Is Zodiac Spear worth it?


Hmm...would a party equipped w/ three zodiac spears be more effective than masamune, I wonder?

Well, that depends on your point of view. Though the spear is the biggest single hit damage dealer, but the Masamune is a katana, therefore it can chain for multiple hits. In the guidebook, you're told to equip Masamune when fighting Yiazmat, due to the high chain rate.
well when you get to a certain lv and you get the maximillian or grand armour the spear isn't that great since you will be hitting 9999 everytime. Whilst you could be doing 9999 with masamune but with more multiple hits
I also think the tournesol is better than zodiac spear since the 10 power difference will make no difference anyway and is has higher evasion rating and looks cooler.
And the yagyu darkblade can work better against yiazmat is you have lower lved characters since yiazmat take x2 damage to dark element

I also think the tournesol is better than zodiac spear since the 10 power difference will make no difference anyway and is has higher evasion rating and looks cooler.
And the yagyu darkblade can work better against yiazmat is you have lower lved characters since yiazmat take x2 damage to dark element

That's an interesting idea. I've been trying to get the Tournesol anyway.
Zodiac Spear is almost a "must" when you get to face off against enemies such as Yiazmat and Omega Mark XII. You need something that can hit for a very high damage rate, quickly, and the Zodiac Spear does just that.

Also a very good point.
Also, Yiazmat, please try not to make spammy posts like this in the future. Thanks.
I prefer using the under 1 hour method for yiazmat
Masamune and yagyu darkblade ftw ^_^
Zodiac spear is useful if you get it early on but isnt too great against bsses over 1mil hp.
Thats where fast combo weps come in
Before you get powerful enough to be doing 9999 most hits the ZS is definately worth it.

Once you get the Tournesol and Masamune+Genji Gloves the ZS no longer becomes the best.

The weapon not worth it is the Wyrmhero Blade.
There is no bosses left that it is useful against as at that stage you could defeat Vaan with weapons from the middle of the game.
You can put it this way the spear is worth it...opening the chests aint since the chests give you a knot of rust of about 77 gil plus its only 4 chests so its worth not opening em
I'd say its worth it, but I think I may have opened 1 of the chests. Im too lazy to start another game for it.
I messed up on getting the easier Zodiac spear, i can still get one in the Henne mines tough, its the rarest item in the game>_<

I consider myself a crazy perfectionist in FF. but i'm not overly bothered avout the spear, try getting the Tournesol sword, its a lot harder than staring a new game to get the Zodiac spear. My party uses the Tournesol, Excalibur, Saggitarius Bow and sometimes the Masamune with Genji gloves.

I think the Zodiac spear only has 10 more attack than the Tournesol, is a little bit quicker and has a higher combo rate, not as high as the Masamune though, and ive got two, and a pair of genji gloves....:P