That's a hero's response.
Tidus, eh? I thought he was pretty much a hero. Well in the beginning, I thought he was so cool because of that blitzball game, and then the story started and I became a little annoyed with him at some point. But in the middle-end of the story, I started to respect his character eventually because I can see that his character was greatly developed and I really liked that.

So yeah, to me he was a hero. An annoying hero more like it. =P Sike. He was cool enough.