It Just Pulls Me In


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
So..with the title being said. Which FF game just pulls you in? It just makes you want to play and play over again. Tell and Explain here:
For me it's X. I love how all the characters just click and get along. It's just want to start over to see all the action again. I love it.

It's a timeless game, IMO.
FF ix really pulled me in. Maybe because it was the first game I ever played with such a in depth story line. ffxii aint quit addicting as the others to me..
XII is not a game I'd like to play through multiple times. It does not have that catchy feeling. =/. Not to me at least.
Uh, all of them. Just seeing the words Final Fantasy embossed on a video game is enough to get me sucked in, really. I play the game 'til I'm done, with an almost-obsessed demeanor about it.
Same here. There wasn't a world that didn't excite me or get me interested in the game. Even Final Fantasy VIII, which is easily my least favorite, had an interesting world to explore. And even though I wasn't a fan of the game, I had a hard time putting down the controller.
Well, I've only played X and VII, but they both pulled me in with their great storylines and characters. I really couldn't get enough of these games.
Definitely VIII, it's my favorite from the series and I just get addicted to it every time I play. I love the storyline and the characters a lot, once I play it, I never want to stop. :lol: It was the first Final Fantasy game I ever played so I suppose it's extra special to me! It's very entertaining and the storyline captivates me every time.

Mostly for its brilliant and well written storyline (IMO). No matter how many times I play this game, I’m always pulled in to it and don’t want the games (story) to end.
FFVIII and FFVII...but not so much of VII because I'm the type that really wants to get the most out of the game, such as leveling all the materias...and that to me just takes a long, long time. So yeah, not so much of VII. =( But I'm actually playing it again now. xD

VIII however, is pretty easy enough, even as far as collecting all the cards in the game.
Probably FFIX because it was the one that got me hooked on the series. I love the plot and the enemies, and the characters a lot. Something about it being hated by so many, made me love it all the more. I haven't played it since my initial run-through in 2002 and therefore I have this urge to get deep into the plot again and relive those memorable moments late in the game. The bad part is, that every time I go to play it, I end up getting busy and never getting back into it since I already know what happens in the story.
FFX for me most definantly. The first time I played it was when I was pregnant with my son. My husband and I actually took turns back when we lived in our apartment lol. It was such a good time and we always had fun with it. We shared a lot of laughs during that game and the storyline is most memorable to me. I love going back and playing this game. As much as I love FFVII, I think FFX is probably my favorite of all the games.
This is just like my "Which FF do you replay the most."
So Im closing this thread as its basically the same thing.
Actually I have to disagree SapphireStar, this isn't the type of thread where you post which game you play the most. This thread has an entirely different meaning. It's about which game just pulls you in so much that you have to go back and replay it. It's about what storyline touches you the most. I'm going to go ahead and re-open it. We had a lot of good discussion going on in here. I rather enjoyed it ^_^
Though FFVIII is my favourite game, I find that FFIX is the one that always gets me hooked. It was my first FF game and got me into the series, and it mainly did so as I found myself being reeled into the storyline. I like how the story starts small and slowly builds itself up in terms of scale. And there are some lovely moments in the ealy part of the game which always help: the escape from Alexandria (with blundering Steiner in tow), the Black Mages protecting Vivi from the Black Waltz (a very sad scene), Evil Forest etc