It's Done!!! I Have beaten FFX, But I have A LOT to say about the ending...

I hope no one hates me for this but me and my dad laughed our faces off when Yuna tried to hug Tidus...and fell flat on her face.Yu Yevon was a disgrace to all final bosses everywhere.

i hate you, you destroyed that ending... well i hate your dad, not your, unless you share the same opinion as your dad, then i hate you even more... that did make sense right? doesn't matter, i hate you and leave it at that... on second thought i hate your dad for that
Well, Two months and about two weeks later, I have finally beaten FFX. The final boss? what a disappointment! I mean really, he's a freaking floating bug! one hit with a celestial weapon takes him out!Braska's final Aeon was a tad bit better, but I still KO'd him with three hits.

The ending movie that proceeded it, however, was spectacular. I kind of guessed that Tidus never really existed, but I thought that they would figure out some way to make him actually exist and not fade away. When Yuna ran up to him as he was walking away... MAN, that was sooooo sad! I actually cried for, like, ten minutes after I shut down my PS2. Seriously, ask bustersword07, he was there.

Long story short: the recipie for a perfect ending:
Either you have a boss that is nearly impossible to beat (then you beat them), or a sucky boss with an incredible super-emotional ending.

Yeah the battle with yu yevon was really easy and they told you that he was going to fade at the end of the battle
you could really see that ending with tidus leaving coming from a mile away. they tell you. when tidus talks with the faith, the faith explains that he is just a dream and that he will fade away once it is all over. maybe a better twist for the end would have been the fact that you didn't know that tidus was going to fade away but he does. that would have been more sad for me.

it was sad nevertheless
The boss from FFX really sucked, I could just zombie him and then throw a phoenix down and it was dead... :|
But the ending, that was really awesome, it really touched me, I restarted it and played the ending again to watch it again XD
But isn't yu yevon more like part of the storyline rather tha a fight?
it's like in ff7 there was a battle with sephy after safer sephy right?
Well that isnt really considered a 'true' battle either

And in ffx-2 you fight
which dies in a few hits and is really weak
he also isnt considered a 'true' boss
Well done on completing it the last boss is so dam easy isnt it lol well done anyway
If you end up playing the game again you should go to beat the boss as soon as you can, the boss will be much harder with your charactors not all powered up. I always end up doing it with my FF games and I completely over prepare for the final boss. I always beat them really easily but I realize that it's my fault that the boss was that easy. You said you used a celestial weapon, don't next time you play and it'll be better.
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There should have been an alternate path that was never stated in the game.

With the defeat of Jecht in his Aeon form, Sin is dead, right? If the body is destroyed, Yu Yevon can't ressurect it without someone giving their life to rebuild it. That's what I get from the storyline atleast. So why not have an alternate ending where they leave Yu Yevon alone. Seal the interior of Sin off so that no one can get to Yu Yevon. Seymour was already destroyed, so he's not an issue. With that ending, everyone is happy. The dream is allowed to continue, Tidus stays alive, and there's a new quest to make him 'real'.

Yeah, it's a lot of sentimental stuff to do just to appease a few gamers. But I really felt that the end of FFX was more of a disappointment than even Aeris' death in VII. I mean, at least her death was not in vain. Tidus' really was.

Oh, and as a consolation to anyone who cried at the ending, so did I. It was just wrong in my book. Give the chick a lover and then snatch him away for no good reason.

*Slaps Square's collective hands.* Bad programmers. Bad!
I thought Yu Yevon really could have been harder, Autolife ruined it...regarding the ending: I deffinately did not cry and when you see Anima floating around you still see him even if you never obtained him?
well if you think about it its a real time saver because theys no save sphere after braska final aeon so if you fail at Yu Yevon then you will have to redo the final aeon all over again.
well if you think about it its a real time saver because theys no save sphere after braska final aeon so if you fail at Yu Yevon then you will have to redo the final aeon all over again.

... which is what we'd call a challenge. The final few fights (excluding against
your own Aeons
) were without challenge at all, unless you only went through the story barely training. I hated the Auto-Life magic being indefinitely cast upon you throughout these fights. Completely ruined the game for me.

Dark Remnant said:
I deffinately did not cry and when you see Anima floating around you still see him even if you never obtained him?


And no, you don't. You need to obtain Anima before you witness her... 'explosion' in that FMV.
I don't like after Braska's Final Aeon, as someone said up above Auto Life Ruins the game.. i would of thought that Squaresoft would have made it alot harder than it was..
although i did that myself with having my aeons so powerful...
Even though the final boss is pretty easy, I found that Super Omega, the last monster you get when completing the capture subquest is impossible and the Dark Magnus Sisters arn't to easy either. Might be because I struggle to get those special weapons the ones where you have to bounce of lighting and capture butterfiles. So at least like all other final fantasys there are many other harder challenges than the final story line boss.