*isnae impressed*

The best part was that the girls in the class didn't find it funny and they didn't know what we were laughing at. Every time she said it all the guys would burst out laughing and she'd have to wait for us to stop before continuing. Once one of my friends was laughing so hard (and refusing to tell her why) that he got sent out of the room :monster:
I got sent out in French once for getting my arms stuck in my jumper -__-

What would have done if I had fallen over out there and landed flat on my face? -__-
Since WHEN do people fall over their arms you complete and utter BUFFOON
For the love of God.....

I could have tripped up, not been able to put my arms out and landed on my face :stare:
I'l baboon you in a minute

Actually...I have a picture of a babboons arse on my camera from when I went to the zoo, pretty poor quality though, stupid glass getting in the way of my shots

I saw frogs aswel......was epic

And I got dive bombed by a bat. I screamed -__-
But bats have super sensitive hearing, if you scream their heads'll asplode. D;
That sucks. No-one's telling me what I can and cannot do, though.
I'll do what I like, I've thought it all through.

Although, maths and psychology is a very odd combination.
I did and it didn't assplode

And it was a proper big girly scream aswel >_>