Isn't it pathetic

This is true.

I only survived Scotland because I have Scottish ancestry.
Oh yeah getting one of those lashed off your loaf was painsville

all the young 'uns leave.

my ex once told me "fraserburgh is where people go to die".

personally i went there to get my hole :wacky:

Listening to some girls go on on how "Making babies and staying home is the woman's job" just pisses me off to no end, not every girl wants a fabulous wedding and then to become a house wife :gasp:

Maybe they want to be a doctor, a President, Scientist or hell even a big businesswoman.

I mean there's nothing wrong with Babies - I love them, but a woman's life isn't limited to being a house wife or mom :wacky: And IMO I don't and never have fantasized about Marriage and all that jazz, I am much more fixated on being a successful female Doctor and Scientist in my life.

But I digress, I agree though.
I know whatcha mean. I think it's for everyone though...Everyone wants to get married, have sex and all that stuff. There doesn't seem to be much more of actual 'love' in humanity anymore...It's all about the lust. That's what i see at least.
It should really be, 'I want to fall in love.' and then the marriage bit after.

Couldn't agree more. I can't stand it when people do all the "big" things in life just as trophies, and not because they actually want them. I can't tell you how many married women of all ages come into my work bitching about their husbands being annoying, or their lack of time to do anything for themselves because they're constantly doing stuff to take care of their kids. It's like, okay, people have been having families since the beginning of humanity, and you JUST.NOW. figured out that having kids takes up ALL of your time for the next 18-25 years of your life? :ffs: I'd be willing to bet money that at least 40-50 percent of people who do a lot of the traditional milestones in life only do them because of social conditioning, i.e. everyone telling them that it's the norm, and not because they actually genuinely want those things. If you want the husband, you have to be willing to love both his smiles and farts; and if you want the giggling kids, you have to be willing to have their poop under your fingernails after changing their diapers 50 times a day as well :mokken: (Plus, we don't have any more room on this suffering planet for children that aren't desperately wanted. Indonesia isn't that big, and it will soon run out of the rainforests we need to rape and pillage in order to make the things we buy at the store. And then all we'll have left to rape is the moon >_>) /rant